
59 строки
2.4 KiB

module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
env: {
browser: true,
es6: true,
node: true,
mocha: true
plugins: ["prettier", "react", "react-hooks"],
rules: {
"prettier/prettier": "error",
"prefer-const": "error",
"no-use-before-define": ["error", { functions: false, classes: false, variables: true }],
"no-var": "error",
"no-throw-literal": "error",
// Light console usage is useful but remove debug logs before merging to master.
"no-console": "off",
"lines-between-class-members": 2,
"padding-line-between-statements": [
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "function", next: "function" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "function", next: "class" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "class", next: "function" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "class", next: "export" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "export", next: "function" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "export", next: "class" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "export", next: "export" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "import", next: "function" },
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "import", next: "class" }
"no-unused-vars": ["error", { varsIgnorePattern: "^_", argsIgnorePattern: "^_", ignoreRestSiblings: true }],
"react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error",
"react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn",
"require-atomic-updates": "off",
"no-prototype-builtins": "warn",
"guard-for-in": "warn"
extends: ["prettier", "plugin:react/recommended", "eslint:recommended"],
settings: {
react: {
createClass: "createReactClass", // Regex for Component Factory to use,
// default to "createReactClass"
pragma: "React", // Pragma to use, default to "React"
version: "detect", // React version. "detect" automatically picks the version you have installed.
// You can also use `16.0`, `16.3`, etc, if you want to override the detected value.
// default to latest and warns if missing
// It will default to "detect" in the future
flowVersion: "0.53" // Flow version
propWrapperFunctions: [
// The names of any function used to wrap propTypes, e.g. `forbidExtraProps`. If this isn't set, any propTypes wrapped in a function will be skipped.
linkComponents: [
// Components used as alternatives to <a> for linking, eg. <Link to={ url } />
{ name: "Link", linkAttribute: "to" }