[mono-android] Automatic activity start

Jonathan Pryor jonp at xamarin.com
Thu Dec 15 12:03:20 EST 2011

On Dec 15, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Martyn Wendon wrote:
> Can anybody see any problem with the following?
>     [BroadcastReceiver]
>     [IntentFilter(new[] { Android.Content.Intent.ActionBootCompleted },
>             Categories = new[] { Android.Content.Intent.CategoryDefault }
>     )]
>     public class BootReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
>     {  
>         public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
>         {
>             Log.Debug("ReceiveBoot.OnReceive", "Received Intent " + intent.Action);
>             if ((intent.Action != null) && (intent.Action == Android.Content.Intent.ActionBootCompleted))
>             {
>                 Log.Debug("ReceiveBoot.OnReceive", "Received ActionBootCompleted Intent");
>                 Android.Content.Intent start = new Android.Content.Intent(context, typeof(ActivityTest));
>                 start.AddFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask);
>                 context.ApplicationContext.StartActivity(start);

Try using context.StartActivity() instead of context.ApplicationContext.StartActivity().

Another important question is this: what platform are you running on? Honeycomb changed things so that apps won't get the BOOT_COMPLETED notification unless the user has launched the app at least once, so if you just install your app then reboot the device, you won't get the notification.

 - Jon

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