
258 строки
5.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Xml;
using Gtk;
using Gecko;
class MsdnView : Window {
NodeStore Store;
public MsdnView () : base ("Msdn View")
DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (1024,1024);
HPaned hb = new HPaned ();
Store = new NodeStore (typeof (TreeNode));
WebControl wc = new WebControl ();
ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
NodeView view = new NodeView (Store);
view.HeadersVisible = false;
view.AppendColumn ("Name", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0);
sw.WidthRequest = 300;
InitTree ();
Add (hb);
hb.Add (sw);
hb.Add (wc);
sw.Add (view);
// Events
DeleteEvent += delegate {
Application.Quit ();
view.NodeSelection.Changed += delegate {
TreeNode n = (TreeNode) view.NodeSelection.SelectedNode;
if (n == null)
// Fool msdn's code that tries to detect if it
// is in a frame
string html = @"
<frame src='" + n.Href + @"?frame=true' />
wc.OpenStream (MsdnClient.BaseUrl, "text/html");
wc.AppendData (html);
wc.CloseStream ();
view.RowExpanded += delegate (object o, RowExpandedArgs args) {
TreeNode n = (TreeNode) Store.GetNode (args.Path);
n.PopulateChildrenAsync ();
void InitTree ()
Tree t = Tree.GetDefault ();
foreach (TreeNode n in t.Children) {
Store.AddNode (n);
n.PopulateGuiChildren ();
static void Main ()
Application.Init ();
new MsdnView ().ShowAll ();
Application.Run ();
static class MsdnClient {
static readonly XmlSerializer [] serializers = XmlSerializer.FromTypes (new Type [] {typeof (Tree), typeof (TreeNode)});
static readonly XmlSerializer tree_ser = serializers [0];
static readonly XmlSerializer node_ser = serializers [1];
// This is used by the dexplore.exe browser in whidbey beta
// 2. however, it seems to be extremely broken. Maybe they
// will fix it by RTM ;-).
public const string BaseUrl = "";
public const string TopXml = "/library/en-us/toc/msdnlibWhidbeytest/top.xml";
// Avalon, Indigo, Longhorn (or whatever lame names they got)'
// Sadly, because msft does not like to program for firefox,
// these don't actually do too much :-(.
public const string BaseUrl = "";
public const string TopXml = "/library/en-us/toc/winfxsdk/top.xml";
// Standard msdn
public const string BaseUrl = "";
public const string TopXml = "/library/en-us/toc/msdnlib/top.xml";
public static Stream OpenRead (string s)
// Pretend you are using a 56k connection ;-)
// Thread.Sleep (1000);
WebClient wc = new WebClient ();
wc.BaseAddress = BaseUrl;
return wc.OpenRead (s);
public static Tree OpenTree (string s)
return (Tree) tree_ser.Deserialize (MsdnClient.OpenRead (s));
public static TreeNode OpenTreeNode (string s)
return (TreeNode) node_ser.Deserialize (MsdnClient.OpenRead (s));
public class DummyNode : TreeNode {
public DummyNode () {
Title = "Loading...";
public class Tree : TreeNode {
public static Tree GetDefault ()
return MsdnClient.OpenTree (MsdnClient.TopXml);
public class TreeNode : Gtk.TreeNode {
public string NodeId;
[TreeNodeValue (Column=0)]
public string Title;
public string Href;
public string ParentXmlSrc;
public string NodeXmlSrc;
TreeNode [] children;
[XmlElement ("TreeNode"), XmlElement ("Tree", typeof (Tree))]
public TreeNode [] Children {
get {
return children;
set {
if (value == null)
ArrayList ar = new ArrayList (value.Length);
Flatten (ar, value);
children = (TreeNode []) ar.ToArray (typeof (TreeNode));
static void Flatten (ArrayList ar, TreeNode [] nodes)
foreach (TreeNode n in nodes) {
if (n is Tree) {
// Trees always seem to have nodes
// included in the xml, so I am not
// sure if the populaltion is
// necessary. But let's be safe
n.PopulateChildrenData ();
Flatten (ar, n.Children);
} else
ar.Add (n);
public void PopulateChildrenData ()
if (Children != null || NodeXmlSrc == null)
TreeNode n;
if (this is Tree)
// I've never seen this, but just in case...
n = MsdnClient.OpenTree (NodeXmlSrc);
n = MsdnClient.OpenTreeNode (NodeXmlSrc);
Children = n.Children;
bool populating;
public void PopulateChildrenAsync ()
// Fastpath filled ones
if (Children != null || NodeXmlSrc == null)
// Prevent race conditions. We don't need a CAS here
// because the population can only start from one
// thread. The issue is that this can be re-entered
// before we are done populating.
if (populating)
populating = true;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate {
PopulateChildrenData ();
Application.Invoke (delegate {
PopulateGuiChildren ();
public void PopulateGuiChildren ()
if (Children != null) {
foreach (TreeNode c in Children) {
AddChild (c);
c.PopulateGuiChildren ();
if (this [0] is DummyNode)
this.RemoveChild (this [0] as DummyNode);
} else if (NodeXmlSrc != null && ChildCount == 0)
AddChild (new DummyNode ());
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format ("TreeNode [{0}:{1}]", NodeId, Title);
public string ToStringRecurse ()
string s = this.ToString ();
if (Children != null) {
s += "\n{\n";
foreach (TreeNode c in Children)
s += c.ToStringRecurse () + "\n";
s += "}\n";
return s;