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<p>The Mono Developers Meeting is a place for users and
developers of the open
source <a href="">Mono project</a>
to get together. We
plan on having informative sessions on the project status from
different maintainers in the project and also on projects
related to Mono.
<p><b>Important:</b> We are trying to determine how many
people would be able to attend the meeting so we can book a
venue that would properly accomodate the audience.
<p>To help us plan this event, please list your name in
the <a href="registration.aspx">registration</a> page.
<p>The event will be held on the 23rd and 24th of October.
<p>If contributors can stay longer, we will try to find space
at the Novell offices for joint development sessions after the
<a name="talks"/>
<h1>Talks and Topics</h1>
<p>We will organize talks on various areas of Mono by the
maintainers and contributors to those components.
<li>Mono project Roadmap (Miguel de Icaza, Novell).
running .NET code on Java (Noam Lampert, Mainsoft).
<li>ASP.NET status (Mainsoft, Novell joint presentation).
<li>Runtime developments and optimization.
<li>Sandboxing discussion (Sebastien Pouliot, Novell).
<li>State of 2.0 API support.
<li>Compacting Garbage Collector (Paolo Molaro, Novell).
<li><a href="">Gtk#</a>, roadmap, applications, plans (Mike Kestner, Novell).
<li><a href="">Windows.Forms</a> development and plans (Chris Toshok, Novell).
<li>Debugging in Mono (Martin Baulig, Novell).
<li>MonoDevelop IDE and Stetic GUI designer (Lluis Sánchez, Novell).
<li><a href="">F-Spot</a> (Larry Ewing, Novell).
<p><b>Plans and Future</b>
<li>Crimson Project (Sebastien Pouliot, Novell).
<li>Olive and Olive+ Projects (Atsushi Enomoto, Novell).
<li>Visual Studio integration.
<p>The plan is to have an open discussion with all the
contributors to the Mono project and its users about a number
of topics and lingering topics:
<li>Increasing the number of contributors.
<li>Documentation efforts.
<li>Internationalizing Mono.
<li>Things that we can improve, what to improve.
<li>Prioritize the most important components.
<p>If you have a suggestion for a talk on Mono or a
Mono-related technology, please email
<a href=" suggestion"></a>.
<p>Currently we are planning for having about 100 to 200
people attend the event,
please <a href="registration.aspx">register</a> to help us
plan the venue size and ensure that we have room for you.
<a name="location"/>
<p>The Mono Meeting will be held in <a
Hotel in Kendall Square</a>, Cambridge, MA in the US.
<p>For travel tips, see the <a
to Boston</a> page.
<p>If you have contacts at a University that might be
interested in hosting the event, please send us an email
<a href=""></a>