
881 строка
25 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use Generator;
use Getopt::Long;
# Tuplize?
# Action<Tuple<...>> Tuplize<...>(Action<...> self)
# { return x => self (x._...);
# Func<Tuple<...>, TResult> Tuplize<...>(Func<..., TResult> self)
# { return x => self (x._...);
my $n = 1;
my $namespace = "Mono.Rocks";
my $output = "Delegates.cs";
my $help = undef;
GetOptions (
"n|count=i", \$n,
"o|output=s", \$output,
"namespace=s", \$namespace,
"h|?|help", \$help
if ($help) {
print <<EOF;
$0 [-n N] [-o FILE] [-h]
Create a C# file containing extension methods for various delegate types.
-n, --count=N The number of types to generate. Default is 1.
-o, --output=FILE The file to create. Default is `Curry.cs'.
--namespace=NS Place the types within the namespace NS.
Default is `Mono.Rocks'.
-h, -?, --help Show this message and exit.
exit 0;
if ($n < 1) {
print STDERR "error: n must be >= 1, was $n\n";
exit 1;
my $handle = *STDOUT;
my $g = Generator->new ($handle);
my $header = <<EOF;
// $output: Extension methods for various delegate types.
// To regenerate this code, execute: $0 -n $n -o $output
// Copyright (c) 2008 Novell, Inc. (
$g->Write ($header);
$g->WriteLicense ();
$g->Write ("using System;\n");
$g->Write ("using System.Collections.Generic;\n");
$g->Write ("using System.Diagnostics;\n");
$g->Write ("using System.Linq.Expressions;\n\n");
$g->Namespace ($namespace, sub {
$g->Write ("\n");
qq(Provides extension methods on <see cref="T:System.Action{T}"/>,
<see cref="T:System.Func{T,TResult}"/>, and related delegates.));
$g->XmlRemarks (
<see cref="T:Mono.Rocks.DelegateRocks" /> provides methods methods for:
<list type="bullet">
Delegate currying and partial application (<see cref="M:Mono.Rocks.DelegateRocks.Curry" />)
Delegate composition (<see cref="M:Mono.Rocks.DelegateRocks.Compose" />)
Timing generation (<see cref="M:Mono.Rocks.DelegateRocks.Timings" />)
Currying via partial application is a way to easily transform
functions which accept N arguments into functions which accept
N-1 arguments, by "fixing" arguments with a value.
<code lang="C#">
// partial application:
Func&lt;int,int,int,int&gt; function = (int a, int b, int c) => a + b + c;
Func&lt;int,int,int&gt; f_3 = function.Curry (3);
Func&lt;int&gt; f_321 = function.Curry (3, 2, 1);
Console.WriteLine (f_3 (2, 1)); // prints (3 + 2 + 1) == "6"
Console.WriteLine (f_321 ()); // prints (3 + 2 + 1) == "6"</code>
"Traditional" currying converts a delegate that accepts N arguments
into a delegate which accepts only one argument, but when invoked may
return a further delegate (etc.) until the final value is returned.
<code lang="C#">
// traditional currying:
Func&lt;int, Func&lt;int, Func&lt;int, int&gt;&gt;&gt; curry = function.Curry ();
Func&lt;int, Func&lt;int, int&gt;&gt; fc_1 = curry (1);
Func&lt;int, int&gt; fc_12 = fc_1 (2);
Console.WriteLine (fc_12 (3)); // prints (3 + 2 + 1) == "6"
Console.WriteLine (curry (3)(2)(1)); // prints (3 + 2 + 1) == "6"</code>
Composition is a way to easy chain (or pipe) together multiple delegates
so that the return value of a "composer" delegate is used as the input
parameter for the chained delegate:
<code lang="C#">
var tostring = Lambda.F ((int n) => n.ToString ());
var doubler = Lambda.F ((int n) => n * 2);
var double_then_tostring = tostring.Compose (doubler);
Console.WriteLine (double_then_tostring (5));
// Prints "10";</code>
All possible argument and return delegate permutations are provided
for the <see cref="T:System.Action{T}"/>,
<see cref="T:System.Func{T,TResult}"/>, and related types.
$g->Type ("public static partial class DelegateRocks ", sub {
for (my $ntypes = 1; $ntypes <= $n; ++$ntypes) {
for (my $nret = 0; $nret < $ntypes; ++$nret) {
$g->Write ("\n");
create_delegate_doc ($g, $nret, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocAction ($ntypes), action_ret_xml ($nret, $ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { action_ret_type ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { action_curry ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { action_args ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { curry_body ($g, $nret, $ntypes); }
$g->Write ("\n");
create_tuple_doc ($g, $nret, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocAction ($ntypes), action_ret_xml ($nret, $ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { action_ret_type ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { action_curry ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { action_tuple_args ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { tuple_body ($g, $nret, $ntypes); }
$g->Write ("\n");
create_delegate_doc ($g, $nret, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocFunc ($ntypes), func_ret_xml ($nret, $ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { func_ret_type ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { func_curry ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { func_args ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { curry_body ($g, $nret, $ntypes); }
$g->Write ("\n");
create_tuple_doc ($g, $nret, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocFunc ($ntypes), func_ret_xml ($nret, $ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { func_ret_type ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { func_curry ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { func_tuple_args ($g, $nret, $ntypes); },
sub { tuple_body ($g, $nret, $ntypes); }
$g->Write ("\n");
create_timings_doc ($g, Generator::GetDocAction (0), 0);
$g->Method (
"public static IEnumerable<TimeSpan> ",
sub { timings ($g, 0); },
sub { timings_args ($g, 0); },
sub { timings_body ($g, 0); }
$g->Write ("\n");
create_timings_doc ($g, Generator::GetDocAction (0), 0, 1);
$g->Method (
"public static IEnumerable<TimeSpan> ",
sub { timings ($g, 0); },
sub { timings_args_full ($g, 0); },
sub { timings_body_full ($g, 0); }
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Method (
"private static IEnumerable<TimeSpan> ",
sub { timings_iter ($g, 0); },
sub { timings_iter_args ($g, 0); },
sub { timings_iter_body ($g, 0); }
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Write ("//\n");
$g->Write ("// \"Real\" currying method idea courtesy of:\n");
$g->Write ("//\n");
$g->Write ("//\n\n");
for (my $ntypes = 1; $ntypes <= $n; ++$ntypes) {
$g->Write ("\n");
create_compose_doc ($g, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocAction ($ntypes+1, $ntypes+1),
Generator::GetDocAction ($ntypes+1, 1, $ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { action_compose_ret_type ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { action_compose ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { compose_action_args ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { compose_body ($g, $ntypes); }
$g->Write ("\n");
create_compose_doc ($g, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocFunc ($ntypes+1, $ntypes+1),
Generator::GetDocFunc ($ntypes+1, 1, $ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { func_compose_ret_type ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { func_compose ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { compose_func_args ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { compose_body ($g, $ntypes); }
$g->Write ("\n");
create_tcurry_doc ($g, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocAction ($ntypes), tcurry_action_ret_xmls ($ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { action_tcurry_ret_type ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { action_tcurry ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { tcurry_action_args ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { tcurry_body ($g, $ntypes); },
$g->Write ("\n");
create_tcurry_doc ($g, $ntypes,
Generator::GetDocFunc ($ntypes), tcurry_func_ret_xmls ($ntypes));
$g->Method (
sub { func_tcurry_ret_type ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { func_tcurry ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { tcurry_func_args ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { tcurry_body ($g, $ntypes); },
$g->Write ("\n");
create_timings_doc ($g, Generator::GetDocAction ($ntypes), $ntypes);
$g->Method (
"public static IEnumerable<TimeSpan> ",
sub { timings ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { timings_args ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { timings_body ($g, $ntypes); },
$g->Write ("\n");
create_timings_doc ($g, Generator::GetDocAction ($ntypes), $ntypes, 1);
$g->Method (
"public static IEnumerable<TimeSpan> ",
sub { timings ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { timings_args_full ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { timings_body_full ($g, $ntypes); },
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Method (
"private static IEnumerable<TimeSpan> ",
sub { timings_iter ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { timings_iter_args ($g, $ntypes); },
sub { timings_iter_body ($g, $ntypes); },
sub action_ret_type {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("public static ")->Action ($nret);
my $ret_start = $ntypes - $nret + 1;
if ($nret) {
$g->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes, $ret_start);
$g->Write (">");
sub action_curry {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("\n\tCurry<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (">");
sub action_args {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")->Action ($nret)->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write ("> self, ");
$g->MethodParameterList ($ntypes, 1, $ntypes - $nret);
sub action_tuple_args {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")->Action ($nret)->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write ("> self, ");
$g->Write ("Tuple<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes, 1, $ntypes - $nret)->Write ("> values");
sub curry_body {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
my $ret_start = $ntypes - $nret + 1;
$g->Write ("Check.Self (self);\n\n");
$g->Write ("return (");
if ($nret) {
$g->ValueList ($ntypes, $ret_start);
$g->Write (") => self (");
$g->ValueList ($ntypes, 1, $ntypes - $nret);
if ($nret) {
$g->Write (", ");
$g->ValueList ($ntypes, $ret_start);
$g->Write (");\n");
sub tuple_body {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
my $ret_start = $ntypes - $nret + 1;
$g->Write ("Check.Self (self);\n");
$g->Write ("return (");
if ($nret) {
$g->ValueList ($ntypes, $ret_start);
$g->Write (") => self (");
$g->Write ("values._1");
for (my $i = 2; $i <= $ntypes - $nret; ++$i) {
$g->Write (", ")->Write ("values._$i");
if ($nret) {
$g->Write (", ");
$g->ValueList ($ntypes, $ret_start);
$g->Write (");\n");
sub func_ret_type {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("public static ")->Func ($nret)->Write ("<");
my $ret_start = $ntypes - $nret + 1;
if ($nret) {
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes, $ret_start);
$g->Write (", ");
$g->Write ("TResult>");
sub func_ret_xml {
my ($nret, $ntypes) = @_;
my $t = Generator::GetDocFuncType ($nret) . "{";
if ($nret) {
$t .= Generator::GetTypeParameterList ($ntypes, $ntypes - $nret + 1) . ", ";
$t .= "TResult}";
return $t;
sub func_curry {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("\n\tCurry<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", TResult>");
sub func_args {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")->Func ($nret)->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", TResult> self, ");
$g->MethodParameterList ($ntypes, 1, $ntypes - $nret);
sub func_tuple_args {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")->Func ($nret)->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", TResult> self, ");
$g->Write ("Tuple<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes, 1, $ntypes - $nret)->Write ("> values");
sub action_ret_type {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("public static ")->Action ($nret);
my $ret_start = $ntypes - $nret + 1;
if ($nret) {
$g->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes, $ret_start);
$g->Write (">");
sub action_ret_xml {
my ($nret, $ntypes) = @_;
return Generator::GetDocActionType ($nret) .
($nret > 0 ? "{" . Generator::GetTypeParameterList ($ntypes, $ntypes - $nret + 1) . "}" : "");
sub create_curry_doc {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes, $tself, $tret, $values) = @_;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $ntypes; ++$i) {
$g->XmlTypeparam (Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes, $i),
"A <see cref=\"T:$tself\"/> parameter type.");
if ($tself =~ m/Func/) {
$g->XmlTypeparam ("TResult", "The <see cref=\"T:$tself\"/> return type.");
$g->XmlParam ("self",
"The <see cref=\"T:$tself\"/> to curry.");
$g->XmlSummary ("Creates a <see cref=\"T:$tret\"/> delegate.");
$g->XmlReturns (
qq(Returns a <see cref="T:$tret"/> which, when invoked, will
invoke <paramref name="self"/> along with the provided fixed parameters.));
$g->XmlException ("System.ArgumentNullException",
qq(<paramref name="self" /> is <see langword="null" />.));
# $g->XmlRemarks ("");
sub create_delegate_doc {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes, $tself, $tret) = @_;
create_curry_doc ($g, $nret, $ntypes, $tself, $tret, sub {
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $ntypes - $nret; ++$i) {
my $tp = Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes, $i);
$g->XmlParam (Generator::GetValue ($ntypes, $i),
"A value of type <typeparamref name=\"$tp\"/> to fix.");
sub create_tuple_doc {
my ($g, $nret, $ntypes, $tself, $tret) = @_;
create_curry_doc ($g, $nret, $ntypes, $tself, $tret, sub {
$g->XmlParam ("values",
"A value of type <see cref=\"T:Mono.Rocks.Tuple{" .
Generator::GetTypeParameterList ($ntypes, 1, $ntypes - $nret) .
"}\"/> which contains the values to fix.");
sub create_compose_doc {
my ($g, $ntypes, $tself, $tret) = @_;
my $targ = Generator::GetDocFunc ($ntypes+1, 1, $ntypes,
Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes+1, $ntypes+1));
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $ntypes; ++$i) {
$g->XmlTypeparam (Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes+1, $i),
"A <see cref=\"T:$targ\" /> parameter type.");
$g->XmlTypeparam (Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes+1, $ntypes+1),
"The <see cref=\"T:$targ\" /> return type, and <see cref=\"T:$tself\" /> argument type.");
if ($tself =~ m/Func/) {
$g->XmlTypeparam ("TResult", "The <see cref=\"T:$tself\"/> return type.");
$g->XmlParam ("self",
qq(The <see cref="T:$tself" /> to compose.));
$g->XmlParam ("composer",
qq(The <see cref="T:$targ" /> to compose with <paramref name="self" />.));
$g->XmlSummary ("Creates a <see cref=\"T:$tret\"/> delegate.");
$g->XmlReturns (
qq(Returns a <see cref="T:$tret" /> which, when invoked, will
invoke <paramref name="composer" /> and pass the return value of
<paramref name="composer" /> to <paramref name="self" />.));
$g->XmlException ("System.ArgumentNullException",
qq(<paramref name="self" /> or <paramref name="composer" /> is <see langword="null" />.));
$g->XmlRemarks (
Composition is useful for chaining delegates together, so that the
return value of <paramref name="composer" /> is automatically used as
the input parameter for <paramref name="self" />.
<code lang="C#">
var tostring = Lambda.F ((int n) => n.ToString ());
var doubler = Lambda.F ((int n) => n * 2);
var double_then_tostring = tostring.Compose (doubler);
Console.WriteLine (double_then_tostring (5));
// Prints "10";</code>));
sub action_compose_ret_type {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("public static ")->Action ($ntypes);
$g->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1, 1, $ntypes);
$g->Write (">");
sub func_compose_ret_type {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("public static ")->Func ($ntypes);
$g->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1, 1, $ntypes);
$g->Write (", TResult>");
sub action_compose {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("\n\tCompose<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1);
$g->Write (">");
sub compose_action_args {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")
->Action ($ntypes)->Write ("<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1, $ntypes+1, $ntypes+1)->Write ("> self, ");
$g->Func ($ntypes)->Write ("<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1, 1, $ntypes+1)->Write ("> composer");
sub func_compose {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("\n\tCompose<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1);
$g->Write (", TResult>");
sub compose_func_args {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")
->Func ($ntypes)->Write ("<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1, $ntypes+1, $ntypes+1)->Write (", TResult> self, ");
$g->Func ($ntypes)->Write ("<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes+1)->Write ("> composer");
sub compose_body {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("Check.Self (self);\n");
$g->Write ("Check.Composer (composer);\n\n");
$g->Write ("return (");
$g->ValueList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (") => self (composer (");
$g->ValueList ($ntypes);
$g->Write ("));\n");
sub create_tcurry_doc {
my ($g, $ntypes, $tself, @trets) = @_;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $ntypes; ++$i) {
$g->XmlTypeparam (Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes, $i),
"A <see cref=\"T:$tself\" /> parameter type.");
if ($tself =~ m/Func/) {
$g->XmlTypeparam ("TResult", "The <see cref=\"T:$tself\"/> return type.");
$g->XmlParam ("self", qq(The <see cref="T:$tself" /> to curry.));
my $rets = qq(A <see cref="T:)
. join ("\" /> which, when invoked, will return \na <see cref=\"T:", @trets)
. "\" /> which, when invoked, will invoke <paramref name=\"self\" />";
if ($tself =~ m/Func/) {
$rets .= "\nand return the value that <paramref name=\"self\" /> returned";
$rets .= ".";
$g->XmlSummary ("Creates a <see cref=\"T:$trets[0]\"/> for currying.");
$g->XmlReturns ($rets);
$g->XmlRemarks (
This is the more "traditional" view of currying, turning a method
which takes <c>(X * Y)-&gt;Z</c> (i.e. separate arguments) into a
<c>X -&gt; (Y -&gt; Z)</c> (that is a "chain" of nested Funcs such that
you provide only one argument to each Func until you provide enough
arguments to invoke the original method).
<code lang="C#">
Func&lt;int,int,int,int&gt; function = (int a, int b, int c) =&gt; a + b + c;
Func&lt;int,Func&lt;int,Func&lt;int, int&gt;&gt;&gt; curry = function.Curry ();
Assert.AreEqual(6, curry (3)(2)(1));</code>));
$g->XmlException ("System.ArgumentNullException",
qq(<paramref name="self" /> is <see langword="null" />.));
sub tcurry_action_ret_xmls {
my ($ntypes) = @_;
my @r = ();
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $ntypes; ++$i) {
push @r, tcurry_action_ret_xml ($ntypes, $i);
return @r;
sub tcurry_action_ret_xml {
my ($ntypes, $start) = @_;
my $r = "";
for (my $i = $start; $i < $ntypes; ++$i) {
$r .= "System.Func{" . Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes, $i) . ",";
$r .= "System.Action{" . Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes, $ntypes) . "}";
$r .= "}" x ($ntypes - $start);
return $r;
sub tcurry_func_ret_xml {
my ($ntypes, $start) = @_;
my $r = "";
for (my $i = $start; $i < $ntypes; ++$i) {
$r .= "System.Func{" . Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes, $i) . ",";
$r .= "System.Func{" . Generator::GetTypeParameter ($ntypes, $ntypes) . ",TResult}";
$r .= "}" x ($ntypes - $start);
return $r;
sub tcurry_func_ret_xmls {
my ($ntypes) = @_;
my @r = ();
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $ntypes; ++$i) {
push @r, tcurry_func_ret_xml ($ntypes, $i);
return @r;
sub action_tcurry_ret_type {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("public static ");
for (my $i = 1; $i < $ntypes; ++$i) {
$g->Write ("Func<")->TypeParameter ($ntypes, $i)->Write (", ");
$g->Write ("Action<")->TypeParameter ($ntypes, $ntypes)->Write (">");
$g->Write (">" x ($ntypes-1));
sub func_tcurry_ret_type {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("public static ");
for (my $i = 1; $i < $ntypes; ++$i) {
$g->Write ("Func<")->TypeParameter ($ntypes, $i)->Write (", ");
$g->Write ("Func<")->TypeParameter ($ntypes, $ntypes)->Write (", TResult>");
$g->Write (">" x ($ntypes-1));
sub action_tcurry {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("\n\tCurry<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (">");
sub func_tcurry {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("\n\tCurry<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", TResult>");
sub tcurry_action_args {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")->Action ($ntypes)->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write ("> self");
sub tcurry_func_args {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")->Func ($ntypes)->Write ("<");
$g->TypeParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", TResult> self");
sub tcurry_body {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("Check.Self (self);\n\n");
if ($ntypes == 1) {
$g->Write ("return self;\n");
$g->Write ("return ")->Value ($ntypes, 1);
for (my $i = 2; $i <= $ntypes; ++$i) {
$g->Write (" => ")->Value ($ntypes, $i);
$g->Write (" => self (")->ValueList ($ntypes)->Write (");\n");
sub action_cref {
my ($n) = @_;
my $cref = Generator::GetDocActionType ($n);
if ($n > 0) {
$cref .= "{``0";
for (my $i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$cref .= ",``$i";
$cref .= "}";
return $cref;
sub create_timings_doc {
my ($g, $tself, $nargs, $full) = @_;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $nargs; ++$i) {
$g->XmlTypeparam (Generator::GetTypeParameter ($nargs, $i),
"A <see cref=\"T:$tself\" /> parameter type.");
$g->XmlParam ("self", qq(The <see cref="T:$tself" /> to generate timings for.));
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $nargs; ++$i) {
$g->XmlParam (Generator::GetValue ($nargs, $i),
"The " . Generator::Nth ($i) . " <paramref name=\"self\"/> parameter value.");
$g->XmlParam ("runs",
qq(The number of <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> values to return.));
$g->XmlParam ("loopsPerRun",
qq(The number of times to execute <paramref name="self" /> for each
<see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value returned.)) if $full;
$g->XmlSummary ("Get timing information for delegate invocations.");
$g->XmlReturns (
qq(An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.TimeSpan}" />
which will return the timing information for <paramref name="self" />.));
if (defined $full) {
$g->XmlRemarks (
Generates <paramref name="runs" /> <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />
instances, in which each <c>TimeSpan</c> instance is the amount of time
required to execute <paramref name="self" /> for
<paramref name="loopsPerRun" /> times.
} else {
my $alt = "Mono.Rocks.DelegateRocks.Timings"
. ($nargs == 0 ? "" : "``$nargs")
. "(" . action_cref ($nargs);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nargs; ++$i) {
$alt .= ",``$i";
$alt .= ",System.Int32,System.Int32)";
$g->XmlRemarks (
"<para>\n" .
" This is equivalent to calling\n" .
" <see cref=\"M:$alt\"/>\n" .
" with a <paramref name=\"loopsPerRun\" /> value of <c>1</c>,\n" .
" e.g. as if by calling <c>self.Timing (" .
Generator::GetValueList ($nargs) .
($nargs == 0 ? "" : ", ") .
"runs, 1)</c>.\n" .
$g->Write ("/// <seealso cref=\"M:$alt\" />\n");
$g->XmlException ("System.ArgumentException",
<paramref name="runs" /> is negative.
</para>) .
(defined ($full)
? qq(
<paramref name="loopsPerRun" /> is negative.
: ""));
$g->XmlException ("System.ArgumentNullException",
qq(<paramref name="self" /> is <see langword="null" />.));
sub timings {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("Timings");
if ($ntypes > 0) {
$g->Write ("<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes)->Write (">");
sub timings_args {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("this ")->Action ($ntypes);
if ($ntypes == 0) {
$g->Write (" self");
else {
$g->Write ("<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes)->Write ("> self, ")
->MethodParameterList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", int runs");
sub timings_args_full {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
timings_args ($g, $ntypes);
$g->Write (", int loopsPerRun");
sub timings_body {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("return Timings (self");
if ($ntypes > 0) {
$g->Write (", ")->ValueList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", runs, 1);\n");
sub timings_body_full {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("Check.Self (self);\n\n");
$g->Write ("if (runs < 0)\n");
$g->Write ("\tthrow new ArgumentException (\"negative values aren't supported\", \"runs\");\n");
$g->Write ("if (loopsPerRun < 0)\n");
$g->Write ("\tthrow new ArgumentException (\"negative values aren't supported\", \"loopsPerRun\");\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Write ("return CreateTimingsIterator (self");
if ($ntypes > 0) {
$g->Write (", ")->ValueList ($ntypes);
$g->Write (", runs, loopsPerRun);\n");
sub timings_iter {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("CreateTimingsIterator");
if ($ntypes > 0) {
$g->Write ("<")->TypeParameterList ($ntypes)->Write (">");
sub timings_iter_args {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
timings_args_full ($g, $ntypes);
sub timings_iter_body {
my ($g, $ntypes) = @_;
$g->Write ("// Ensure that required methods are already JITed\n");
$g->Write ("Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew ();\n");
$g->Write ("self (")->ValueList ($ntypes)->Write (");\n");
$g->Write ("watch.Stop ();\n");
$g->Write ("watch.Reset ();\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Write ("for (int i = 0; i < runs; ++i) {\n");
$g->Write ("\twatch.Start ();\n");
$g->Write ("\tfor (int j = 0; j < loopsPerRun; ++j)\n");
$g->Write ("\t\tself (")->ValueList ($ntypes)->Write (");\n");
$g->Write ("\twatch.Stop ();\n");
$g->Write ("\tyield return watch.Elapsed;\n");
$g->Write ("\twatch.Reset ();\n");
$g->Write ("}\n");