
419 строки
14 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/style.css">
.iso.face.bottom {
fill: brown;
.iso.outline {
stroke: #333;
fill: none;
vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;
.vis:hover .pipedon:not(:hover) * {
opacity: 0.6;
.label {
pointer-events: fill;
text-anchor: middle;
font-family: Impact;
load up the base libraries.
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Risk Heatmap</h1>
<svg width="1200px" height="1000px"></svg>
//load up the remaining libraries for d3kit and underscore to help munge the data
appDir: ".",
baseUrl: "js",
paths: {
'underscore': '//',
'd3': '//',
'elasticsearch': '//'
shim: {
/* Set dependencies */
'd3' : ['underscore','elasticsearch']
require(['d3'], function(d3) {
var color, correct_x, correct_y, data, enter_labels, enter_labels_g, enter_pipedons, height, iso_layout, isometric, parallelepipedon, path_generator, pipedons, svg, treemap, vis, width, zoom, zoomable_layer;
var esresults=[];
var riskLevels = [
{name: 'maximum', color: '#0078BD'},
{name: 'high', color: '#0078BD'},
{name: 'medium', color: '#00C2E0'},
{name: 'low', color: '#51E898'},
{name: 'none', color: '#4D4D4D'},
// elastic search setup and query
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: '',
log: 'error'
var searchParams = {
index: 'rra',
size: 200,
body: {
query: {
filtered: {
filter: {
// only return documents that are
// rra data
or: [
term: { category: "rra_data" }
var searchParams = {
index: 'rra',
size: 200,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
{ match: { category: "rra_data" }},
{ range: { utctimestamp: { gte: "2016-01-01" }}}
};, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
// handle error
throw err;
esresults= res.hits.hits
console.log('results received');
//utility function
// given an object, recurse it and
// return a list of its key/value pairs
listFlatten = function(x, result, prefix) {
if(_.isObject(x)) {
_.each(x, function(v, k) {
listFlatten(v, result, k)
} else {
result.push({key:prefix,value: x})
return result
svg ='svg');
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
zoomable_layer = svg.append('g');
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 10]).on('zoom', function() {
return zoomable_layer.attr({
transform: "translate(" + (zoom.translate()) + ")scale(" + (zoom.scale()) + ")"
vis = zoomable_layer.append('g').attr({
"class": 'vis',
transform: "translate(" + (width / 2) + "," + (height / 3) + ")"
isometric = function(_3d_p) {
return [-Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * _3d_p[0] + Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * _3d_p[1], +0.5 * _3d_p[0] + 0.5 * _3d_p[1] - _3d_p[2]];
parallelepipedon = function(d) {
var fb, ft, mlb, mlt, mrb, mrt, nb, nt;
if (!(d.x != null)) {
d.x = 0;
if (!(d.y != null)) {
d.y = 0;
if (!(d.h != null)) {
d.h = 0;
if (!(d.dx != null)) {
d.dx = 10;
if (!(d.dy != null)) {
d.dy = 10;
if (!(d.dh != null)) {
d.dh = 10;
fb = isometric([d.x, d.y, d.h], mlb = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y, d.h], nb = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y + d.dy, d.h], mrb = isometric([d.x, d.y + d.dy, d.h], ft = isometric([d.x, d.y, d.h + d.dh], mlt = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y, d.h + d.dh], nt = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y + d.dy, d.h + d.dh], mrt = isometric([d.x, d.y + d.dy, d.h + d.dh]))))))));
d.iso = {
face_bottom: [fb, mrb, nb, mlb],
face_left: [mlb, mlt, nt, nb],
face_right: [nt, mrt, mrb, nb],
face_top: [ft, mrt, nt, mlt],
outline: [ft, mrt, mrb, nb, mlb, mlt],
fb: fb,
mlb: mlb,
nb: nb,
mrb: mrb,
ft: ft,
mlt: mlt,
nt: nt,
mrt: mrt
return d;
iso_layout = function(data, shape, scale) {
if (!(scale != null)) {
scale = 1;
data.forEach(function(d) {
return shape(d, scale);
return data.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.dh - a.dh;
path_generator = function(d) {
return 'M' + {
return p.join(' ');
}).join('L') + 'z';
treemap = d3.layout.treemap().size([400, 400]).value(function(d) {
return d.area;
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return a.dh - b.dh;
color = d3.scale.category20c();
correct_x = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, width]).range([0, width * 1.05]);
correct_y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, height]).range([0, height * 3 / 4]);
//data = d3.range(30).map(function() {
// return {
// word: 'something',
// area: Math.random(),
// dh: Math.random() * 150
// };
data =,function(esrecord) {
//calc the risk value for this record
//by summarizing the risks into counts of LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH/MAXIMUM
//and scoring the results.
var risks=listFlatten(esrecord._source.details.risk,[])
var riskvalues=_.filter(risks,function(risk){
var keys= ['impact','probability']
if ( keys.indexOf(risk.key) >-1){
return risk
var counts=_.countBy(riskvalues,function(r){
return r.value
//calc the total risk score
var riskscore=0;
if ( _.has(counts,"MAXIMUM")){
riskscore += counts.MAXIMUM * 20
if (_.has(counts,"HIGH")){
riskscore += counts.HIGH * 15
if (_.has(counts,"MEDIUM")){
riskscore += counts.MEDIUM * 10
if (_.has(counts,"LOW")){
riskscore += counts.LOW * 5
return {
word: esrecord._source.details.metadata.service,
area: _.size(_.flatten(_.values(, //flatten the array of data
//dh: Math.random() * 150
dh: riskscore,
record: esrecord,
score: riskscore,
data = treemap.nodes({
children: data
}).filter(function(n) {
return n.depth === 1;
iso_layout(data, parallelepipedon);
data.forEach(function(d, i) {
return d.template_color = d3.hcl(color(i));
pipedons = vis.selectAll('.pipedon').data(data);
enter_pipedons = pipedons.enter().append('g').attr({
"class": 'pipedon'
"class": 'iso face bottom',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_bottom);
"class": 'iso face left',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_left);
fill: function(d) {
return d.template_color;
"class": 'iso face right',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_right);
fill: function(d) {
return d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l - 12);
"class": 'iso face top',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_top);
fill: function(d) {
return d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l + 12);
enter_labels_g = enter_pipedons.append('g');
enter_labels = enter_labels_g.append('svg').attr({
"class": 'label'
enter_labels.append('text').text(function(d) {
return d.word.toUpperCase();
dy: '.35em'
}).each(function(node) {
var bbox, bbox_aspect, node_bbox, node_bbox_aspect, rotate;
bbox = this.getBBox();
bbox_aspect = bbox.width / bbox.height;
node_bbox = {
width: node.dx,
height: node.dy
node_bbox_aspect = node_bbox.width / node_bbox.height;
rotate = bbox_aspect >= 1 && node_bbox_aspect < 1 || bbox_aspect < 1 && node_bbox_aspect >= 1;
node.label_bbox = {
x: bbox.x + (bbox.width - correct_x(bbox.width)) / 2,
y: bbox.y + (bbox.height - correct_y(bbox.height)) / 2,
width: correct_x(bbox.width),
height: correct_y(bbox.height)
if (rotate) {
node.label_bbox = {
x: node.label_bbox.y,
y: node.label_bbox.x,
width: node.label_bbox.height,
height: node.label_bbox.width
return'transform', 'rotate(90) translate(0,1)');
//add a tooltip
return d.word + ' ' + _.pairs(d.counts).toString() + ' total score: ' + d.score});
enter_labels.each(function(d) {
d.iso_x = isometric([d.x + d.dx / 2, d.y + d.dy / 2, d.h + d.dh])[0] - d.dx / 2;
return d.iso_y = isometric([d.x + d.dx / 2, d.y + d.dy / 2, d.h + d.dh])[1] - d.dy / 2;
x: function(d) {
return d.iso_x;
y: function(d) {
return d.iso_y;
width: function(node) {
return node.dx;
height: function(node) {
return node.dy;
viewBox: function(node) {
return "" + node.label_bbox.x + " " + node.label_bbox.y + " " + node.label_bbox.width + " " + node.label_bbox.height;
preserveAspectRatio: 'none',
fill: function(d) {
return d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l - 12);
transform: function(d) {
return "translate(" + (d.iso_x + d.dx / 2) + "," + (d.iso_y + d.dy / 2) + ") scale(1, " + (1 / Math.sqrt(3)) + ") rotate(-45) translate(" + (-(d.iso_x + d.dx / 2)) + "," + (-(d.iso_y + d.dy / 2)) + ")";
"class": 'iso outline',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.outline);
//publish objects to the console for debugging
//window.roadmapData = roadmapData; = data;