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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# Copyright (c) 2014 Mozilla Corporation
# Contributors:
# Jeff Bryner
import json
import kombu
import math
import os
import pyes
import pytz
import pynsive
import re
import sys
import time
from configlib import getConfig, OptionParser
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.parser import parse
from operator import itemgetter
from kombu import Connection, Queue, Exchange
from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin
from threading import Timer
# running under uwsgi?
import uwsgi
hasUWSGI = True
except ImportError as e:
hasUWSGI = False
def isNumber(s):
'check if a token is numeric, return bool'
float(s) # for int, long and float
except ValueError:
complex(s) # for complex
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def digits(n):
'''return the number of digits in a number'''
if n > 0:
digits = int(math.log10(n))+1
elif n == 0:
digits = 1
digits = int(math.log10(-n))+2
return digits
def toUTC(suspectedDate, localTimeZone=None):
'''make a UTC date out of almost anything'''
utc = pytz.UTC
objDate = None
if localTimeZone is None:
localTimeZone = options.defaultTimeZone
if type(suspectedDate) == datetime:
objDate = suspectedDate
elif isNumber(suspectedDate):
# epoch? but seconds/milliseconds/nanoseconds (lookin at you heka)
epochDivisor = int(str(1) + '0'*(digits(suspectedDate) % 10))
objDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(suspectedDate/epochDivisor))
elif type(suspectedDate) in (str, unicode):
objDate = parse(suspectedDate, fuzzy=True)
if objDate.tzinfo is None:
objDate = pytz.timezone(localTimeZone).localize(objDate)
objDate = utc.normalize(objDate)
objDate = utc.normalize(objDate)
if objDate is not None:
objDate = utc.normalize(objDate)
return objDate.isoformat()
def removeDictAt(aDict):
'''remove the @ symbol from any field/key names'''
returndict = dict()
for k, v in aDict.iteritems():
k = k.replace('@', '')
returndict[k] = v
return returndict
def removeAt(astring):
'''remove the leading @ from a string'''
return astring.replace('@', '')
def isCEF(aDict):
# determine if this is a CEF event
# could be an event posted to the /cef http endpoint
if 'endpoint' in aDict.keys() and aDict['endpoint'] == 'cef':
return True
# maybe it snuck in some other way
# check some key CEF indicators (the header fields)
if 'fields' in aDict.keys() and isinstance(aDict['fields'], dict):
lowerKeys = [s.lower() for s in aDict['fields'].keys()]
if 'devicevendor' in lowerKeys and 'deviceproduct' in lowerKeys and 'deviceversion' in lowerKeys:
return True
if 'details' in aDict.keys() and isinstance(aDict['details'], dict):
lowerKeys = [s.lower() for s in aDict['details'].keys()]
if 'devicevendor' in lowerKeys and 'deviceproduct' in lowerKeys and 'deviceversion' in lowerKeys:
return True
return False
def safeString(aString):
'''return a safe string given a potentially unsafe, unicode, etc'''
returnString = ''
if isinstance(aString, str):
returnString = aString
if isinstance(aString, unicode):
returnString = aString.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return returnString
def toUnicode(obj, encoding='utf-8'):
if type(obj) in [int, long, float, complex]:
# likely a number, convert it to string to get to unicode
obj = str(obj)
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
obj = unicode(obj, encoding)
return obj
def keyMapping(aDict):
'''map common key/fields to a normalized structure,
explicitly typed when possible to avoid schema changes for upsteam consumers
Special accomodations made for logstash,nxlog, beaver, heka and CEF
Some shippers attempt to conform to logstash-style @fieldname convention.
This strips the leading at symbol since it breaks some elastic search
libraries like elasticutils.
returndict = dict()
# save the source event for chain of custody/forensics
# returndict['original']=aDict
if 'utctimestamp' not in returndict.keys():
# default in case we don't find a reasonable timestamp
returndict['utctimestamp'] = toUTC(
# set the timestamp when we received it, i.e. now
returndict['receivedtimestamp'] = toUTC(
for k, v in aDict.iteritems():
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('message', 'summary'):
returndict[u'summary'] = toUnicode(v)
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('payload') and 'summary' not in aDict.keys():
# special case for heka if it sends payload as well as a summary, keep both but move payload to the details section.
returndict[u'summary'] = toUnicode(v)
elif removeAt(k.lower()) in ('payload'):
if 'details' not in returndict.keys():
returndict[u'details'] = dict()
returndict[u'details']['payload'] = toUnicode(v)
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('eventtime', 'timestamp'):
returndict[u'utctimestamp'] = toUTC(v)
returndict[u'timestamp'] = toUTC(v)
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('hostname', 'source_host', 'host'):
returndict[u'hostname'] = toUnicode(v)
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('tags'):
if len(v) > 0:
returndict[u'tags'] = v
# nxlog keeps the severity name in syslogseverity,everyone else should use severity or level.
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('syslogseverity', 'severity', 'severityvalue', 'level'):
returndict[u'severity'] = toUnicode(v).upper()
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('facility', 'syslogfacility'):
returndict[u'facility'] = toUnicode(v)
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('pid', 'processid'):
returndict[u'processid'] = toUnicode(v)
# nxlog sets sourcename to the processname (i.e. sshd), everyone else should call it process name or pname
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('pname', 'processname', 'sourcename'):
returndict[u'processname'] = toUnicode(v)
# the file, or source
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('path', 'logger', 'file'):
returndict[u'eventsource'] = toUnicode(v)
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('type', 'eventtype', 'category'):
returndict[u'category'] = toUnicode(v)
# custom fields as a list/array
if removeAt(k.lower()) in ('fields', 'details'):
if len(v) > 0:
returndict[u'details'] = v
# custom fields/details as a one off, not in an array
# i.e. fields.something=value or details.something=value
# move them to a dict for consistency in querying
if removeAt(k.lower()).startswith('fields.') or removeAt(k.lower()).startswith('details.'):
newName = k.lower().replace('fields.', '')
newName = newName.lower().replace('details.', '')
# add a dict to hold the details if it doesn't exist
if 'details' not in returndict.keys():
returndict[u'details'] = dict()
# add field
returndict[u'details'][unicode(newName)] = toUnicode(v)
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write('esworker exception normalizing the message %r\n' % e)
return None
return returndict
def esConnect(conn):
'''open or re-open a connection to elastic search'''
return pyes.ES(server=(list('{0}'.format(s) for s in options.esservers)), bulk_size=options.esbulksize)
class taskConsumer(ConsumerMixin):
def __init__(self, mqConnection, taskQueue, topicExchange, esConnection):
self.connection = mqConnection
self.esConnection = esConnection
self.taskQueue = taskQueue
self.topicExchange = topicExchange
self.mqproducer = self.connection.Producer(serializer='json')
if hasUWSGI:
self.muleid = uwsgi.mule_id()
self.muleid = 0
if options.esbulksize != 0:
# if we are bulk posting enable a timer to occasionally flush the pyes bulker even if it's not full
# to prevent events from sticking around an idle worker
Timer(options.esbulktimeout, self.flush_es_bulk).start()
def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel):
consumer = Consumer(self.taskQueue, callbacks=[self.on_message], accept=['json', 'text/plain'])
return [consumer]
def flush_es_bulk(self):
'''if we are bulk posting to elastic search force a bulk post even if we don't have
enough items to trigger a post normally.
This allows you to have lots of workers and not wait for events for too long if
there isn't a steady event stream while still retaining the throughput capacity
that bulk processing affords.
# sys.stderr.write('mule {0} flushing bulk elastic search posts\n'.format(self.muleid))
Timer(options.esbulktimeout, self.flush_es_bulk).start()
def on_message(self, body, message):
# print("RECEIVED MESSAGE: %r" % (body, ))
# just to be safe..check what we were sent.
if isinstance(body, dict):
bodyDict = body
elif isinstance(body, str) or isinstance(body, unicode):
bodyDict = json.loads(body) # lets assume it's json
except ValueError as e:
# not json..ack but log the message
sys.stderr.write("esworker exception: unknown body type received %r\n" % body)
sys.stderr.write("esworker exception: unknown body type received %r\n" % body)
# normalize the dict
normalizedDict = keyMapping(bodyDict)
# send the dict to elastic search and to the events task queue
if normalizedDict is not None and isinstance(normalizedDict, dict) and normalizedDict.keys():
# could be empty,or invalid
# pass the event to any plug-ins we have registered
# disable periodic checking for new plugins
# because of memory leak
# checkPlugins(pluginList,lastPluginCheck)
sendEventToPlugins(normalizedDict, pluginList)
# make a json version for posting to elastic search
jbody = json.JSONEncoder().encode(normalizedDict)
# figure out what type of document we are indexing and post to the elastic search index.
doctype = 'event'
if isCEF(bodyDict):
# cef records are set to the 'deviceproduct' field value.
doctype = 'cef'
if 'fields' in bodyDict.keys() and 'deviceproduct' in bodyDict['fields'].keys():
# don't create strange doc types..
if ' ' not in bodyDict['fields']['deviceproduct'] and '.' not in bodyDict['fields']['deviceproduct']:
doctype = bodyDict['fields']['deviceproduct']
if 'details' in bodyDict.keys() and 'deviceproduct' in bodyDict['details'].keys():
# don't create strange doc types..
if ' ' not in bodyDict['details']['deviceproduct'] and '.' not in bodyDict['details']['deviceproduct']:
doctype = bodyDict['details']['deviceproduct']
if options.esbulksize != 0:
res = self.esConnection.index(index='events', doc_type=doctype, doc=jbody, bulk=True)
res = self.esConnection.index(index='events', doc_type=doctype, doc=jbody, bulk=False)
except (pyes.exceptions.NoServerAvailable, pyes.exceptions.InvalidIndexNameException) as e:
# handle loss of server or race condition with index rotation/creation/aliasing
self.esConnection = esConnect(None)
except kombu.exceptions.MessageStateError:
# state may be already set.
except pyes.exceptions.ElasticSearchException as e:
# exception target for queue capacity issues reported by elastic search so catch the error, report it and retry the message
sys.stderr.write('ElasticSearchException: {0} reported while indexing event'.format(e))
except kombu.exceptions.MessageStateError:
# state may be already set.
# post the dict (kombu serializes it to json) to the events topic queue
# using the ensure function to shortcut connection/queue drops/stalls, etc.
ensurePublish = self.connection.ensure(self.mqproducer, self.mqproducer.publish, max_retries=10)
ensurePublish(normalizedDict, exchange=self.topicExchange, routing_key='mozdef.event')
except ValueError as e:
sys.stderr.write("esworker exception in events queue %r\n" % e)
def registerPlugins():
pluginList = list() # tuple of module,registration dict,priority
plugin_manager = pynsive.PluginManager()
if os.path.exists('plugins'):
modules = pynsive.list_modules('plugins')
for mname in modules:
module = pynsive.import_module(mname)
if not module:
raise ImportError('Unable to load module {}'.format(mname))
if 'message' in dir(module):
mclass = module.message()
mreg = mclass.registration
if 'priority' in dir(mclass):
mpriority = mclass.priority
mpriority = 100
if isinstance(mreg, dict):
print('[*] plugin {0} registered to receive messages with {1}'.format(mname, mreg))
if isinstance(mreg, type(re.compile(''))):
print('[*] plugin {0} registered with a regex: {1}'.format(mname, mreg.pattern))
pluginList.append((mclass, mreg, mpriority))
return pluginList
def checkPlugins(pluginList, lastPluginCheck):
if abs( - lastPluginCheck).seconds > options.plugincheckfrequency:
# print('[*] checking plugins')
lastPluginCheck =
pluginList = registerPlugins()
return pluginList, lastPluginCheck
return pluginList, lastPluginCheck
def flattenDict(inDict, pre=None, values=True):
'''given a dictionary, potentially with multiple sub dictionaries
return a period delimited version of the dict with or without values
i.e. {'something':'value'} becomes something=value
{'something':{'else':'value'}} becomes something.else=value
pre = pre[:] if pre else []
if isinstance(inDict, dict):
for key, value in inDict.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, dict):
for d in flattenDict(value, pre + [key], values):
yield d
if pre:
if values:
if isinstance(value, str):
yield '.'.join(pre) + '.' + key + '=' + str(value)
elif isinstance(value, unicode):
yield '.'.join(pre) + '.' + key + '=' + value.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
elif value is None:
yield '.'.join(pre) + '.' + key + '=None'
yield '.'.join(pre) + '.' + key
if values:
if isinstance(value, str):
yield key + '=' + str(value)
elif isinstance(value, unicode):
yield key + '=' + value.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
elif value is None:
yield key + '=None'
yield key
yield '-'.join(pre) + '.' + inDict
def sendEventToPlugins(anevent, pluginList):
'''compare the event to the plugin registrations.
plugins register with a dictionary either including a value or None
None meaning send anything with that field.
Value meaning send anything mathing that exact value
Do this comparison by flattening the dict into key.key.key=value being mindful of sub dictionaries
if not isinstance(anevent, dict):
raise TypeError('event is type {0}, should be a dict'.format(type(anevent)))
# expecting tuple of module,criteria,priority in pluginList
eventWithValues = [e for e in flattenDict(anevent)]
eventWithoutValues = [e for e in flattenDict(anevent, values=False)]
# sort the plugin list by priority
for plugin in sorted(pluginList, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=False):
# assume we don't run this event through the plugin
send = False
# regex or dict as a registration
# no regex instance type to compare compare to re.compile
if isinstance(plugin[1], type(re.compile(''))):
for e in eventWithValues:
if plugin[1].search(e):
send = True
if isinstance(plugin[1], dict):
# list of the plugin field requests. Will return key=None for keys registered without a particular value
pluginRegistration = [entry for entry in flattenDict(plugin[1])]
# print('plug in wants: {0}'.format(pluginRegistration))
for p in pluginRegistration:
if p.endswith('=None'): # a request for a field, no specific value
if p.replace('=None', '') in eventWithoutValues:
send = True
if p in eventWithValues:
send = True
if send:
anevent = plugin[0].onMessage(anevent)
eventWithValues = [e for e in flattenDict(anevent)]
eventWithoutValues = [e for e in flattenDict(anevent, values=False)]
return anevent
def main():
# connect and declare the message queue/kombu objects.
# only py-amqp supports ssl and doesn't recognize amqps
# so fix up the connection string accordingly
connString = 'amqp://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'.format(options.mquser, options.mqpassword, options.mqserver, options.mqport, options.mqvhost)
if options.mqprotocol == 'amqps':
mqSSL = True
mqSSL = False
mqConn = Connection(connString, ssl=mqSSL)
# Task Exchange for events sent via http for us to normalize and post to elastic search
eventTaskExchange = Exchange(name=options.taskexchange, type='direct', durable=True)
# Queue for the exchange
eventTaskQueue = Queue(options.taskexchange, exchange=eventTaskExchange, routing_key=options.taskexchange)
# topic exchange for anyone who wants to queue and listen for mozdef.event
eventTopicExchange = Exchange(name=options.eventexchange, type='topic', durable=False, delivery_mode=1)
if hasUWSGI:
sys.stdout.write("started as uwsgi mule {0}\n".format(uwsgi.mule_id()))
sys.stdout.write('started without uwsgi\n')
# consume our queue and publish on the topic exchange
taskConsumer(mqConn, eventTaskQueue, eventTopicExchange, es).run()
def initConfig():
# change this to your default zone for when it's not specified
options.defaultTimeZone = getConfig('defaulttimezone', 'US/Pacific', options.configfile)
# elastic search options. set esbulksize to a non-zero value to enable bulk posting, set timeout to post no matter how many events after X seconds.
options.esservers = list(getConfig('esservers', 'http://localhost:9200', options.configfile).split(','))
options.esbulksize = getConfig('esbulksize', 0, options.configfile)
options.esbulktimeout = getConfig('esbulktimeout', 30, options.configfile)
# message queue options
options.mqserver = getConfig('mqserver', 'localhost', options.configfile)
options.taskexchange = getConfig('taskexchange', 'eventtask', options.configfile)
options.eventexchange = getConfig('eventexchange', 'events', options.configfile)
# how many messages to ask for at once from the message queue
options.prefetch = getConfig('prefetch', 50, options.configfile)
options.mquser = getConfig('mquser', 'guest', options.configfile)
options.mqpassword = getConfig('mqpassword', 'guest', options.configfile)
options.mqport = getConfig('mqport', 5672, options.configfile)
options.mqvhost = getConfig('mqvhost', '/', options.configfile)
# set to either amqp or amqps for ssl
options.mqprotocol = getConfig('mqprotocol', 'amqp', options.configfile)
# plugin options
# secs to pass before checking for new/updated plugins
# seems to cause memory leaks..
# regular updates are disabled for now,
# though we set the frequency anyway.
options.plugincheckfrequency = getConfig('plugincheckfrequency', 120, options.configfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# configure ourselves
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-c", dest='configfile', default=sys.argv[0].replace('.py', '.conf'), help="configuration file to use")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# open ES connection globally so we don't waste time opening it per message
es = esConnect(None)
# force a check for plugins and establish the plugin list
pluginList = list()
lastPluginCheck =
pluginList, lastPluginCheck = checkPlugins(pluginList, lastPluginCheck)