[A sandbox page to see what reorganising and adding to the MonkeyGuide Desktop Application Development Guide would do. Is this a better structure for a new user? You tell me](/BosteenMonkey_Guide)
Two pre-existing pages that I have added to, or re-worded: [GtkSharp:_Widget_Overview](/GtkSharp:_Widget_Overview) [GtkSharp:_Widget_Layout_and_Packing](/GtkSharp:_Widget_Layout_and_Packing)
I am not personally convinced that dealing with the widgets on an individual basis is a good thing. As this is how the API is already structured, newbies will probably need a little more aid.
I propose a series of tutorials, graded in difficultly. The narrative would be written to reflect the process and decisions made to get to the final product. I can write up the first tutorial to reflect what I mean soon. I am not putting this here, demanding submissions, but any help/examples using Gtk.Drawables in C# and perhaps even Mono.Cairo would be fantastic.