[flake8] exclude = .flake8 .git *__init__.py ignore = E114 # indentation is not a multiple of four (comment) E116 # unexpected indentation (comment) E121 # continuation line under-indented for hanging indent E122 # continuation line missing indentation or outdented E123 # closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line E124 # closing bracket does not match visual indentation E125 # continuation line with same indent as next logical line E126 # continuation line over-indented for hanging indent E127 # continuation line over-indented for visual indent E128 # continuation line under-indented for visual indent E129 # visually indented line with same indent as next logical line E131 # continuation line unaligned for hanging indent E222 # multiple spaces after operator E225 # missing whitespace around operator E226 # missing whitespace around arithmetic operator E228 # missing whitespace around modulo operator E231 # missing whitespace after ',' E241 # multiple spaces after ',' E261 # at least two spaces before inline comment E265 # block comment should start with '# ' E266 # too many leading '#' for block comment E301 # expected 1 blank line E302 # expected 2 blank lines, found 1 E305 # expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition E402 # module level import not at top of file E501 # line too long E711 # comparison to None should be 'if cond is not None E712 # comparison to True should be 'if cond is True E713 # test for membership should be 'not in' E722 # do not use bare except' F401 # library imported but unused F601 # dictionary key 'tags' repeated with different values F811 # redefinition of unused 'datetime' from line 10 F821 # undefined name 'SysLogHandler' F841 # local variable 'CIDR' is assigned to but never used W503 # line break before binary operator