
167 строки
7.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
Broadly speaking, this script takes the audio downloaded from Common Voice
for a certain language, in addition to the *.tsv files output by CorporaCreator,
and the script formats the data and transcripts to be in a state usable by
Use "python3 -h" for help
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
# Make sure we can import stuff from util/
# This script needs to be run from the root of the DeepSpeech repository
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..'))
import csv
import sox
import argparse
import subprocess
import progressbar
import unicodedata
from os import path
from threading import RLock
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from util.downloader import SIMPLE_BAR
from util.text import Alphabet, validate_label
from util.feeding import secs_to_hours
FIELDNAMES = ['wav_filename', 'wav_filesize', 'transcript']
def _preprocess_data(tsv_dir, audio_dir, label_filter, space_after_every_character=False):
for dataset in ['train', 'test', 'dev']:
input_tsv = path.join(path.abspath(tsv_dir), dataset+".tsv")
if os.path.isfile(input_tsv):
print("Loading TSV file: ", input_tsv)
_maybe_convert_set(input_tsv, audio_dir, label_filter, space_after_every_character)
print("ERROR: no TSV file found: ", input_tsv)
def _maybe_convert_set(input_tsv, audio_dir, label_filter, space_after_every_character=None):
output_csv = path.join(audio_dir, os.path.split(input_tsv)[-1].replace('tsv', 'csv'))
print("Saving new DeepSpeech-formatted CSV file to: ", output_csv)
# Get audiofile path and transcript for each sentence in tsv
samples = []
with open(input_tsv) as input_tsv_file:
reader = csv.DictReader(input_tsv_file, delimiter='\t')
for row in reader:
samples.append((row['path'], row['sentence']))
# Keep track of how many samples are good vs. problematic
counter = {'all': 0, 'failed': 0, 'invalid_label': 0, 'too_short': 0, 'too_long': 0, 'total_time': 0}
lock = RLock()
num_samples = len(samples)
rows = []
def one_sample(sample):
""" Take a audio file, and optionally convert it to 16kHz WAV """
mp3_filename = path.join(audio_dir, sample[0])
if not path.splitext(mp3_filename.lower())[1] == '.mp3':
mp3_filename += ".mp3"
# Storing wav files next to the mp3 ones - just with a different suffix
wav_filename = path.splitext(mp3_filename)[0] + ".wav"
_maybe_convert_wav(mp3_filename, wav_filename)
file_size = -1
frames = 0
if path.exists(wav_filename):
file_size = path.getsize(wav_filename)
frames = int(subprocess.check_output(['soxi', '-s', wav_filename], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT))
label = label_filter(sample[1])
with lock:
if file_size == -1:
# Excluding samples that failed upon conversion
counter['failed'] += 1
elif label is None:
# Excluding samples that failed on label validation
counter['invalid_label'] += 1
elif int(frames/SAMPLE_RATE*1000/10/2) < len(str(label)):
# Excluding samples that are too short to fit the transcript
counter['too_short'] += 1
elif frames/SAMPLE_RATE > MAX_SECS:
# Excluding very long samples to keep a reasonable batch-size
counter['too_long'] += 1
# This one is good - keep it for the target CSV
rows.append((wav_filename, file_size, label))
counter['all'] += 1
counter['total_time'] += frames
print("Importing mp3 files...")
pool = Pool(cpu_count())
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=num_samples, widgets=SIMPLE_BAR)
for i, _ in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(one_sample, samples), start=1):
with open(output_csv, 'w') as output_csv_file:
print('Writing CSV file for as: ', output_csv)
writer = csv.DictWriter(output_csv_file, fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(rows), widgets=SIMPLE_BAR)
for filename, file_size, transcript in bar(rows):
if space_after_every_character:
writer.writerow({'wav_filename': filename, 'wav_filesize': file_size, 'transcript': ' '.join(transcript)})
writer.writerow({'wav_filename': filename, 'wav_filesize': file_size, 'transcript': transcript})
print('Imported %d samples.' % (counter['all'] - counter['failed'] - counter['too_short'] - counter['too_long']))
if counter['failed'] > 0:
print('Skipped %d samples that failed upon conversion.' % counter['failed'])
if counter['invalid_label'] > 0:
print('Skipped %d samples that failed on transcript validation.' % counter['invalid_label'])
if counter['too_short'] > 0:
print('Skipped %d samples that were too short to match the transcript.' % counter['too_short'])
if counter['too_long'] > 0:
print('Skipped %d samples that were longer than %d seconds.' % (counter['too_long'], MAX_SECS))
print('Final amount of imported audio: %s.' % secs_to_hours(counter['total_time'] / SAMPLE_RATE))
def _maybe_convert_wav(mp3_filename, wav_filename):
if not path.exists(wav_filename):
transformer = sox.Transformer()
try:, wav_filename)
except sox.core.SoxError:
if __name__ == "__main__":
PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Import CommonVoice v2.0 corpora')
PARSER.add_argument('tsv_dir', help='Directory containing tsv files')
PARSER.add_argument('--audio_dir', help='Directory containing the audio clips - defaults to "<tsv_dir>/clips"')
PARSER.add_argument('--filter_alphabet', help='Exclude samples with characters not in provided alphabet')
PARSER.add_argument('--normalize', action='store_true', help='Converts diacritic characters to their base ones')
PARSER.add_argument('--space_after_every_character', action='store_true', help='To help transcript join by white space')
PARAMS = PARSER.parse_args()
AUDIO_DIR = PARAMS.audio_dir if PARAMS.audio_dir else os.path.join(PARAMS.tsv_dir, 'clips')
ALPHABET = Alphabet(PARAMS.filter_alphabet) if PARAMS.filter_alphabet else None
def label_filter_fun(label):
if PARAMS.normalize:
label = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", label.strip()) \
.encode("ascii", "ignore") \
.decode("ascii", "ignore")
label = validate_label(label)
if ALPHABET and label:
[ALPHABET.label_from_string(c) for c in label]
except KeyError:
label = None
return label
_preprocess_data(PARAMS.tsv_dir, AUDIO_DIR, label_filter_fun, PARAMS.space_after_every_character)