* Change pattern of a final recursive chown to instead intentionally setting
the owner and group in the COPY commands. This should avoid a layer that
touches all previously copied files
* Add checks for yum repo signing key fingerprint
* Expand some command line arguments to long form so it's easily
understandably by the reader without having to lookup the man page
* Add removal of yum cache to reduce docker image size
* Change kibana WORKDIR to a fixed and simple value of /kibana
* Cleanup long lines to be more readable
* Use symbolic links instead of internal file copies to reduce docker image size
* Standardize on indents of two spaces
use dependency-based builds
default to GITHASH=latest instead of the opposite
rename mq_event-task to mq_worker where it wasn't
fix dockerfiles to import from mozdef/* by default
introduce `make BUILD_MODE=pull` to pull images (instead of build)