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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Mozilla Corporation
import bottle
import enum
import json
import netaddr
import os
import pynsive
import random
import re
import requests
import socket
import importlib
from bottle import route, run, response, request, default_app, post, put, delete, get
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from configlib import getConfig, OptionParser
from ipwhois import IPWhois
from operator import itemgetter
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson import json_util
from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions
from mozdef_util.elasticsearch_client import ElasticsearchClient, ElasticsearchInvalidIndex
from mozdef_util.query_models import SearchQuery, TermMatch
from mozdef_util.utilities.logger import logger, initLogger
from mozdef_util.utilities.toUTC import toUTC
options = None
pluginList = list() # tuple of module,registration dict,priority
# The name of the MongoDB database that stores duplicate chains.
DUP_CHAIN_DB = "duplicatechains"
class StatusCode(enum.IntEnum):
"""A simple enumeration of common status codes.
OK = 200
def enable_cors(fn):
''' cors decorator for rest/ajax'''
def _enable_cors(*args, **kwargs):
# set CORS headers
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token'
if bottle.request.method != 'OPTIONS':
# actual request; reply with the actual response
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return _enable_cors
def test():
'''test endpoint for..testing'''
# ip = request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
# response.headers['X-IP'] = '{0}'.format(ip)
response.status = 200
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'test')
return response
def status():
'''endpoint for a status/health check'''
if request.body:
response.status = 200
response.content_type = "application/json"
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='ok', service='restapi'))
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'status')
return response
def get_watchlist():
'''endpoint for grabbing watchlist contents'''
if request.body:
response.status = 200
response.content_type = "application/json"
response.body = getWatchlist()
return response
def veris():
'''returns a count of veris tags'''
if request.body:
response.content_type = "application/json"
response.body = verisSummary()
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'veris')
return response
def kibana_dashboards():
'''returns a list of dashboards to show on the UI'''
if request.body:
response.content_type = "application/json"
response.body = kibanaDashboards()
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'kibanadashboards')
return response
@post('/blockip', methods=['POST'])
@post('/blockip/', methods=['POST'])
def block_ip():
'''will receive a call to block an ip address'''
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'blockip')
return response
@post('/blockfqdn', methods=['POST'])
@post('/blockfqdn/', methods=['POST'])
def block_fqdn():
'''will receive a call to block an ip address'''
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'blockfqdn')
return response
@post('/watchitem', methods=['POST'])
@post('/watchitem/', methods=['POST'])
def watch_item():
'''will receive a call to watchlist a specific term'''
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'watchitem')
return response
@post('/ipwhois', methods=['POST'])
@post('/ipwhois/', methods=['POST'])
def ip_whois():
'''return a json version of whois for an ip address'''
if request.body:
arequest = request.body.read()
# valid json?
requestDict = json.loads(arequest)
except ValueError:
response.status = 500
if 'ipaddress' in requestDict and isIPv4(requestDict['ipaddress']):
response.content_type = "application/json"
response.body = getWhois(requestDict['ipaddress'])
response.status = 500
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'ipwhois')
return response
@post('/ipdshieldquery', methods=['POST'])
@post('/ipdshieldquery/', methods=['POST'])
def ip_dshield_query():
return a json version of dshield query for an ip address
if request.body:
arequest = request.body.read()
# valid json?
requestDict = json.loads(arequest)
except ValueError:
response.status = 500
if 'ipaddress' in requestDict and isIPv4(requestDict['ipaddress']):
headers = {
'User-Agent': options.user_agent
dresponse = requests.get('{0}{1}?json'.format(url, requestDict['ipaddress']), headers=headers)
if dresponse.status_code == 200:
response.content_type = "application/json"
response.body = dresponse.content
response.status = dresponse.status_code
response.status = 500
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'ipdshieldquery')
return response
def alert_schedules():
'''an endpoint to return alert schedules'''
if request.body:
response.content_type = "application/json"
mongoclient = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
schedulers_db = mongoclient.meteor['alertschedules'].with_options(codec_options=CodecOptions(tz_aware=True))
mongodb_alerts = schedulers_db.find()
alert_schedules_dict = {}
for mongodb_alert in mongodb_alerts:
if mongodb_alert['last_run_at']:
mongodb_alert['last_run_at'] = mongodb_alert['last_run_at'].isoformat()
if 'modifiedat' in mongodb_alert:
mongodb_alert['modifiedat'] = mongodb_alert['modifiedat'].isoformat()
alert_schedules_dict[mongodb_alert['name']] = mongodb_alert
response.body = json.dumps(alert_schedules_dict)
response.status = 200
return response
@post('/syncalertschedules', methods=['POST'])
@post('/syncalertschedules/', methods=['POST'])
def sync_alert_schedules():
'''an endpoint to return alerts schedules'''
if not request.body:
response.status = 503
return response
alert_schedules = json.loads(request.body.read())
response.content_type = "application/json"
mongoclient = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
schedulers_db = mongoclient.meteor['alertschedules'].with_options(codec_options=CodecOptions(tz_aware=True))
results = schedulers_db.find()
for result in results:
if result['name'] in alert_schedules:
new_sched = alert_schedules[result['name']]
result['total_run_count'] = new_sched['total_run_count']
result['last_run_at'] = new_sched['last_run_at']
if result['last_run_at']:
result['last_run_at'] = toUTC(result['last_run_at'])
logger.debug("Inserting schedule for {0} into mongodb".format(result['name']))
response.status = 200
return response
@post('/updatealertschedules', methods=['POST'])
@post('/updatealertschedules/', methods=['POST'])
def update_alert_schedules():
'''an endpoint to return alerts schedules'''
if not request.body:
response.status = 503
return response
alert_schedules = json.loads(request.body.read())
response.content_type = "application/json"
mongoclient = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
schedulers_db = mongoclient.meteor['alertschedules'].with_options(codec_options=CodecOptions(tz_aware=True))
for alert_name, alert_schedule in alert_schedules.items():
if alert_schedule['last_run_at']:
alert_schedule['last_run_at'] = toUTC(alert_schedule['last_run_at'])
logger.debug("Inserting schedule for {0} into mongodb".format(alert_name))
response.status = 200
return response
@route('/plugins', methods=['GET'])
@route('/plugins/', methods=['GET'])
@route('/plugins/<endpoint>', methods=['GET'])
def getPluginList(endpoint=None):
''' return a json representation of the plugin tuple
(mname, mclass, mreg, mpriority)
minus the actual class (which isn't json-able)
for all plugins, or for a specific endpoint
pluginResponse = list()
if endpoint is None:
for plugin in pluginList:
pdict = {}
pdict['file'] = plugin[0]
pdict['name'] = plugin[1]
pdict['description'] = plugin[2]
pdict['registration'] = plugin[3]
pdict['priority'] = plugin[4]
# filter the list to just the endpoint requested
for plugin in pluginList:
if endpoint in plugin[3]:
pdict = {}
pdict['file'] = plugin[0]
pdict['name'] = plugin[1]
pdict['description'] = plugin[2]
pdict['registration'] = plugin[3]
pdict['priority'] = plugin[4]
response.content_type = "application/json"
response.body = json.dumps(pluginResponse)
sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, 'plugins')
return response
@post('/incident', methods=['POST'])
@post('/incident/', methods=['POST'])
def createIncident():
endpoint to create an incident
request body eg.
"summary": <string>,
"phase": <enum: case-insensitive>
Choose from ('Identification', 'Containment', 'Eradication',
'Recovery', 'Lessons Learned', 'Closed')
"creator": <email>,
// Optional Arguments
"description": <string>,
"dateOpened": <string: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm>,
"dateClosed": <string: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm>,
"dateReported": <string: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm>,
"dateVerified": <string: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm>,
"dateMitigated": <string: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm>,
"dateContained": <string: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm>,
"tags": <list <string>>,
"references": <list <string>>
client = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
incidentsMongo = client.meteor['incidents']
response.content_type = "application/json"
EMAIL_REGEX = r"^[A-Za-z0-9\.\+_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]*$"
if not request.body:
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='No data provided'))
return response
body = json.loads(request.body.read())
except ValueError:
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='Invalid JSON'))
return response
incident = dict()
validIncidentPhases = ('Identification', 'Containment', 'Eradication',
'Recovery', 'Lessons Learned', 'Closed')
incident['_id'] = generateMeteorID()
incident['summary'] = body['summary']
incident['phase'] = body['phase']
incident['creator'] = body['creator']
incident['creatorVerified'] = False
except KeyError:
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='Missing required keys'
'(summary, phase, creator)'))
return response
# Validating Incident phase type
if (type(incident['phase']) is not str or
incident['phase'] not in validIncidentPhases):
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='Invalid incident phase'))
return response
# Validating creator email
if not re.match(EMAIL_REGEX, incident['creator']):
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='Invalid creator email'))
return response
incident['description'] = body.get('description')
incident['dateOpened'] = validateDate(body.get('dateOpened', datetime.now()))
incident['dateClosed'] = validateDate(body.get('dateClosed'))
incident['dateReported'] = validateDate(body.get('dateReported'))
incident['dateVerified'] = validateDate(body.get('dateVerified'))
incident['dateMitigated'] = validateDate(body.get('dateMitigated'))
incident['dateContained'] = validateDate(body.get('dateContained'))
dates = [
# Validating all the dates for the format
if False in dates:
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='Wrong format of date. Please '
'use yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm'))
return response
incident['tags'] = body.get('tags')
if incident['tags'] and type(incident['tags']) is not list:
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='tags field must be a list'))
return response
incident['references'] = body.get('references')
if incident['references'] and type(incident['references']) is not list:
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
error='references field must be a list'))
return response
# Inserting incident dict into mongodb
except Exception as err:
response.status = 500
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='failed',
return response
response.status = 200
response.body = json.dumps(dict(status='success',
message='Incident: <{}> added.'.format(
return response
def update_alert_status():
"""Update the status of an alert.
Requests are expected to take the following (JSON) form:
"alert": str,
"status": str,
"user": {
"email": str,
"slack": str
"identityConfidence": str
"response": str
* `"alert"` is the unique identifier fo the alert whose status
we are to update.
* `"status"` is one of "manual", "inProgress", "acknowledged"
or "escalated".
* `identityConfidence` is one of "highest", "high", "moderate", "low",
or "lowest".
This function writes back a response containing the following JSON.
"error": Optional[str]
If an error occurs and the alert is not able to be updated, then
the "error" field will contain a string message describing the issue.
Otherwise, this field will simply be `null`. This function will,
along with updating the alert's status, append information about the
user and their response to `alert['details']['triage']`.
Responses will also use status codes to indicate success / failure / error.
mongo = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
alerts = mongo.meteor["alerts"]
req = json.loads(request.body.read())
except ValueError:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {
"error": "Missing or invalid request body"
valid_statuses = ["manual", "inProgress", "acknowledged", "escalated"]
if req.get("status") not in valid_statuses:
required = " or ".join(valid_statuses)
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {
"error": "Status not one of {}".format(required),
expected_fields = ["alert", "user", "response", "identityConfidence"]
if any([req.get(field) is None for field in expected_fields]):
required = ", ".join(expected_fields)
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {
"error": "Missing a required field, one of {}".format(required),
valid_confidences = ["highest", "high", "moderate", "low", "lowest"]
if req.get("identityConfidence") not in valid_confidences:
required = " or ".join(valid_confidences)
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {
"error": "identityConfidence not one of {}".format(required),
details = {
"triage": {
"user": req.get("user"),
"response": req.get("response"),
"identityConfidence": req.get("identityConfidence"),
fields_to_update = {
"status": req.get("status"),
"details": details,
if req.get("status") == "acknowledged":
"acknowledged": toUTC(datetime.utcnow()),
"acknowledgedby": "triagebot",
modified_count = alerts.update_one(
{"esmetadata.id": req.get("alert")}, {"$set": fields_to_update}
if modified_count != 1:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {"error": "Alert not found"}
response.status = StatusCode.OK
return {"error": None}
return response
def retrieve_duplicate_chain():
"""Search for a `Duplicate Chain` storing information about duplicate
alerts triggered by the same user's activity. These chains track such
duplicate alerts so that the triage bot does not have to message a user
on Slack for each such alert within some period of time.
Requests are expected to include the following query parameters.
* `"alert": str` is the "label" for the alert, signifying which of the
supported alerts the user in question triggered.
* `"user": str` is the email address of the user contacted.
This function writes back a response containing the following JSON.
"error": Optional[str],
"identifiers": List[str],
"created": str,
"modified": str
* `"error"` will contain a string message if any error occurs performing
a lookup. If such an error occurs, `"identifiers"` will be an empty
* `"identifiers"` is a list of IDs of alerts stored under the chain.
* `"created"` is the date & time at which the chain was created.
* `"modified"` is the date & time at which the chain was last modified.
Both the `"created"` and `"modified"` fields represent UTC timestamps and
are formatted like `YYYY/mm/dd HH:MM:SS`.
mongo = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
dupchains = mongo.meteor[DUP_CHAIN_DB]
def _error(msg):
return json.dumps({
"error": msg,
"identifiers": [],
"created": toUTC(datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
"modified": toUTC(datetime.utcnow()).isoformat(),
query = {"alert": request.query.alert, "user": request.query.user}
if query.get("alert", "") == "" or query.get("user", "") == "":
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
response.body = _error("Request missing `alert` or `user` field")
return response
chain = dupchains.find_one(query)
if chain is None:
# This is not an error, but we do want to write an empty response.
response.status = StatusCode.OK
response.body = _error("Did not find requested duplicate chian")
return response
response.status = StatusCode.OK
return {
"error": None,
"identifiers": chain["identifiers"],
"created": toUTC(chain["created"]).isoformat(),
"modified": toUTC(chain["modified"]).isoformat(),
def create_duplicate_chain():
"""Create a 'Duplicate Chain', linking information about alerts being
handled by the Triage Bot so that a user's response to a message about
one alert can be replicated against duplicate alerts without sending
multiple messages.
Requests are expected to take the following (JSON) form:
"alert": str,
"user": str,
"identifiers": List[str]
* `"alert"` is the "label" for the alert, signifying which of the
supported alerts is being triaged.
* `"user"` is the email address of the user contacted.
* `"identifier"` is a list of ElasticSearch IDs of alerts of the
same kind triggered by the same user.
This function writes back a response containing the following JSON.
"error": Optional[str]
If an error occurs, a duplicate chain will not be created and an error
string will be returned. Otherwise, the `error` field will be `null.`
mongo = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
dupchains = mongo.meteor[DUP_CHAIN_DB]
req = request.json
except bottle.HTTPError:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {"error": "Missing or invalid request body"}
now = datetime.utcnow()
chain = {
"alert": req.get("alert"),
"user": req.get("user"),
"identifiers": req.get("identifiers", []),
"created": now,
"modified": now,
if chain["alert"] is None or chain["user"] is None:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {
"error": "Request missing required key `alert` or `user`"
result = dupchains.insert_one(chain)
if not result.acknowledged:
response.status = StatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR
return {"error": "Failed to store new duplicate chain"}
response.status = StatusCode.OK
return {"error": None}
def update_duplicate_chain():
"""Update a `DuplicateChain`, appending information about a new alert
destined for a Slack user via the triage Bot.
See `create_duplicate_chain` for more information.
Requests are expected to take the following (JSON) form:
"alert": str,
"user": str,
"identifiers": List[str]
The parameters are the same as those of `create_duplicate_chain`.
This function writes back a response containing the following JSON.
"error": Optional[str]
If an error occurs, no duplicate chains will be updated. This endpoint
does not create a new chain if one does not already exist.
mongo = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
dupchains = mongo.meteor[DUP_CHAIN_DB]
req = request.json
except bottle.HTTPError:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {"error": "Missing or invalid request body"}
query = {"alert": req.get("alert"), "user": req.get("user")}
new_ids = req.get("identifiers")
if any([x is None for x in (query["alert"], query["user"], new_ids)]):
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {
"error": "Request missing required key `alert`, `user` or "
chain = dupchains.find_one(query)
if chain is None:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {"error": "Duplicate chain does not exist"}
modified = dupchains.update_one(
"$set": {
"identifiers": chain["identifiers"] + new_ids,
"modified": datetime.utcnow(),
if modified != 1:
response.status = StatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR
return {"error": "Failed to update chain"}
return response
response.status = StatusCode.OK
return {"error": None}
def delete_duplicate_chain():
"""Deletes a Duplicate Chain tracking duplicate alerts triggered by the
same user.
Requests are expected to contain the following JSON data:
"alert": str,
"user": str
* `"alert"` is the label of an alert supported by the triage bot.
* `"user"` is the email address of the user the triage bot contacted.
Responses will contain the following JSON:
"error": Optional[str]
In the case that a duplicate chain identified by the request parameters does
not exist or an error occurs in deleting it, the `"error"` field will
contain a string describing the error. Otherwise, it is `null`.
mongo = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
dupchains = mongo.meteor[DUP_CHAIN_DB]
req = request.json
except bottle.HTTPError:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {"error": "Missing or invalid request body"}
query = {"alert": req.get("alert"), "user": req.get("user")}
if query["alert"] is None or query["user"] is None:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {
"error": "Request missing required key `alert` or `user`"
result = dupchains.delete_one(query)
if not result.acknowledged:
response.status = StatusCode.BAD_REQUEST
return {"error": "No such duplicate chain exists"}
response.status = StatusCode.OK
return {"error": None}
def validateDate(date, dateFormat='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p'):
Converts a date string into a datetime object based
on the dateFormat keyworded arg.
Default dateFormat: %Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p (example: 2015-10-21 2:30 pm)
dateObj = None
if type(date) == datetime:
return date
dateObj = datetime.strptime(date, dateFormat)
except ValueError:
dateObj = False
except TypeError:
dateObj = None
return dateObj
def generateMeteorID():
return('%024x' % random.randrange(16**24))
def registerPlugins():
'''walk the plugins directory
and register modules in pluginList
as a tuple: (mfile, mname, mdescription, mreg, mpriority, mclass)
plugin_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "plugins")
module_name = os.path.basename(plugin_location)
root_plugin_directory = os.path.join(plugin_location, '..')
plugin_manager = pynsive.PluginManager()
if os.path.exists(plugin_location):
modules = pynsive.list_modules(module_name)
for mfile in modules:
module = pynsive.import_module(mfile)
if not module:
raise ImportError('Unable to load module {}'.format(mfile))
if 'message' in dir(module):
mclass = module.message()
mreg = mclass.registration
mclass.restoptions = options.__dict__
if 'priority' in dir(mclass):
mpriority = mclass.priority
mpriority = 100
if 'name' in dir(mclass):
mname = mclass.name
mname = mfile
if 'description' in dir(mclass):
mdescription = mclass.description
mdescription = mfile
if isinstance(mreg, list):
logger.info('[*] plugin {0} registered to receive messages from /{1}'.format(mfile, mreg))
pluginList.append((mfile, mname, mdescription, mreg, mpriority, mclass))
def sendMessgeToPlugins(request, response, endpoint):
iterate the registered plugins
sending the response/request to any that have
registered for this rest endpoint
# sort by priority
for plugin in sorted(pluginList, key=itemgetter(4), reverse=False):
if endpoint in plugin[3]:
(request, response) = plugin[5].onMessage(request, response)
def isIPv4(ip):
# netaddr on it's own considers 1 and 0 to be valid_ipv4
# so a little sanity check prior to netaddr.
# Use IPNetwork instead of valid_ipv4 to allow CIDR
if '.' in ip and len(ip.split('.')) == 4:
# some ips are quoted
return True
return False
return False
def kibanaDashboards():
resultsList = []
es_client = ElasticsearchClient((list('{0}'.format(s) for s in options.esservers)))
search_query = SearchQuery()
search_query.add_must(TermMatch('type', 'dashboard'))
results = search_query.execute(es_client, indices=['.kibana'])
for dashboard in results['hits']:
dashboard_id = dashboard['_id']
if dashboard_id.startswith('dashboard:'):
dashboard_id = dashboard_id.replace('dashboard:', '')
'name': dashboard['_source']['dashboard']['title'],
'id': dashboard_id
except ElasticsearchInvalidIndex as e:
logger.error('Kibana dashboard index not found: {0}\n'.format(e))
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Kibana dashboard received error: {0}\n'.format(e))
return json.dumps(resultsList)
def getWatchlist():
WatchList = []
# connect to mongo
client = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
mozdefdb = client.meteor
watchlistentries = mozdefdb['watchlist']
# Log the entries we are removing to maintain an audit log
expired = watchlistentries.find({'dateExpiring': {"$lte": datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=1)}})
for entry in expired:
logger.debug('Deleting entry {0} from watchlist /n'.format(entry))
# delete any that expired
watchlistentries.delete_many({'dateExpiring': {"$lte": datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=1)}})
# Lastly, export the combined watchlist
{"$sort": {"dateAdded": -1}},
{"$match": {"watchcontent": {"$exists": True}}},
{"dateExpiring": {"$gte": datetime.utcnow()}},
{"dateExpiring": {"$exists": False}},
for content in watchCursor:
return json.dumps(WatchList)
except ValueError as e:
logger.error('Exception {0} collecting watch list\n'.format(e))
def getWhois(ipaddress):
whois = dict()
ip = netaddr.IPNetwork(ipaddress)[0]
if (not ip.is_loopback() and not ip.is_private() and not ip.is_reserved()):
whois = IPWhois(netaddr.IPNetwork(ipaddress)[0]).lookup_whois()
return (json.dumps(whois))
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Error looking up whois for {0}: {1}\n'.format(ipaddress, e))
def verisSummary(verisRegex=None):
# aggregate the veris tags from the incidents collection and return as json
client = MongoClient(options.mongohost, options.mongoport)
# use meteor db
incidents = client.meteor['incidents']
iveris = incidents.aggregate([
{"$match": {"tags": {"$exists": True}}},
{"$unwind": "$tags"},
{"$match": {"tags": {"$regex": ''}}},
{"$project": {
"dateOpened": 1,
"tags": 1,
"phase": 1,
"_id": 0
if iveris:
return json.dumps(list(iveris), default=json_util.default)
return json.dumps(list())
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Exception while aggregating veris summary: {0}\n'.format(e))
def initConfig():
# output our log to stdout or syslog
options.output = getConfig('output', 'stdout', options.configfile)
options.sysloghostname = getConfig('sysloghostname', 'localhost', options.configfile)
options.syslogport = getConfig('syslogport', 514, options.configfile)
options.esservers = list(getConfig('esservers',
# mongo connectivity options
options.mongohost = getConfig('mongohost', 'localhost', options.configfile)
options.mongoport = getConfig('mongoport', 3001, options.configfile)
options.listen_host = getConfig('listen_host', '', options.configfile)
default_user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0'
options.user_agent = getConfig('user_agent', default_user_agent, options.configfile)
parser = OptionParser()
default=__file__.replace(".py", ".conf"),
help="configuration file to use")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
run(host=options.listen_host, port=8081)
application = default_app()