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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# Copyright (c) 2015 Mozilla Corporation
# Reads from papertrail using the API and inserts log data into ES in
# the same manner as
import json
import kombu
import sys
import socket
import time
from configlib import getConfig, OptionParser
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import calendar
import requests
from mozdef_util.elasticsearch_client import ElasticsearchClient, ElasticsearchBadServer, ElasticsearchInvalidIndex, ElasticsearchException
from mozdef_util.utilities.toUTC import toUTC
from mozdef_util.utilities.to_unicode import toUnicode
from mozdef_util.utilities.remove_at import removeAt
from mozdef_util.utilities.logger import logger, initLogger
from lib.plugins import sendEventToPlugins, registerPlugins
# running under uwsgi?
import uwsgi
hasUWSGI = True
except ImportError as e:
hasUWSGI = False
class PTRequestor(object):
def __init__(self, apikey, evmax=2000):
self._papertrail_api = ''
self._apikey = apikey
self._events = {}
self._evmax = evmax
self._evidcache = []
def parse_events(self, resp):
for x in resp['events']:
if x['id'] in self._evidcache:
# saw this event last time, just ignore it
self._events[x['id']] = x
if 'reached_record_limit' in resp and resp['reached_record_limit']:
return resp['min_id']
return None
def makerequest(self, query, stime, etime, maxid):
payload = {
'min_time': calendar.timegm(stime.utctimetuple()),
'max_time': calendar.timegm(etime.utctimetuple()),
'q': query
if maxid is not None:
payload['max_id'] = maxid
hdrs = {'X-Papertrail-Token': self._apikey}
max_retries = 3
total_retries = 0
while True:
logger.debug("Sending request to papertrail API")
resp = requests.get(self._papertrail_api, headers=hdrs, params=payload)
if resp.status_code == 200:
logger.debug("Received invalid status code: {0}: {1}".format(resp.status_code, resp.text))
total_retries += 1
if total_retries < max_retries:
logger.debug("Sleeping a bit then retrying")
logger.error("Received too many error messages...exiting")
logger.error("Last malformed response: {0}: {1}".format(resp.status_code, resp.text))
return self.parse_events(resp.json())
def request(self, query, stime, etime):
self._events = {}
maxid = None
while True:
maxid = self.makerequest(query, stime, etime, maxid)
if maxid is None:
if len(self._events.keys()) > self._evmax:
logger.warning('papertrail esworker hitting event request limit')
# cache event ids we return to allow for some duplicate filtering checks
# during next run
self._evidcache = self._events.keys()
return self._events
def keyMapping(aDict):
'''map common key/fields to a normalized structure,
explicitly typed when possible to avoid schema changes for upsteam consumers
Special accomodations made for logstash,nxlog, beaver, heka and CEF
Some shippers attempt to conform to logstash-style @fieldname convention.
This strips the leading at symbol since it breaks some elastic search
libraries like elasticutils.
returndict = dict()
# uncomment to save the source event for debugging, or chain of custody/forensics
# returndict['original']=aDict
# set the timestamp when we received it, i.e. now
returndict['receivedtimestamp'] = toUTC(
returndict['mozdefhostname'] = options.mozdefhostname
returndict['details'] = {}
for k, v in aDict.iteritems():
k = removeAt(k).lower()
if k in ('message', 'summary'):
returndict[u'summary'] = toUnicode(v)
if k in ('payload') and 'summary' not in aDict:
# special case for heka if it sends payload as well as a summary, keep both but move payload to the details section.
returndict[u'summary'] = toUnicode(v)
elif k in ('payload'):
returndict[u'details']['payload'] = toUnicode(v)
if k in ('eventtime', 'timestamp', 'utctimestamp'):
returndict[u'utctimestamp'] = toUTC(v).isoformat()
returndict[u'timestamp'] = toUTC(v).isoformat()
if k in ('hostname', 'source_host', 'host'):
returndict[u'hostname'] = toUnicode(v)
if k in ('tags'):
if len(v) > 0:
returndict[u'tags'] = v
# nxlog keeps the severity name in syslogseverity,everyone else should use severity or level.
if k in ('syslogseverity', 'severity', 'severityvalue', 'level'):
returndict[u'severity'] = toUnicode(v).upper()
if k in ('facility', 'syslogfacility','source'):
returndict[u'source'] = toUnicode(v)
if k in ('pid', 'processid'):
returndict[u'processid'] = toUnicode(v)
# nxlog sets sourcename to the processname (i.e. sshd), everyone else should call it process name or pname
if k in ('pname', 'processname', 'sourcename'):
returndict[u'processname'] = toUnicode(v)
# the file, or source
if k in ('path', 'logger', 'file'):
returndict[u'eventsource'] = toUnicode(v)
if k in ('type', 'eventtype', 'category'):
returndict[u'category'] = toUnicode(v)
# custom fields as a list/array
if k in ('fields', 'details'):
if type(v) is not dict:
returndict[u'details'][u'message'] = v
if len(v) > 0:
for details_key, details_value in v.iteritems():
returndict[u'details'][details_key] = details_value
# custom fields/details as a one off, not in an array
# i.e. fields.something=value or details.something=value
# move them to a dict for consistency in querying
if k.startswith('fields.') or k.startswith('details.'):
newName = k.replace('fields.', '')
newName = newName.lower().replace('details.', '')
# add field with a special case for shippers that
# don't send details
# in an array as int/floats/strings
# we let them dictate the data type with field_datatype
# convention
if newName.endswith('_int'):
returndict[u'details'][unicode(newName)] = int(v)
elif newName.endswith('_float'):
returndict[u'details'][unicode(newName)] = float(v)
returndict[u'details'][unicode(newName)] = toUnicode(v)
# nxlog windows log handling
if 'Domain' in aDict and 'SourceModuleType' in aDict:
# nxlog parses all windows event fields very well
# copy all fields to details
returndict[u'details'][k] = v
if 'utctimestamp' not in returndict:
# default in case we don't find a reasonable timestamp
returndict['utctimestamp'] = toUTC(
if 'type' not in returndict:
# default replacement for old _type subcategory.
# to preserve filtering capabilities
returndict['type'] = 'event'
except Exception as e:
logger.exception('Received exception while normalizing message: %r' % e)
logger.error('Malformed message: %r' % aDict)
return None
return returndict
def esConnect():
'''open or re-open a connection to elastic search'''
return ElasticsearchClient((list('{0}'.format(s) for s in options.esservers)), options.esbulksize)
class taskConsumer(object):
def __init__(self, ptRequestor, esConnection):
self.ptrequestor = ptRequestor
self.esConnection = esConnection
# calculate our initial request window
self.lastRequestTime = toUTC( - timedelta(seconds=options.ptinterval) - \
def run(self):
while True:
curRequestTime = toUTC( - timedelta(seconds=options.ptbackoff)
records = self.ptrequestor.request(options.ptquery, self.lastRequestTime, curRequestTime)
# update last request time for the next request
self.lastRequestTime = curRequestTime
for msgid in records:
msgdict = records[msgid]
# strip any line feeds from the message itself, we just convert them
# into spaces
msgdict['message'] = msgdict['message'].replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')
event = dict()
event['tags'] = ['papertrail', options.ptacctname]
event['details'] = msgdict
if 'generated_at' in event['details']:
event['utctimestamp'] = toUTC(event['details']['generated_at']).isoformat()
if 'hostname' in event['details']:
event['hostname'] = event['details']['hostname']
if 'message' in event['details']:
event['summary'] = event['details']['message']
if 'severity' in event['details']:
event['severity'] = event['details']['severity']
if 'source_ip' in event['details']:
event['sourceipaddress'] = event['details']['source_ip']
event['severity'] = 'INFO'
event['category'] = 'syslog'
# process message
self.on_message(event, msgdict)
except ValueError as e:
logger.exception('Exception while handling message: %r' % e)
def on_message(self, body, message):
# print("RECEIVED MESSAGE: %r" % (body, ))
# default elastic search metadata for an event
metadata = {
'index': 'events',
'id': None
# just to be safe..check what we were sent.
if isinstance(body, dict):
bodyDict = body
elif isinstance(body, str) or isinstance(body, unicode):
bodyDict = json.loads(body) # lets assume it's json
except ValueError as e:
# not json..ack but log the message
logger.error("esworker exception: unknown body type received %r" % body)
# message.ack()
logger.error("esworker exception: unknown body type received %r" % body)
# message.ack()
if 'customendpoint' in bodyDict and bodyDict['customendpoint']:
# custom document
# send to plugins to allow them to modify it if needed
(normalizedDict, metadata) = sendEventToPlugins(bodyDict, metadata, pluginList)
# normalize the dict
# to the mozdef events standard
normalizedDict = keyMapping(bodyDict)
# send to plugins to allow them to modify it if needed
if normalizedDict is not None and isinstance(normalizedDict, dict):
(normalizedDict, metadata) = sendEventToPlugins(normalizedDict, metadata, pluginList)
# drop the message if a plug in set it to None
# signaling a discard
if normalizedDict is None:
# message.ack()
# make a json version for posting to elastic search
jbody = json.JSONEncoder().encode(normalizedDict)
bulk = False
if options.esbulksize != 0:
bulk = True
except (ElasticsearchBadServer, ElasticsearchInvalidIndex) as e:
# handle loss of server or race condition with index rotation/creation/aliasing
self.esConnection = esConnect()
# message.requeue()
except kombu.exceptions.MessageStateError:
# state may be already set.
except ElasticsearchException as e:
# exception target for queue capacity issues reported by elastic search so catch the error, report it and retry the message
logger.exception('ElasticSearchException: {0} reported while indexing event'.format(e))
# message.requeue()
except kombu.exceptions.MessageStateError:
# state may be already set.
# message.ack()
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Malformed message body: %r' % body)
def main():
if hasUWSGI:"started as uwsgi mule {0}".format(uwsgi.mule_id()))
else:'started without uwsgi')
# establish api interface with papertrail
ptRequestor = PTRequestor(options.ptapikey, evmax=options.ptquerymax)
# consume our queue
taskConsumer(ptRequestor, es).run()
def initConfig():
# capture the hostname
options.mozdefhostname = getConfig('mozdefhostname', socket.gethostname(), options.configfile)
# elastic search options. set esbulksize to a non-zero value to enable bulk posting, set timeout to post no matter how many events after X seconds.
options.esservers = list(getConfig('esservers', 'http://localhost:9200', options.configfile).split(','))
options.esbulksize = getConfig('esbulksize', 0, options.configfile)
options.esbulktimeout = getConfig('esbulktimeout', 30, options.configfile)
# papertrail configuration
options.ptapikey = getConfig('papertrailapikey', 'none', options.configfile)
options.ptquery = getConfig('papertrailquery', '', options.configfile)
options.ptinterval = getConfig('papertrailinterval', 60, options.configfile)
options.ptbackoff = getConfig('papertrailbackoff', 300, options.configfile)
options.ptacctname = getConfig('papertrailaccount', 'unset', options.configfile)
options.ptquerymax = getConfig('papertrailmaxevents', 2000, options.configfile)
# plugin options
# secs to pass before checking for new/updated plugins
# seems to cause memory leaks..
# regular updates are disabled for now,
# though we set the frequency anyway.
options.plugincheckfrequency = getConfig('plugincheckfrequency', 120, options.configfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# configure ourselves
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-c", dest='configfile', default=sys.argv[0].replace('.py', '.conf'), help="configuration file to use")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# open ES connection globally so we don't waste time opening it per message
es = esConnect()
pluginList = registerPlugins()
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:"Exiting worker")
if options.esbulksize != 0:
except Exception as e:
if options.esbulksize != 0: