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It is important that *both* the MonoDevelop solution file and project files
remain in sync with the autotools build scripts.
If you add a new snippet, add it under src/, and use the NotificationAreaIcon
snippet as an example for creating the Mono Develop project file and the
autotools file.
Basically, here's how to create a new snippet named "NewSnippet":
[edit to output src/NewSnippet/Makefile]
edit mono-snippets.mds and add the following entry to the <Entries> element,
replacing NewSnippet with the name of your snippet:
<Entry filename="./src/NewSnippet/snippet.mdp" />
cd src/
cp -rf NotificationAreaIcon NewSnippet
[edit; add "NewSnippet" to SUBDIRS]
cd NewSnippet
edit; change the SNIPPET_NAME and SOURCE variables to
the name of your snippet (same name as the directory, "NewSnippet")
and add names of the .cs source files
edit snippet.mdp to reflect name change from NotificationAreaIcon to
NewSnippet. A simple search/replace should be all that is needed.
Snippets should be relatively short. Just one main class and a sample of
using the class. The class .cs file should have the same name as the sample
directory (i.e. the main class for the NewSnippet snippet is NewSnippet.cs),
and the sample code should be in a file Sample.cs. This keeps the snippets