2011-08-08 21:43:43 +04:00
A class to interact with AMO's api, using OAuth.
Ripped off from Daves test_oauth.py and some notes from python-oauth2
# Wherein import almost every http or urllib in Python
import urllib
import urllib2
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qsl
import httplib2
import oauth2 as oauth
import os
import re
import time
import json
import mimetools
from helpers import encode_multipart, data_keys
# AMO Specific end points
urls = {
'login': '/users/login',
'request_token': '/oauth/request_token/',
'access_token': '/oauth/access_token/',
'authorize': '/oauth/authorize/',
'user': '/api/2/user/',
'addon': '/api/2/addons/',
2011-08-12 21:43:08 +04:00
'version': '/api/2/addon/%s/versions',
2011-08-08 21:43:43 +04:00
'update': '/api/2/update/',
'perf': '/api/2/performance/',
storage_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.amo-oauth')
boundary = mimetools.choose_boundary()
old = httplib2.Http.__init__
# Ouch, I'll go to hell for this.
def hack(self, **kw):
2011-08-09 18:26:25 +04:00
#kw['disable_ssl_certificate_validation'] = True
2011-08-08 21:43:43 +04:00
return old(self, **kw)
httplib2.Http.__init__ = hack
class AMOOAuth:
A base class to authenticate and work with AMO OAuth.
signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
2011-08-09 18:26:25 +04:00
should_save_storage = False
2011-08-08 21:43:43 +04:00
def __init__(self, domain='addons.mozilla.org', protocol='https',
port=443, prefix='', three_legged=False):
self.data = self.read_storage()
self.domain = domain
self.protocol = protocol
self.port = port
self.prefix = prefix
self.three_legged = three_legged
2011-08-23 01:58:57 +04:00
def set_consumer(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, save_storage=False):
2011-08-08 21:43:43 +04:00
self.should_save_storage = save_storage
self.data['consumer_key'] = consumer_key
self.data['consumer_secret'] = consumer_secret
if self.should_save_storage:
def get_consumer(self):
return oauth.Consumer(self.data['consumer_key'],
def get_access(self):
return oauth.Token(self.data['access_token']['oauth_token'],
def has_access_token(self):
return not self.three_legged or 'access_token' in self.data
def read_storage(self):
if self.should_save_storage and os.path.exists(storage_file):
return json.load(open(storage_file, 'r'))
except ValueError:
return {}
def url(self, key):
return urlunparse((self.protocol, '%s:%s' % (self.domain, self.port),
'%s/en-US/firefox%s' % (self.prefix, urls[key]),
'', '', ''))
def shorten(self, url):
return urlunparse(['', ''] + list(urlparse(url)[2:]))
def save_storage(self):
json.dump(self.data, open(storage_file, 'w'))
def get_csrf(self, content):
return re.search("name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='(.*?)'",
def _request(self, token, method, url, data={}, headers={}, **kw):
parameters = data_keys(data)
request = (oauth.Request
.from_consumer_and_token(self.get_consumer(), token,
method, url, parameters))
request.sign_request(self.signature_method, self.get_consumer(), token)
client = httplib2.Http()
if data and method == 'POST':
data = encode_multipart(boundary, data)
'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary})
data = urllib.urlencode(data)
return client.request(request.to_url(), method=method,
headers=headers, body=data)
def authenticate(self, username=None, password=None):
This is only for the more convoluted three legged approach.
1. Login into AMO.
2. Get a request token for the consumer.
3. Approve the consumer.
4. Get an access token.
# First we need to login to AMO, this takes a few steps.
# If this was being done in a browser, this wouldn't matter.
# This callback is pretty academic, but required so we can get
# verification token.
callback = 'http://foo.com/'
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor())
res = opener.open(self.url('login'))
assert res.code == 200
# get the CSRF middleware token
if password is None:
password = raw_input('Enter password: ')
csrf = self.get_csrf(res.read())
data = urllib.urlencode({'username': username,
'password': password,
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf})
res = opener.open(self.url('login'), data)
assert res.code == 200
# We need these headers to be able to post to the authorize method
cookies = {}
# Need to find a better way to find the handler, -2 is fragile.
for cookie in opener.handlers[-2].cookiejar:
if cookie.name == 'sessionid':
cookies = {'Cookie': '%s=%s' % (cookie.name, cookie.value)}
# Step 1 completed, we can now be logged in for any future requests
# Step 2, get a request token.
resp, content = self._request(None, 'GET', self.url('request_token'),
assert resp['status'] == '200', 'Status was: %s' % resp.status
request_token = dict(parse_qsl(content))
assert request_token
token = oauth.Token(request_token['oauth_token'],
# Step 3, authorize the access of this consumer for this user account.
resp, content = self._request(token, 'GET', self.url('authorize'),
csrf = self.get_csrf(content)
data = {'authorize_access': True,
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf,
'oauth_token': token.key}
resp, content = self._request(token, 'POST', self.url('authorize'),
headers=cookies, data=data,
assert resp.status == 302, 'Status was: %s' % resp.status
qsl = parse_qsl(resp['location'][len(callback) + 1:])
verifier = dict(qsl)['oauth_verifier']
# We have now authorized the app for this user.
resp, content = self._request(token, 'GET', self.url('access_token'))
access_token = dict(parse_qsl(content))
self.data['access_token'] = access_token
# Done. Wasn't that fun?
def get_params(self):
return dict(oauth_consumer_key=self.data['consumer_key'],
def _send(self, url, method, data):
resp, content = self._request(None, method, url,
if resp.status != 200:
raise ValueError('%s: %s' % (resp.status, content))
return json.loads(content)
except ValueError:
return content
def get_user(self):
return self._send(self.url('user'), 'GET', {})
def create_addon(self, data):
return self._send(self.url('addon'), 'POST', data)
def update_addon(self, data):
return self._send(self.url('addon'), 'PUT', data)
def create_perf(self, data):
return self._send(self.url('perf'), 'POST', data)
2011-08-12 21:43:08 +04:00
def create_version(self, data, id):
return self._send(self.url('version') % id, 'POST', data)