
43 строки
1.2 KiB
Executable File

# This script automates the creation and installation
# of the conda environmnet. It's useful for working
# in the docker file and on travis, but it's not
# necessary for individual users to use it.
# Developers are encouraged to only run scripts
# that they fully understand, and may prefer to
# run aspects of this script manually to set-up
# openwpm.
# This script will remove an existing openwpm
# conda environment if it exists.
# Arguments:
# --skip-create: Doesn't change the openwpm conda environment
set -e
# Make conda available to shell script
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
if [ "$1" != "--skip-create" ]; then
echo 'Creating / Overwriting openwpm conda environment.'
# `PYTHONNOUSERSITE` set so python ignores local user site libraries when building the env
# See:
PYTHONNOUSERSITE=True conda env create --force -q -f environment.yaml
echo 'Activating environment.'
conda activate openwpm
echo 'Installing firefox.'
echo 'Building extension.'
echo 'Installation complete, activate your new environment by running:'
echo 'conda activate openwpm'