
82 строки
2.8 KiB

VIRTUALENV = virtualenv --python=python3.6
VENV := $(shell echo $${VIRTUAL_ENV-.venv})
PYTHON = $(VENV)/bin/python3
DEV_STAMP = $(VENV)/.dev_env_installed.stamp
INSTALL_STAMP = $(VENV)/.install.stamp
TEMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -du)
.IGNORE: clean distclean maintainer-clean
.PHONY: all install virtualenv tests
OBJECTS = .venv .coverage
@echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one of"
@echo " install install dependencies and prepare environment"
@echo " install-dev install dependencies and everything needed to run tests"
@echo " build-requirements install all requirements and freeze them in requirements.txt"
@echo " serve start the kinto server on default port"
@echo " flake8 run the flake8 linter"
@echo " tests run all the tests with all the supported python interpreters (same as travis)"
@echo " tests-once only run the tests once with the default python interpreter"
@echo " clean remove *.pyc files and __pycache__ directory"
@echo " distclean remove *.egg-info files and *.egg, build and dist directories"
@echo " maintainer-clean remove the .tox and the .venv directories"
@echo "Check the Makefile to know exactly what each target is doing."
all: install
install: $(INSTALL_STAMP)
$(INSTALL_STAMP): $(PYTHON) setup.py
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -U pip
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -Ue .
install-dev: $(INSTALL_STAMP) $(DEV_STAMP)
$(DEV_STAMP): $(PYTHON) dev-requirements.txt
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -Ur dev-requirements.txt
touch $(DEV_STAMP)
virtualenv: $(PYTHON)
$(TEMPDIR)/bin/pip install -U pip
$(TEMPDIR)/bin/pip install -Ue .
$(TEMPDIR)/bin/pip freeze | grep -v -- '-e' > requirements.txt
NAME := pollbot
SOURCE := $(shell git config remote.origin.url | sed -e 's|git@|https://|g' | sed -e 's|github.com:|github.com/|g')
VERSION := $(shell git describe --always --tag)
COMMIT := $(shell git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1)
echo '{"name":"$(NAME)","version":"$(VERSION)","source":"$(SOURCE)","commit":"$(COMMIT)"}' > version.json
serve: install version-file
tests-once: install-dev version-file
TELEMETRY_USER_ID=502 $(VENV)/bin/py.test --cov-report term-missing --cov-fail-under 100 --cov pollbot tests -s
flake8: install-dev
$(VENV)/bin/flake8 pollbot tests
tests: install-dev version-file
find . -name '__pycache__' -type d | xargs rm -fr
distclean: clean
rm -fr *.egg *.egg-info/ dist/ build/
maintainer-clean: distclean
rm -fr .venv/ .tox/
docker build -t mozilla/pollbot .
docker run -it mozilla/pollbot /bin/bash /app/scripts/run-tests.sh