
360 строки
12 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use Generator;
use Getopt::Long;
my $n = 2;
my $namespace = "Mono.Rocks";
my $output = "Eithers.cs";
my $help = undef;
GetOptions (
"n|count=i", \$n,
"o|output=s", \$output,
"namespace=s", \$namespace,
"h|?|help", \$help
if ($help) {
print <<EOF;
$0 [-n N] [-o FILE] [-h]
Create a C# file containing N Either types.
-n, --count=N The number of types to generate. Defaults is 1.
-o, --output=FILE The file to create. Default is `Tuples.cs'.
--namespace=NS Place the types within the namespace NS.
Default is `Mono.Rocks'.
-h, -?, --help Show this message and exit.
exit 0;
if ($n < 2) {
print STDERR "error: n must be > 1, was $n\n";
exit 1;
my $handle = *STDOUT;
my $g = Generator->new ($handle);
my $header = <<EOF;
// $output: Either types.
// To regenerate this code, execute: $0 -n $n -o $output
// Copyright (c) 2008 Novell, Inc. (
$g->Write ($header);
$g->WriteLicense ();
$g->Write ("using System;\n");
$g->Write ("using System.Collections.Generic;\n\n");
$g->Namespace ($namespace, sub {
for (my $i = 2; $i <= $n; ++$i) {
create_either ($g, $i);
sub create_either {
my ($g, $n) = @_;
my $type = "Mono.Rocks.Either{" . Generator::GetTypeParameterList ($n) . "}";
my $typeN = "Mono.Rocks.Either`$n";
my $fold = "$type.Fold``1(" . create_xmldoc_fold_args ($n) . ")";
$g->Write ("\n");
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $n; ++$i) {
$g->XmlTypeparam (Generator::GetTypeParameter ($n, $i),
"The " . Generator::Nth ($i) . " value type.");
$g->XmlSummary ("A union of $n values.");
$g->XmlRemarks (
An <c>Either</c> is an immutable, strongly typed union of variously
typed values with each value lacking an otherwise meaningful name aside
from its position, which is not exposed. It stores only one (non-null)
value from a set of types (as determined by the type parameter list).
The value held by a <see cref="T:$type" /> instance
can be converted into a value by using the
<see cref="M:$fold" /> method.
<c>Fold</c> takes a list of delegates to perform the conversion; the
delegate used to perform the conversion is based upon the internal
position of the value stored.
<c>Either</c> instances are created through one of the following
creation methods:
<list type="bullet">
@{[ create_xmldoc_creators ($n, $type) ]}
<code lang="C#">
var a = Either&lt;double, string&gt;.A (Math.PI); // value stored in 1st position
int r = a.Fold (
v => (int) v, // 1st position converter
v => v.Length); // 2nd position converter
Console.WriteLine (r); // prints 3</code>));
$g->Type (
sub {
$g->Write ("public abstract class Either<")->TypeParameterList ($n)->Write (">\n")
->Write ("\t: IEquatable<Either<")->TypeParameterList ($n)->Write (">>\n");
sub {
$g->Method ("private ", "Either", sub {}, sub {});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->XmlParam ("value",
qq(A <typeparamref name="T@{[ $i+1 ]}" /> containing the value
to provide to the @{[ Generator::Nth ($i+1) ]}
<see cref="M:$fold" />
$g->XmlSummary (
qq(Creates a <see cref="T:$type" /> instance which
holds a <typeparamref name="@{[ Generator::GetTypeParameter ($n, $i+1) ]}" /> value.));
$g->XmlReturns (
qq(A <see cref="T:$type" /> instance which holds a
holds a <typeparamref name="@{[ Generator::GetTypeParameter ($n, $i+1) ]}" /> value.));
$g->XmlRemarks (qq(<para>
<see cref="M:$fold" />
is invoked,
the returned <see cref="T:$type" /> instance
will invoke the @{[ Generator::Nth ($i+1) ]} delegate
for conversions.
"<paramref name=\"value\" /> is <see langword=\"null\" />.");
$g->Method (
sub {
$g->Write ("public static Either<")
->TypeParameterList ($n)->Write ("> ");
sub {
$g->Write (get_creator ($i));
sub { $g->TypeParameter ($n, $i+1)->Write (" value"); },
sub {
$g->Write ("if (value == null)\n")
->Write ("\tthrow new ArgumentNullException (\"value\");\n");
$g->Write ("return new ")
->Write (get_creator ($i))->Write ("Handler (value);\n")
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->XmlTypeparam ("TResult", qq(The type to convert the <see cref="T:$type" /> to.));
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
my $t = Generator::GetTypeParameter ($n, $i+1);
$g->XmlParam (get_creator ($i, 'a'),
qq(A <see cref="T:System.Func{$t,TResult}" />
used if the <see cref="T:$type" /> stores a
<typeparamref name="$t" /> value into a
<typeparamref name="TResult" /> value.));
$g->XmlSummary (qq(Converts a <see cref="T:$type" /> into a <typeparamref name="TResult" /> value.));
$g->XmlReturns (qq(A <typeparamref name="TResult" /> as generated by one
of the conversion delegate parameters.));
$g->XmlRemarks (qq(<para>
Converts a <see cref="T:$type" /> into a <typeparamref name="TResult" />
by invoking one of the provided delegate parameters.
The parameter which is invoked is predicated upon the internal position of
the value held. For example, if the internal value is in the first position
(i.e. <see cref="M:$type.A(`0)" />
was used to create the <see cref="T:$type" /> instance), then
<paramref name="a" /> (the first delegate parameter) will be invoked to
convert the <typeparamref name="T1" /> into a
<typeparamref name="TResult" />.
my $ane_docs = "<para>\n" .
" <paramref name=\"a\" /> is <see langword=\"null\" />.\n" .
for (my $i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$ane_docs .= "<para>\n -or-\n</para>\n<para>\n " .
"<paramref name=\"" . get_creator ($i, 'a') .
"\" /> is <see langword=\"null\" />.\n" .
$g->XmlException ("System.ArgumentNullException", $ane_docs);
$g->Write ("public abstract TResult Fold<TResult> (");
$g->Write ("Func<")->TypeParameter ($n, 1)->Write (", TResult> ")
->Write (get_creator (0, 'a'));
for (my $i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$g->Write (", Func<")->TypeParameter ($n, $i+1)->Write (", TResult> ")
->Write (get_creator ($i, 'a'));
$g->Write (");\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Method ("private static void ", "CheckFolders<TResult>",
sub {
$g->Write ("Func<")->TypeParameter ($n, 1)->Write (", TResult> ")
->Write (get_creator (0, 'a'));
for (my $i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$g->Write (", Func<")->TypeParameter ($n, $i+1)->Write (", TResult> ")
->Write (get_creator ($i, 'a'));
sub {
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$g->Write ("if (")->Write (get_creator ($i, 'a'))
->Write (" == null)\n\tthrow new ArgumentNullException (\"")
->Write (get_creator ($i, 'a'))->Write ("\");\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->XmlParam ("obj", "A <see cref=\"T:System.Object\"/> to compare this instance against.");
$g->XmlSummary ("Determines whether the current instance and the specified object have the same value.");
$g->XmlReturns (qq(<para>
<see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="obj"/> is a
<see cref="T:$type"/> and each member of <paramref name="obj"/>
and the current instance have the same value (according to
<see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)"/>); otherwise
<see langword="false"/> is returned.
$g->XmlRemarks (qq(<para>
This method checks for value equality
(<see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)"/>), as defined by each
value type.
<block subset="none" type="note">
This method overrides <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)"/>.
$g->Write ("public override abstract bool Equals (object obj);\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->XmlParam ("obj", "A <see cref=\"T:$type\"/> to compare this instance against.");
$g->XmlSummary ("Determines whether the current instance and the specified <see cref=\"T:$type\"/> have the same value.");
$g->XmlReturns (qq(<para>
<see langword="true"/> if each member of <paramref name="obj"/>
and the current instance have the same value (according to
<see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)"/>); otherwise
<see langword="false"/> is returned.
$g->XmlRemarks (qq(<para>
This method checks for value equality
(<see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)"/>), as defined by each
value type.
$g->Write ("public abstract bool Equals (Either<")
->TypeParameterList ($n)->Write ("> obj);\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->XmlSummary ("Generates a hash code for the current instance.");
$g->XmlReturns ("A <see cref=\"T:System.Int32\"/> containing the hash code for this instance.");
$g->XmlRemarks (
<block subset="none" type="note">
This method overrides <see cref="M:System.Object.GetHashCode"/>.
$g->Write ("public override abstract int GetHashCode ();\n");
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$g->Write ("\n");
my $typeHandler = get_creator ($i) . "Handler";
$g->Type (
sub {
$g->Write ("private class ")->Write ($typeHandler)
->Write (" : Either<")->TypeParameterList ($n)->Write (">\n");
sub {
$g->Write ("private readonly ")->TypeParameter ($n, $i+1)->Write (" value;\n\n");
$g->Method ("public ", $typeHandler,
sub {
$g->TypeParameter ($n, $i+1)->Write (" value");
sub {
$g->Write ("this.value = value;\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Method ("public override int ", "GetHashCode", "", "return value.GetHashCode();\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Method ("public override bool ", "Equals", "object obj", sub {
$g->Write ("$typeHandler o = obj as $typeHandler;\n");
$g->Write ("if (o == null)\n")
->Write ("\treturn false;\n")
->Write ("return Equals (o);\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Method ("public override bool ", "Equals",
sub { $g->Write ("Either<")->TypeParameterList ($n)->Write ("> obj"); },
sub {
$g->Write ("$typeHandler o = obj as $typeHandler;\n");
$g->Write ("if (o == null)\n")
->Write ("\treturn false;\n");
$g->Write ("return EqualityComparer<")->TypeParameter ($n, $i+1)
->Write (">.Default.Equals (this.value, o.value);\n");
$g->Write ("\n");
$g->Method ("public override TResult ", "Fold<TResult>",
sub {
$g->Write ("Func<")->TypeParameter ($n, 1)->Write (", TResult> ")
->Write (get_creator (0, 'a'));
for (my $j = 1; $j < $n; ++$j) {
$g->Write (", Func<")->TypeParameter ($n, $j+1)->Write (", TResult> ")
->Write (get_creator ($j, 'a'));
sub {
$g->Write ("CheckFolders (a");
for (my $j = 1; $j < $n; ++$j) {
$g->Write (", ")->Write (get_creator ($j, 'a'));
$g->Write (");\n");
$g->Write ("return ")->Write (get_creator ($i, 'a'))
->Write (" (value);\n");
sub create_xmldoc_fold_args {
my ($n) = @_;
my $a = "System.Func{`0,``0}";
for (my $i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$a .= ",System.Func{`$i,``0}";
return $a;
sub create_xmldoc_creators {
my ($n, $type) = @_;
my $d = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$d .= qq( <item><term><see cref="M:$type.@{[ get_creator ($i) ]}(`$i)" /></term></item>\n);
return $d;
sub get_creator {
my ($n, $start) = @_;
$start ||= 'A';
return chr (ord ($start)+$n);