The members of a struct are the members declared in the struct and the members inherited from the struct's direct base class System.ValueType and the indirect base class object.
The members of a simple type correspond directly to the members of the struct type aliased by the simple type: The members of sbyte are the members of the System.SByte struct. The members of byte are the members of the System.Byte struct. The members of short are the members of the System.Int16 struct. The members of ushort are the members of the System.UInt16 struct. The members of int are the members of the System.Int32 struct. The members of uint are the members of the System.UInt32 struct. The members of long are the members of the System.Int64 struct. The members of ulong are the members of the System.UInt64 struct. The members of char are the members of the System.Char struct. The members of float are the members of the System.Single struct. The members of double are the members of the System.Double struct. The members of decimal are the members of the System.Decimal struct. The members of bool are the members of the System.Boolean struct.