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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# Copyright (c) 2016 Mozilla Corporation
# Author: gdestuynder@mozilla.com
# Imports auth0.com logs into MozDef
import hjson
import sys
import os
import requests
import mozdef_client as mozdef
from mozdef_util.utilities.dot_dict import DotDict
import urllib.parse
quote_url = urllib.parse.quote
except ImportError:
# Well hello there python2 user!
import urllib
quote_url = urllib.quote
import traceback
def fatal(msg):
def debug(msg):
sys.stderr.write('+++ {}\n'.format(msg))
# This is from https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Logs/get_logs
# auth0 calls these events with an acronym and description
# The logs have the acronym, but not the description
# but do include a 'description' field that is additional detailed words
# about what happened.
# See also: https://github.com/auth0/auth0-logs-to-logentries/blob/master/index.js (MIT)
# levels
# 0 = Debug
# 1 = Info
# 2 = Warning
# 3 = Error
# 4 = Critical
log_types = DotDict({
's': {
"event": 'Success Login',
"level": 1
'slo': {
"event": 'Success Logout',
"level": 1
'flo': {
"event": 'Failed Logout',
"level": 3
'seacft': {
"event": 'Success Exchange (Authorization Code for Access Token)',
"level": 1
'feacft': {
"event": 'Failed Exchange (Authorization Code for Access Token)',
"level": 3
'f': {
"event": 'Failed Login',
"level": 3
'w': {
"event": 'Warnings During Login',
"level": 2
'du': {
"event": 'Deleted User',
"level": 1
'fu': {
"event": 'Failed Login (invalid email/username)',
"level": 3
'fp': {
"event": 'Failed Login (wrong password)',
"level": 3
'fc': {
"event": 'Failed by Connector',
"level": 3
'fco': {
"event": 'Failed by CORS',
"level": 3
'con': {
"event": 'Connector Online',
"level": 1
'coff': {
"event": 'Connector Offline',
"level": 3
'fcpro': {
"event": 'Failed Connector Provisioning',
"level": 4
'ss': {
"event": 'Success Signup',
"level": 1
'fs': {
"event": 'Failed Signup',
"level": 3
'cs': {
"event": 'Code Sent',
"level": 0
'cls': {
"event": 'Code/Link Sent',
"level": 0
'sv': {
"event": 'Success Verification Email',
"level": 0
'fv': {
"event": 'Failed Verification Email',
"level": 0
'scp': {
"event": 'Success Change Password',
"level": 1
'fcp': {
"event": 'Failed Change Password',
"level": 3
'sce': {
"event": 'Success Change Email',
"level": 1
'fce': {
"event": 'Failed Change Email',
"level": 3
'scu': {
"event": 'Success Change Username',
"level": 1
'fcu': {
"event": 'Failed Change Username',
"level": 3
'scpn': {
"event": 'Success Change Phone Number',
"level": 1
'fcpn': {
"event": 'Failed Change Phone Number',
"level": 3
'svr': {
"event": 'Success Verification Email Request',
"level": 0
'fvr': {
"event": 'Failed Verification Email Request',
"level": 3
'scpr': {
"event": 'Success Change Password Request',
"level": 0
'fcpr': {
"event": 'Failed Change Password Request',
"level": 3
'fn': {
"event": 'Failed Sending Notification',
"level": 3
'sapi': {
"event": 'API Operation',
"level": 1
'fapi': {
"event": 'Failed API Operation',
"level": 3
'limit_wc': {
"event": 'Blocked Account',
"level": 4
'limit_ui': {
"event": 'Too Many Calls to /userinfo',
"level": 4
'api_limit': {
"event": 'Rate Limit On API',
"level": 4
'sdu': {
"event": 'Successful User Deletion',
"level": 1
'fdu': {
"event": 'Failed User Deletion',
"level": 3
'sd': {
"event": 'Success Delegation',
"level": 3
'fd': {
"event": 'Failed Delegation',
"level": 3
'seccft': {
"event": "Success Exchange (Client Credentials for Access Token)",
"level": 1
'feccft': {
"event": "Failed Exchange (Client Credentials for Access Token)",
"level": 1
'fsa': {
"event": "Failed Silent Auth",
"level": 3
'ssa': {
"event": "Success Silent Auth",
"level": 1
'fepft': {
"event": "Failed Exchange (Password for Access Token)",
"level": 3
'limit_mu': {
"event": "Blocked IP Address",
"level": 3
'sepft': {
"event": "Success Exchange (Password for Access Token)",
"level": 1
'fcoa': {
"event": "Failed Cross Origin Authentication",
"level": 3
def process_msg(mozmsg, msg):
"""Normalization function for auth0 msg.
@mozmsg: MozDefEvent (mozdef message as DotDict)
@msg: DotDict (json with auth0 raw message data).
All the try-except loops handle cases where the auth0 msg may or may not contain expected fields.
The msg structure is not garanteed.
See also https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Logs/get_logs
details = DotDict({})
# defaults
details.username = "UNKNOWN"
details.userid = "UNKNOWN"
# key words used to set category and success/failure markers
authentication_words = ['Login', 'Logout', 'Auth']
authorization_words = ['Authorization', 'Access', 'Delegation']
success_words = ['Success']
failed_words = ['Failed']
# default category (might be modified below to be more specific)
mozmsg.source = 'auth0'
# fields that should always exist
mozmsg.timestamp = msg.date
details['messageid'] = msg._id
details['sourceipaddress'] = msg.ip
details['userid'] = msg.user_id
except KeyError:
details['username'] = msg.user_name
except KeyError:
# the details.request/response exist for api calls
# but not for logins and other events
# check and prefer them if present.
details['username'] = msg.details.request.auth.user.name
details['action'] = msg.details.response.body.name
except KeyError:
details['useragent'] = msg.user_agent
except KeyError:
# auth0 calls these events with an acronym and name
details['eventname'] = log_types[msg.type].event
# determine the event category
if any(authword in details['eventname'] for authword in authentication_words):
if any(authword in details['eventname'] for authword in authorization_words):
# determine success/failure
if any(failword in details['eventname'] for failword in failed_words):
details.success = False
if any(successword in details['eventname'] for successword in success_words):
details.success = True
except KeyError:
# New message type, check https://manage-dev.mozilla.auth0.com/docs/api/management/v2#!/Logs/get_logs for ex.
debug('New auth0 message type, please add support: {}'.format(msg.type))
details['eventname'] = msg.type
# determine severity level
if log_types[msg.type].level == 3:
elif log_types[msg.type].level > 3:
# default description
details['description'] = ""
if 'description' in msg and msg.description is not None:
# use the detailed description of the operation sent from auth0
# Update a rule, add a site, update a site, etc
details['description'] = msg.description
except KeyError:
details['description'] = ""
# set the summary
if 'auth' in mozmsg._category:
# make summary be action/username (success login user@place.com)
mozmsg.summary = "{event} {desc}".format(
# default summary as action and description (if it exists)
mozmsg.summary = "{event} {desc}".format(
details['clientname'] = msg.client_name
except KeyError:
details['connection'] = msg.connection
except KeyError:
details['clientid'] = msg.client_id
except KeyError:
# Differenciate auto login (session cookie check validated) from logged in and had password verified
for i in msg.details.prompt:
# Session cookie check
if i.get('name') == 'authenticate':
details['authtype'] = 'Login succeeded due to a valid session cookie being supplied'
elif i.get('name') == 'lock-password-authenticate':
details['authtype'] = 'Login succeeded due to a valid plaintext password being supplied'
except KeyError:
mozmsg.details = details
mozmsg.details['raw'] = str(msg)
return mozmsg
def load_state(fpath):
"""Load last msg id we've read from auth0 (log index).
@fpath string (path to state file)
state = 0
with open(fpath) as fd:
state = fd.read().split('\n')[0]
except IOError:
return state
def save_state(fpath, state):
"""Saves last msg id we've read from auth0 (log index).
@fpath string (path to state file)
@state int (state value)
with open(fpath, mode='w') as fd:
fd.write(str(state) + '\n')
def byteify(input):
"""Convert input to ascii"""
if isinstance(input, dict):
return {byteify(key): byteify(value)
for key, value in input.iteritems()}
elif isinstance(input, list):
return [byteify(element) for element in input]
elif isinstance(input, unicode):
return input.encode('utf-8')
return input
def fetch_auth0_logs(config, headers, fromid):
lastid = fromid
r = requests.get('{url}?take={reqnr}&sort=date:1&per_page={reqnr}&include_totals=true&from={fromid}'.format(
# If we fail here, auth0 is not responding to us the way we expected it
if (not r.ok):
raise Exception(r.url, r.reason, r.status_code, r.json())
ret = r.json()
# Sometimes API give us the requested totals.. sometimes not.
if type(ret) is dict and 'logs' in ret:
have_totals = True
all_msgs = ret['logs']
have_totals = False
all_msgs = ret
# Process all new auth0 log msgs, normalize and send them to mozdef
for msg in all_msgs:
mozmsg = mozdef.MozDefEvent(config.mozdef.url)
if config.DEBUG == 'True':
mozmsg.set_send_to_syslog(True, only_syslog=True)
mozmsg.hostname = config.auth0.url
mozmsg.tags = ['auth0']
msg = byteify(msg)
msg = DotDict(msg)
lastid = msg._id
# Fill in mozdef msg fields from the auth0 msg
mozmsg = process_msg(mozmsg, msg)
except KeyError as e:
# if this happens the msg was malformed in some way
mozmsg.details['error'] = 'true'
mozmsg.details['errormsg'] = '"' + str(e) + '"'
mozmsg.summary = 'Failed to parse auth0 message'
if config.DEBUG == 'True':
if have_totals:
return (int(ret['total']), int(ret['start']), int(ret['length']), lastid)
return (0, 0, 0, lastid)
def main():
# Configuration loading
config_location = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/' + 'auth02mozdef.json'
with open(config_location) as fd:
config = DotDict(hjson.load(fd))
if config is None:
print("No configuration file 'auth02mozdef.json' found.")
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(config.auth0.token),
'Accept': 'application/json'
fromid = load_state(config.state_file)
# Auth0 will interpret a 0 state as an error on our hosted instance, but will accept an empty parameter "as if it was 0"
if (fromid == 0 or fromid == "0"):
fromid = ""
totals = 1
start = 0
length = 0
# Fetch until we've gotten all messages
while (totals > start + length):
(totals, start, length, lastid) = fetch_auth0_logs(config, headers, fromid)
fromid = lastid
save_state(config.state_file, lastid)
if __name__ == "__main__":