/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. Copyright (c) 2014 Mozilla Corporation */ if (Meteor.isClient) { Template.watchItemform.rendered = function() { $('#watchcontent')[0].value = Session.get('watchItemwatchcontent'); }; Template.watchItemform.events({ "submit form": function(event, template) { event.preventDefault(); formobj=formToObject("#watchItemform :input"); formobj.push({userid:Meteor.user().profile.email}); Meteor.call('watchitem',formobj, onResultReceived = function(err,result){ if (typeof err == 'undefined') { //console.log(result); if ( result == true){ Session.set('displayMessage','Watched successfully &' + JSON.stringify(result) ); }else{ Session.set('errorMessage','Add watch failed, returned & ' + JSON.stringify(result) ); } }else{ Session.set('errorMessage','Add watch failed & ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } }); Router.go('/watchlist'); } }); Template.watchItemModal.rendered = function(){ Deps.autorun(function() { $('#watchcontent')[0].value = Session.get('watchItemwatchcontent'); }); //end deps.autorun }; Template.watchItemModal.events({ "submit form": function(event, template) { event.preventDefault(); formobj=formToObject("#watchItemform :input"); formobj.push({userid:Meteor.user().profile.email}); Meteor.call('watchitem',formobj, onResultReceived = function(err,result){ if (typeof err == 'undefined') { //console.log(result); if ( result == true){ Session.set('displayMessage','watched successfully &' + JSON.stringify(result) ); }else{ Session.set('errorMessage','add watch failed, returned & ' + JSON.stringify(result) ); } }else{ Session.set('errorMessage','add watch failed & ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } }); $('#modalWatchItemWindow').modal('hide') } }); }