# Prerequisites You need to: * have the Android NDK: * http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html * use the **r5c** version * have the NSPR headers installed under /usr/include/nspr: * `apt-get install libnspr4-dev`, or * download from https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/nspr/releases/ * export these vars: * `NDKPATH` = path to the NDK folder * `ADB_PATH` = path to the adb binary * have a running B2G emulator/device with the ports 20700 and 20701 forwarded: * `adb forward tcp:20700 tcp:20700` * `adb forward tcp:20701 tcp:20701` * install busybox on the device: * `./setup-tools.sh` * have the toolchain: * `source bootstrap.sh` # Building, running Just `./run.sh`. # Including this in B2G Once you have the prerequisites and export the environment variables, just clone this repo inside `$B2G_REPO/system/`. Build and flash B2G as usual. You will be able to run the agent using `sutagent`. It will be in the `$PATH`. You do need to set the `LD` path for this to work: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib:/system/lib:/system/b2g # Start the agent on boot Insert this after the exports in `$B2G_REPO/gonk-misc/b2g.sh`: export NSPR_LOG_MODULES="NegatusLOG:5, timestamp" sutagent & # NSPR Logging Before running the agent (not necessary if you use `run.sh`): `export NSPR_LOG_MODULES="NegatusLOG:5, timestamp"` Data will be logged to `$TESTROOT/Negatus.log`.