#!/bin/bash # This script re-creates environment.yaml # This script will remove an existing openwpm # conda environment if it exists. set -e # Make conda available to shell script eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" # Create openwpm env with unpinned yaml file # `PYTHONNOUSERSITE` set so python ignores local user site libraries when building the env # See: https://github.com/openwpm/OpenWPM/pull/682#issuecomment-645648939 PYTHONNOUSERSITE=True conda env create --force -q -f environment-unpinned.yaml # Activate conda activate openwpm # Adding dev dependencies to environment PYTHONNOUSERSITE=True conda env update -f environment-unpinned-dev.yaml # Export the environment including manually specify channels conda env export --no-builds --override-channels -c conda-forge -c main -f ../environment.yaml # Prune environment file to only things we want to pin python prune-environment.py echo 'New environment.yaml successfully created.'