
718 строки
33 KiB

import os
import io
import sys
import csv
import math
import time
import json
import wave
import pickle
import random
import tarfile
import logging
import argparse
import statistics
import os.path as path
from datetime import timedelta
from collections import Counter
from multiprocessing import Pool
ensure_wav_with_format, extract_audio, change_audio_types, write_audio_format_to_wav_file, verify_wav_file
from sample_collections import SortingSDBWriter, LabeledSample
from utils import parse_file_size, log_progress
SET_NAMES = ['train', 'dev', 'test']
class Fragment:
def __init__(self, catalog_index, alignment_index, quality=0, duration=0):
self.catalog_index = catalog_index
self.alignment_index = alignment_index
self.quality = quality
self.duration = duration
self.meta = {}
self.partition = 'other'
self.list_name = 'other'
def progress(it=None, desc=None, total=None):
if desc is not None:
return it if CLI_ARGS.no_progress else log_progress(it, interval=CLI_ARGS.progress_interval, total=total)
def fail(message, code=1):
def check_path(target_path, fs_type='file'):
if not (path.isfile(target_path) if fs_type == 'file' else path.isdir(target_path)):
fail('{} not existing: "{}"'.format(fs_type[0].upper() + fs_type[1:], target_path))
return path.abspath(target_path)
def make_absolute(base_path, spec_path):
if not path.isabs(spec_path):
spec_path = path.join(base_path, spec_path)
spec_path = path.abspath(spec_path)
return spec_path if path.isfile(spec_path) else None
def engroup(lst, get_key):
groups = {}
for obj in lst:
key = get_key(obj)
if key in groups:
groups[key] = [obj]
return groups
def get_sample_size(population_size):
margin_of_error = 0.01
fraction_picking = 0.50
z_score = 2.58 # Corresponds to confidence level 99%
numerator = (z_score ** 2 * fraction_picking * (1 - fraction_picking)) / (
margin_of_error ** 2
sample_size = 0
for train_size in range(population_size, 0, -1):
denominator = 1 + (z_score ** 2 * fraction_picking * (1 - fraction_picking)) / (
margin_of_error ** 2 * train_size
sample_size = int(numerator / denominator)
if 2 * sample_size + train_size <= population_size:
return sample_size
def load_catalog():
catalog_entries = []
if CLI_ARGS.audio:
if CLI_ARGS.aligned:
catalog_entries.append((check_path(CLI_ARGS.audio), check_path(CLI_ARGS.aligned)))
fail('If you specify "--audio", you also have to specify "--aligned"')
elif CLI_ARGS.aligned:
fail('If you specify "--aligned", you also have to specify "--audio"')
elif CLI_ARGS.catalog:
catalog = check_path(CLI_ARGS.catalog)
catalog_dir = path.dirname(catalog)
with open(catalog, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as catalog_file:
catalog_file_entries = json.load(catalog_file)
for entry in progress(catalog_file_entries, desc='Reading catalog'):
audio = make_absolute(catalog_dir, entry['audio'])
aligned = make_absolute(catalog_dir, entry['aligned'])
if audio is None or aligned is None:
if CLI_ARGS.ignore_missing:
if audio is None:
fail('Problem loading catalog "{}": Missing referenced audio file "{}"'
.format(CLI_ARGS.catalog, entry['audio']))
if aligned is None:
fail('Problem loading catalog "{}": Missing referenced alignment file "{}"'
.format(CLI_ARGS.catalog, entry['aligned']))
catalog_entries.append((audio, aligned))
fail('You have to either specify "--audio" and "--aligned" or "--catalog"')
return catalog_entries
def load_fragments(catalog_entries):
def get_meta_list(ae, mf):
if 'meta' in ae:
meta_fields = ae['meta']
if isinstance(meta_fields, dict) and mf in meta_fields:
mf = meta_fields[mf]
return mf if isinstance(mf, list) else [mf]
return []
required_metas = {}
if CLI_ARGS.debias is not None:
for debias_meta_field in CLI_ARGS.debias:
required_metas[debias_meta_field] = True
if CLI_ARGS.split and CLI_ARGS.split_field is not None:
required_metas[CLI_ARGS.split_field] = True
fragments = []
reasons = Counter()
for catalog_index, catalog_entry in enumerate(progress(catalog_entries, desc='Loading alignments')):
audio_path, aligned_path = catalog_entry
with open(aligned_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as aligned_file:
aligned = json.load(aligned_file)
for alignment_index, alignment in enumerate(aligned):
quality = eval(CLI_ARGS.criteria, {'math': math}, alignment)
alignment['quality'] = quality
if eval(CLI_ARGS.filter, {'math': math}, alignment):
reasons['Filter'] += 1
meta = {}
keep = True
for meta_field in required_metas.keys():
meta_list = get_meta_list(alignment, meta_field)
if CLI_ARGS.split and CLI_ARGS.split_field == meta_field:
if CLI_ARGS.split_drop_multiple and len(meta_list) > 1:
reasons['Split drop multiple'] += 1
keep = False
elif CLI_ARGS.split_drop_unknown and len(meta_list) == 0:
reasons['Split drop unknown'] += 1
keep = False
meta[meta_field] = meta_list[0] if meta_list else UNKNOWN
if keep:
duration = alignment['end'] - alignment['start']
fragment = Fragment(catalog_index, alignment_index, quality=quality, duration=duration)
fragment.meta = meta
for minimum, partition_name in CLI_ARGS.partition:
if quality >= minimum:
fragment.partition = partition_name
if len(fragments) == 0:
fail('No samples left for export')
if len(reasons.keys()) > 0:
logging.info('Excluded number of samples (for each reason):')
for reason, count in reasons.most_common():
logging.info(' - "{}": {}'.format(reason, count))
return fragments
def debias(fragments):
if CLI_ARGS.debias is not None:
for debias in CLI_ARGS.debias:
grouped = engroup(fragments, lambda f: f.meta[debias])
if UNKNOWN in grouped:
fragments = grouped[UNKNOWN]
del grouped[UNKNOWN]
fragments = []
counts = list(map(lambda f: len(f), grouped.values()))
mean = statistics.mean(counts)
sigma = statistics.pstdev(counts, mu=mean)
cap = int(mean + CLI_ARGS.debias_sigma_factor * sigma)
counter = Counter()
for group, group_fragments in progress(grouped.items(), desc='De-biasing "{}"'.format(debias)):
if len(group_fragments) > cap:
group_fragments.sort(key=lambda f: f.quality)
counter[group] += len(group_fragments) - cap
group_fragments = group_fragments[-cap:]
if len(counter.keys()) > 0:
logging.info('Dropped for de-biasing "{}":'.format(debias))
for group, count in counter.most_common():
logging.info(' - "{}": {}'.format(group, count))
return fragments
def parse_set_assignments():
set_assignments = {}
for set_index, set_name in enumerate(SET_NAMES):
attr_name = 'assign_' + set_name
if hasattr(CLI_ARGS, attr_name):
set_entities = getattr(CLI_ARGS, attr_name)
if set_entities is not None:
for entity_id in filter(None, str(set_entities).split(',')):
if entity_id in set_assignments:
fail('Unable to assign entity "{}" to set "{}", as it is already assigned to set "{}"'
.format(entity_id, set_name, SET_NAMES[set_assignments[entity_id]]))
set_assignments[entity_id] = set_index
return set_assignments
def check_targets():
if CLI_ARGS.target_dir is not None and CLI_ARGS.target_tar is not None:
fail('Only one allowed: --target-dir or --target-tar')
elif CLI_ARGS.target_dir is not None:
CLI_ARGS.target_dir = check_path(CLI_ARGS.target_dir, fs_type='directory')
elif CLI_ARGS.target_tar is not None:
if CLI_ARGS.sdb:
fail('Option --sdb not supported for --target-tar output. Use --target-dir instead.')
CLI_ARGS.target_tar = path.abspath(CLI_ARGS.target_tar)
if path.isfile(CLI_ARGS.target_tar):
if not CLI_ARGS.force:
fail('Target tar-file already existing - use --force to overwrite')
elif path.exists(CLI_ARGS.target_tar):
fail('Target tar-file path is existing, but not a file')
elif not path.isdir(path.dirname(CLI_ARGS.target_tar)):
fail('Unable to write tar-file: Path not existing')
fail('Either --target-dir or --target-tar has to be provided')
def split(fragments, set_assignments):
lists = []
def assign_fragments(frags, name):
duration = 0
for f in frags:
f.list_name = name
duration += f.duration
logging.info('Built set "{}" (samples: {}, duration: {})'
.format(name, len(frags), timedelta(milliseconds=duration)))
if CLI_ARGS.split_seed is not None:
if CLI_ARGS.split and CLI_ARGS.split_field is not None:
fragments = list(fragments)
metas = engroup(fragments, lambda f: f.meta[CLI_ARGS.split_field]).items()
metas = sorted(metas, key=lambda meta_frags: len(meta_frags[1]))
metas = list(map(lambda meta_frags: meta_frags[0], metas))
partitions = engroup(fragments, lambda f: f.partition)
partitions = list(map(lambda part_frags: (part_frags[0],
engroup(part_frags[1], lambda f: f.meta[CLI_ARGS.split_field]),
[[], [], []]),
remaining_metas = []
for meta in metas:
if meta in set_assignments:
set_index = set_assignments[meta]
for _, _, partition_portions, sample_sets in partitions:
if meta in partition_portions:
del partition_portions[meta]
metas = remaining_metas
for _, sample_size, _, sample_sets in partitions:
while len(metas) > 0 and (len(sample_sets[1]) < sample_size or len(sample_sets[2]) < sample_size):
for sample_set_index in [1, 2]:
if len(metas) > 0 and sample_size > len(sample_sets[sample_set_index]):
meta = metas.pop(0)
for _, _, partition_portions, other_sample_sets in partitions:
if meta in partition_portions:
del partition_portions[meta]
for partition, sample_size, partition_portions, sample_sets in partitions:
for portion in partition_portions.values():
for set_index, set_name in enumerate(SET_NAMES):
assign_fragments(sample_sets[set_index], partition + '-' + set_name)
partitions = engroup(fragments, lambda f: f.partition)
for partition, partition_fragments in partitions.items():
if CLI_ARGS.split:
sample_size = get_sample_size(len(partition_fragments))
test_set = partition_fragments[:sample_size]
partition_fragments = partition_fragments[sample_size:]
dev_set = partition_fragments[:sample_size]
train_set = partition_fragments[sample_size:]
sample_sets = [train_set, dev_set, test_set]
for set_index, set_name in enumerate(SET_NAMES):
assign_fragments(sample_sets[set_index], partition + '-' + set_name)
assign_fragments(partition_fragments, partition)
return lists
def check_overwrite(lists):
if CLI_ARGS.target_dir is not None and not CLI_ARGS.force:
for name in lists:
suffixes = ['.meta'] + (['.sdb', '.sdb.tmp'] if CLI_ARGS.sdb else ['', '.csv'])
for s in suffixes:
p = path.join(CLI_ARGS.target_dir, name + s)
if path.exists(p):
fail('"{}" already existing - use --force to ignore'.format(p))
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Export aligned speech samples.')
parser.add_argument('--plan', type=str,
help='Export plan (preparation-cache) to load and/or store')
parser.add_argument('--audio', type=str,
help='Take audio file as input (requires "--aligned <file>")')
parser.add_argument('--aligned', type=str,
help='Take alignment file ("<...>.aligned") as input (requires "--audio <file>")')
parser.add_argument('--catalog', type=str,
help='Take alignment and audio file references of provided catalog ("<...>.catalog") as input')
parser.add_argument('--ignore-missing', action="store_true",
help='Ignores catalog entries with missing files')
parser.add_argument('--filter', type=str, default='False',
help='Python expression that computes a boolean value from sample data fields. '
'If the result is True, the sample will be dropped.')
parser.add_argument('--criteria', type=str, default='100',
help='Python expression that computes a number as quality indicator from sample data fields.')
parser.add_argument('--debias', type=str, action='append',
help='Sample meta field to group samples for debiasing (e.g. "speaker"). '
'Group sizes will be capped according to --debias-sigma-factor')
parser.add_argument('--debias-sigma-factor', type=float, default=3.0,
help='Standard deviation (sigma) factor that will determine '
'the maximum number of samples per group (see --debias).')
parser.add_argument('--partition', type=str, action='append',
help='Expression of the form "<number>:<partition>" where all samples with a quality indicator '
'(--criteria) above or equal the given number and below the next bigger one are assigned '
'to the specified partition. Samples below the lowest partition criteria are assigned to '
'partition "other".')
parser.add_argument('--split', action="store_true",
help='Split each partition except "other" into train/dev/test sub-sets.')
parser.add_argument('--split-field', type=str,
help='Sample meta field that should be used for splitting (e.g. "speaker")')
parser.add_argument('--split-drop-multiple', action="store_true",
help='Drop all samples with multiple --split-field assignments.')
parser.add_argument('--split-drop-unknown', action="store_true",
help='Drop all samples with no --split-field assignment.')
for sub_set in SET_NAMES:
parser.add_argument('--assign-' + sub_set,
help='Comma separated list of --split-field values that are to be assigned to sub-set '
parser.add_argument('--split-seed', type=int,
help='Random seed for set splitting')
parser.add_argument('--target-dir', type=str, required=False,
help='Existing target directory for storing generated sets (files and directories)')
parser.add_argument('--target-tar', type=str, required=False,
help='Target tar-file for storing generated sets (files and directories)')
parser.add_argument('--sdb', action="store_true",
help='Writes Sample DBs instead of CSV and .wav files (requires --target-dir)')
parser.add_argument('--sdb-bucket-size', default='1GB',
help='Memory bucket size for external sorting of SDBs')
parser.add_argument('--sdb-workers', type=int, default=None,
help='Number of SDB encoding workers')
parser.add_argument('--sdb-buffered-samples', type=int, default=None,
help='Number of samples per bucket buffer during finalization')
parser.add_argument('--sdb-audio-type', default='opus', choices=AUDIO_TYPE_LOOKUP.keys(),
help='Audio representation inside target SDBs')
parser.add_argument('--tmp-dir', type=str, default=None,
help='Directory for temporary files - defaults to system one')
parser.add_argument('--buffer', default='1MB',
help='Buffer size for writing files (~16MB by default)')
parser.add_argument('--force', action="store_true",
help='Overwrite existing files')
parser.add_argument('--skip-damaged', action="store_true",
help='If damaged audio files and their samples should be skipped instead of failing export')
parser.add_argument('--no-meta', action="store_true",
help='No writing of meta data files')
parser.add_argument('--rate', type=int, default=16000,
help='Export wav-files with this sample rate')
parser.add_argument('--channels', type=int, default=1,
help='Export wav-files with this number of channels')
parser.add_argument('--width', type=int, default=2,
help='Export wav-files with this sample width (bytes)')
parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=2,
help='Number of workers for loading and re-sampling audio files. Default: 2')
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action="store_true",
help='Simulates export without writing or creating any file or directory')
parser.add_argument('--dry-run-fast', action="store_true",
help='Simulates export without writing or creating any file or directory. '
'In contrast to --dry-run this faster simulation will not load samples.')
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', type=int, default=20,
help='Log level (between 0 and 50) - default: 20')
parser.add_argument('--no-progress', action="store_true",
help='Prevents showing progress indication')
parser.add_argument('--progress-interval', type=float, default=1.0,
help='Progress indication interval in seconds')
args = parser.parse_args()
args.buffer = parse_file_size(args.buffer)
args.sdb_bucket_size = parse_file_size(args.sdb_bucket_size)
args.dry_run = args.dry_run or args.dry_run_fast
partition_specs = []
if args.partition is not None:
for partition_expr in args.partition:
parts = partition_expr.split(':')
if len(parts) != 2:
fail('Wrong partition specification: "{}"'.format(partition_expr))
partition_specs.append((float(parts[0]), str(parts[1])))
partition_specs.sort(key=lambda p: p[0], reverse=True)
args.partition = partition_specs
return args
def load_sample(entry):
catalog_index, catalog_entry = entry
audio_path, aligned_path = catalog_entry
with open(aligned_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as aligned_file:
aligned = json.load(aligned_file)
tries = 2
while tries > 0:
wav_path, wav_is_temp = ensure_wav_with_format(audio_path, audio_format, tmp_dir=CLI_ARGS.tmp_dir)
if wav_is_temp:
if wav_path is not None:
if verify_wav_file(wav_path):
return catalog_index, wav_path, wav_is_temp, aligned
if wav_is_temp:
logging.warn('Problem converting "{}" into required format - retrying...'.format(audio_path))
tries -= 1
return catalog_index, None, False, aligned
def load_sample_dry(entry):
catalog_index, catalog_entry = entry
audio_path, aligned_path = catalog_entry
if path.isfile(audio_path):
logging.info('Would load file "{}"'.format(audio_path))
fail('Audio file not found: "{}"'.format(audio_path))
if path.isfile(aligned_path):
logging.info('Would load file "{}"'.format(audio_path))
fail('Alignment file not found: "{}"'.format(audio_path))
return catalog_index, '', False, []
def load_samples(catalog_entries, fragments):
catalog_index_wise = engroup(fragments, lambda f: f.catalog_index)
pool = Pool(CLI_ARGS.workers)
ls = load_sample_dry if CLI_ARGS.dry_run_fast else load_sample
indexed_entries = map(lambda ci: (ci, catalog_entries[ci]), catalog_index_wise.keys())
for catalog_index, wav_path, wav_is_temp, aligned in pool.imap_unordered(ls, indexed_entries):
if wav_path is None:
src_audio_path = catalog_entries[catalog_index][0]
message = 'Unable to convert audio file "{}" to required format - skipping'.format(src_audio_path)
if CLI_ARGS.skip_damaged:
raise RuntimeError(message)
file_fragments = catalog_index_wise[catalog_index]
file_fragments.sort(key=lambda f: f.alignment_index)
if CLI_ARGS.dry_run_fast:
for fragment in file_fragments:
yield b'', fragment, ''
with wave.open(wav_path, 'rb') as source_wav_file:
wav_duration = source_wav_file.getframerate() * source_wav_file.getnframes() * 1000
for fragment in file_fragments:
aligned_entry = aligned[fragment.alignment_index]
start, end = aligned_entry['start'], aligned_entry['end']
assert start < end <= wav_duration
fragment_audio = extract_audio(source_wav_file, start / 1000.0, end / 1000.0)
except Exception as ae:
message = 'Problem extracting audio for alignment entry {} in catalog entry {}'\
.format(fragment.alignment_index, fragment.catalog_index)
if CLI_ARGS.skip_damaged:
raise RuntimeError(message) from ae
yield fragment_audio, fragment, aligned_entry['aligned']
if wav_is_temp:
def write_meta(file, catalog_entries, id_plus_fragment_iter, total=None):
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(['sample', 'split_entity', 'catalog_index', 'source_audio_file', 'aligned_file', 'alignment_index'])
has_split_entity = CLI_ARGS.split and CLI_ARGS.split_field is not None
for sample_id, fragment in progress(id_plus_fragment_iter, total=total):
split_entity = fragment.meta[CLI_ARGS.split_field] if has_split_entity else ''
source_audio_file, aligned_file = catalog_entries[fragment.catalog_index]
def write_csvs_and_samples(catalog_entries, lists, fragments):
created_directories = {}
tar = None
if CLI_ARGS.target_tar is not None:
if CLI_ARGS.dry_run:
logging.info('Would create tar-file "{}"'.format(CLI_ARGS.target_tar))
base_tar = open(CLI_ARGS.target_tar, 'wb', buffering=CLI_ARGS.buffer)
tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=base_tar, mode='w')
class TargetFile:
def __init__(self, data_path, mode):
self.data_path = data_path
self.mode = mode
self.open_file = None
def __enter__(self):
parts = self.data_path.split('/')
dirs = ([CLI_ARGS.target_dir] if CLI_ARGS.target_dir is not None else []) + parts[:-1]
for i in range(1, len(dirs)):
vp = '/'.join(dirs[:i + 1])
if not vp in created_directories:
if tar is None:
dir_path = path.join(*dirs[:i + 1])
if not path.isdir(dir_path):
if CLI_ARGS.dry_run:
logging.info('Would create directory "{}"'.format(dir_path))
tdir = tarfile.TarInfo(vp)
tdir.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE
created_directories[vp] = True
if CLI_ARGS.target_tar is None:
file_path = path.join(CLI_ARGS.target_dir, *self.data_path.split('/'))
if CLI_ARGS.dry_run:
logging.info('Would write file "{}"'.format(file_path))
self.open_file = io.BytesIO() if 'b' in self.mode else io.StringIO()
self.open_file = open(file_path, self.mode)
self.open_file = io.BytesIO() if 'b' in self.mode else io.StringIO()
return self.open_file
def __exit__(self, *args):
if tar is not None:
if isinstance(self.open_file, io.StringIO):
sfile = self.open_file
self.open_file = io.BytesIO(sfile.read().encode('utf8'))
self.open_file.seek(0, 2)
tfile = tarfile.TarInfo(self.data_path)
tfile.size = self.open_file.tell()
tar.addfile(tfile, self.open_file)
tar.members = []
if self.open_file is not None:
group_lists = {}
for list_name in lists:
group_lists[list_name] = []
for pcm_data, fragment, transcript in progress(load_samples(catalog_entries, fragments),
desc='Exporting samples', total=len(fragments)):
group_list = group_lists[fragment.list_name]
sample_path = '{}/sample-{:010d}.wav'.format(fragment.list_name, len(group_list))
with TargetFile(sample_path, "wb") as base_wav_file:
with wave.open(base_wav_file, 'wb') as wav_file:
file_size = base_wav_file.tell()
group_list.append((sample_path, file_size, fragment, transcript))
for list_name, group_list in group_lists.items():
csv_filename = list_name + '.csv'
logging.info('Writing "{}"'.format(csv_filename))
with TargetFile(csv_filename, 'w') as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
writer.writerow(['wav_filename', 'wav_filesize', 'transcript'])
for rel_path, file_size, fragment, transcript in progress(group_list):
writer.writerow([rel_path, file_size, transcript])
if not CLI_ARGS.no_meta:
meta_filename = list_name + '.meta'
logging.info('Writing "{}"'.format(meta_filename))
with TargetFile(meta_filename, 'w') as meta_file:
path_fragment_list = map(lambda gi: (gi[0], gi[2]), group_list)
write_meta(meta_file, catalog_entries, path_fragment_list, total=len(group_list))
if tar is not None:
def write_sdbs(catalog_entries, lists, fragments):
audio_type = AUDIO_TYPE_LOOKUP[CLI_ARGS.sdb_audio_type]
sdbs = {}
for list_name in lists:
sdb_path = os.path.join(CLI_ARGS.target_dir, list_name + '.sdb')
if CLI_ARGS.dry_run:
logging.info('Would create SDB "{}"'.format(sdb_path))
logging.info('Creating SDB "{}"'.format(sdb_path))
sdbs[list_name] = SortingSDBWriter(sdb_path,
def to_samples():
for pcm_data, fragment, transcript in load_samples(catalog_entries, fragments):
cs = LabeledSample(AUDIO_TYPE_PCM, pcm_data, transcript, audio_format=audio_format)
cs.meta = fragment
yield cs
samples = change_audio_types(to_samples(),
processes=CLI_ARGS.sdb_workers) if not CLI_ARGS.dry_run_fast else to_samples()
set_counter = Counter()
for sample in progress(samples, desc='Exporting samples', total=len(fragments)):
list_name = sample.meta.list_name
if not CLI_ARGS.dry_run:
set_counter[list_name] += 1
sdb = sdbs[list_name]
for list_name, sdb in sdbs.items():
meta_path = os.path.join(CLI_ARGS.target_dir, list_name + '.meta')
if CLI_ARGS.dry_run:
if not CLI_ARGS.no_meta:
logging.info('Would write meta file "{}"'.format(meta_path))
sdb_path = os.path.join(CLI_ARGS.target_dir, list_name + '.sdb')
for _ in progress(sdb.finalize(), desc='Finalizing "{}"'.format(sdb_path), total=set_counter[list_name]):
if not CLI_ARGS.no_meta:
logging.info('Writing "{}"'.format(meta_path))
with open(meta_path, 'w') as meta_file:
write_meta(meta_file, catalog_entries, enumerate(sdb.meta_list), total=len(sdb.meta_list))
def load_plan():
if CLI_ARGS.plan is not None and os.path.isfile(CLI_ARGS.plan):
logging.info('Loading export-plan from "{}"'.format(CLI_ARGS.plan))
with open(CLI_ARGS.plan, 'rb') as plan_file:
catalog_entries, lists, fragments = pickle.load(plan_file)
return True, catalog_entries, lists, fragments
except pickle.PickleError:
logging.warn('Unable to load export-plan "{}" - rebuilding'.format(CLI_ARGS.plan))
return False, None, None, None
def save_plan(catalog_entries, lists, fragments):
if CLI_ARGS.plan is not None:
logging.info('Saving export-plan to "{}"'.format(CLI_ARGS.plan))
with open(CLI_ARGS.plan, 'wb') as plan_file:
pickle.dump((catalog_entries, lists, fragments), plan_file)
def main():
has_plan, catalog_entries, lists, fragments = load_plan()
if not has_plan:
set_assignments = parse_set_assignments()
catalog_entries = load_catalog()
fragments = load_fragments(catalog_entries)
fragments = debias(fragments)
lists = split(fragments, set_assignments)
save_plan(catalog_entries, lists, fragments)
if CLI_ARGS.sdb:
write_sdbs(catalog_entries, lists, fragments)
write_csvs_and_samples(catalog_entries, lists, fragments)
if __name__ == '__main__':
CLI_ARGS = parse_args()
audio_format = (CLI_ARGS.rate, CLI_ARGS.channels, CLI_ARGS.width)
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=CLI_ARGS.loglevel)