
155 строки
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#define GTK
#if GTK
using Gtk;
using NPlot.Gtk;
using NPlot;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
class X {
public static float[] makeDaub( int len )
float[] daub4_h =
{ 0.482962913145f, 0.836516303737f, 0.224143868042f, -0.129409522551f };
float[] daub4_g =
{ -0.129409522551f, -0.224143868042f, 0.836516303737f, -0.482962913145f };
float[] a = new float[len];
a[8] = 1.0f;
float[] t;
int ns = 4; // number smooth
while ( ns < len/2 ) {
t = (float[])a.Clone();
ns *= 2;
for ( int i=0; i<(ns*2); ++i )
a[i] = 0.0f;
// wavelet contribution
for ( int i=0; i<ns; ++i )
for ( int j=0; j<4; ++j )
a[(2*i+j)%(2*ns)] += daub4_g[j] * t[i+ns];
// smooth contribution
for ( int i=0; i<ns; ++i )
for ( int j=0; j<4; ++j )
a[(2*i+j)%(2*ns)] += daub4_h[j]*t[i];
return a;
static public void PlotWavelet(IPlotSurface2D plot)
// Create a new line plot from array data via the ArrayAdapter class.
LinePlot lp = new LinePlot();
lp.DataSource = makeDaub(256);
lp.Color = Color.Green;
Grid myGrid = new Grid();
myGrid.VerticalGridType = Grid.GridType.Fine;
myGrid.HorizontalGridType = Grid.GridType.Coarse;
// And add it to the plot surface
plot.Add( lp );
plot.Title = "Reversed / Upside down Daubechies Wavelet";
// Ok, the above will produce a decent default plot, but we would like to change
// some of the Y Axis details. First, we'd like lots of small ticks (10) between
// large tick values. Secondly, we'd like to draw a grid for the Y values. To do
// this, we create a new LinearAxis (we could also use Label, Log etc). Rather than
// starting from scratch, we use the constructor that takes an existing axis and
// clones it (values in the superclass Axis only are cloned). PlotSurface2D
// automatically determines a suitable axis when we add plots to it (merging
// current requirements with old requirements), and we use this as our starting
// point. Because we didn't specify which Y Axis we are using when we added the
// above line plot (there is one on the left - YAxis1 and one on the right - YAxis2)
// PlotSurface2D.Add assumed we were using YAxis1. So, we create a new axis based on
// YAxis1, update the details we want, then set the YAxis1 to be our updated one.
LinearAxis myAxis = new LinearAxis( plot.YAxis1 );
myAxis.NumberOfSmallTicks = 10;
plot.YAxis1 = myAxis;
// We would also like to modify the way in which the X Axis is printed. This time,
// we'll just modify the relevant PlotSurface2D Axis directly.
plot.XAxis1.WorldMax = 100.0f;
plot.PlotBackColor = Color.Beige;
plot.XAxis1.Reversed = true;
plot.YAxis1.Reversed = true;
// Force a re-draw of the control.
static public void PlotTest(IPlotSurface2D plotSurface)
plotSurface.Title = "My Title";
double[] a = {0, 2, 1, 4, double.NaN, double.NaN, 5, 8, 7, 9};
LinePlot lp = new LinePlot();
lp.DataSource = a;
lp.Label = "My Label";
plotSurface.Add( lp );
// plotSurface.Add( lp );
plotSurface.Legend = new Legend();
plotSurface.Legend.NeverShiftAxes = true;
plotSurface.Legend.HorizontalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside;
plotSurface.Legend.VerticalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside;
plotSurface.Legend.XOffset = -10;
plotSurface.Legend.YOffset = 10;
//plotSurface.AddAxesConstraint( new AxesConstraint.EqualSpacing() );
((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).Offset = 10.0;
((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).Scale = 27.0;
//((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).TicksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent = true;
//((LinearAxis)plotSurface.YAxis1).TicksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent = true;
static void Main ()
#if GTK
Application.Init ();
Window w = new Window ("Test");
w.DeleteEvent += delegate {
Application.Quit ();
NPlot.Gtk.PlotSurface2D plot = new NPlot.Gtk.PlotSurface2D ();
PlotTest (plot);
plot.Show ();
w.Add (plot);
w.ShowAll ();
Application.Run ();
NPlot.PlotSurface2D s = new NPlot.PlotSurface2D ();
Bitmap b = new Bitmap (1000, 1000);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage (b);
g.FillRectangle (Brushes.White, 0, 0, 1000, 1000);
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (0, 0, 1000, 1000);
PlotTest (s);
s.Draw (g, bounds);
b.Save ("file.png", ImageFormat.Png);