#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Copyright (c) 2014 Mozilla Corporation import boto import boto.s3 import logging import netaddr import random import sys from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from configlib import getConfig, OptionParser from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler from pymongo import MongoClient import os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../lib')) from utilities.toUTC import toUTC logger = logging.getLogger(sys.argv[0]) def loggerTimeStamp(self, record, datefmt=None): return toUTC(datetime.now()).isoformat() def initLogger(): logger.level = logging.INFO formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') formatter.formatTime = loggerTimeStamp if options.output == 'syslog': logger.addHandler( SysLogHandler( address=(options.sysloghostname, options.syslogport))) else: sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) sh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(sh) def genMeteorID(): return('%024x' % random.randrange(16**24)) def isIPv4(ip): try: # netaddr on it's own considers 1 and 0 to be valid_ipv4 # so a little sanity check prior to netaddr. # Use IPNetwork instead of valid_ipv4 to allow CIDR if '.' in ip and len(ip.split('.'))==4: # some ips are quoted netaddr.IPNetwork(ip.strip("'").strip('"')) return True else: return False except: return False def isIPv6(ip): try: return netaddr.valid_ipv6(ip) except: return False def aggregateAttackerIPs(attackers): iplist = [] # Set the attacker age timestamp attackerage = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=options.attackerage) ips = attackers.aggregate([ {"$sort": {"lastseentimestamp": -1}}, {"$match": {"category": options.category}}, {"$match": {"lastseentimestamp": {"$gte": attackerage}}}, {"$match": {"indicators.ipv4address": {"$exists": True}}}, {"$group": {"_id": {"ipv4address": "$indicators.ipv4address"}}}, {"$unwind": "$_id.ipv4address"}, {"$limit": options.iplimit} ]) for i in ips: whitelisted = False logger.debug('working {0}'.format(i)) ip = i['_id']['ipv4address'] ipcidr=netaddr.IPNetwork(ip) if not ipcidr.ip.is_loopback() and not ipcidr.ip.is_private() and not ipcidr.ip.is_reserved(): for whitelist_range in options.ipwhitelist: whitelist_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(whitelist_range) if ipcidr in whitelist_network: logger.debug(str(ipcidr) + " is whitelisted as part of " + str(whitelist_network)) whitelisted = True #strip any host bits 192.168.10/24 -> 192.168.0/24 ipcidrnet=str(ipcidr.cidr) if ipcidrnet not in iplist and not whitelisted: iplist.append(ipcidrnet) else: logger.debug('invalid:' + ip) return iplist def parse_network_whitelist(network_whitelist_location): networks = [] with open(network_whitelist_location, "r") as text_file: for line in text_file: line=line.strip().strip("'").strip('"') if isIPv4(line) or isIPv6(line): networks.append(line) return networks def main(): logger.debug('starting') logger.debug(options) try: # connect to mongo client = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport) mozdefdb = client.meteor ipblocklist = mozdefdb['ipblocklist'] attackers=mozdefdb['attackers'] # ensure indexes ipblocklist.create_index([('dateExpiring',-1)]) attackers.create_index([('lastseentimestamp',-1)]) attackers.create_index([('category',1)]) # First, gather IP addresses from recent attackers and add to the block list attackerIPList = aggregateAttackerIPs(attackers) # add attacker IPs to the blocklist # first delete ones we've created from an attacker ipblocklist.delete_many({'creator': 'mozdef','reference':'attacker'}) # delete any that expired ipblocklist.delete_many({'dateExpiring': {"$lte": datetime.utcnow()-timedelta(days=options.expireage)}}) # add the aggregations we've found recently for ip in attackerIPList: ipblocklist.insert_one( {'_id': genMeteorID(), 'address':ip, 'reference': 'attacker', 'creator':'mozdef', 'dateAdded': datetime.utcnow()}) # Lastly, export the combined blocklist ipCursor=mozdefdb['ipblocklist'].aggregate([ {"$sort": {"dateAdded": -1}}, {"$match": {"address": {"$exists": True}}}, {"$match": {"$or":[ {"dateExpiring": {"$gte": datetime.utcnow()}}, {"dateExpiring": {"$exists": False}}, ]}, }, {"$project":{"address":1}}, {"$limit": options.iplimit} ]) IPList=[] for ip in ipCursor: IPList.append(ip['address']) # to text with open(options.outputfile, 'w') as outputfile: for ip in IPList: outputfile.write("{0}\n".format(ip)) outputfile.close() # to s3? if len(options.aws_bucket_name)>0: s3_upload_file(options.outputfile, options.aws_bucket_name, options.aws_document_key_name) except ValueError as e: logger.error("Exception %r generating IP block list" % e) def initConfig(): # output our log to stdout or syslog options.output = getConfig('output', 'stdout', options.configfile) # syslog hostname options.sysloghostname = getConfig('sysloghostname', 'localhost', options.configfile) # syslog port options.syslogport = getConfig('syslogport', 514, options.configfile) # mongo instance options.mongohost = getConfig('mongohost', 'localhost', options.configfile) options.mongoport = getConfig('mongoport', 3001, options.configfile) # CIDR whitelist as a line separted list of style masks options.network_list_file = getConfig('network_whitelist_file', '', options.configfile) options.ipwhitelist = parse_network_whitelist(options.network_list_file) # Output File Name options.outputfile = getConfig('outputfile', 'ipblocklist.txt', options.configfile) # Category to choose options.category = getConfig('category', 'bruteforcer', options.configfile) # Max days to look back for attackers options.attackerage = getConfig('attackerage',90,options.configfile) # Days after expiration that we purge an ipblocklist entry (from the ui, they don't end up in the export after expiring) options.expireage = getConfig('expireage',1,options.configfile) # Max IPs to emit options.iplimit = getConfig('iplimit', 1000, options.configfile) # AWS creds options.aws_access_key_id=getConfig('aws_access_key_id','',options.configfile) # aws credentials to use to connect to mozilla_infosec_blocklist options.aws_secret_access_key=getConfig('aws_secret_access_key','',options.configfile) options.aws_bucket_name=getConfig('aws_bucket_name','',options.configfile) options.aws_document_key_name=getConfig('aws_document_key_name','',options.configfile) def s3_upload_file(file_path, bucket_name, key_name): """ Upload a file to the given s3 bucket and return a template url. """ conn = boto.connect_s3(aws_access_key_id=options.aws_access_key_id,aws_secret_access_key=options.aws_secret_access_key) try: bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=False) except boto.exception.S3ResponseError as e: conn.create_bucket(bucket_name) bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=False) key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket) key.key = key_name key.set_contents_from_filename(file_path) key.set_acl('public-read') url = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/{}/{}".format(bucket.name, key.name) print("URL: {}".format(url)) return url if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-c", dest='configfile', default=sys.argv[0].replace('.py', '.conf'), help="configuration file to use") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() initConfig() initLogger() main()