chore(l10n): Update L10n from changeset 7c2630be40e1f7a4b981bf7f68065aab98206995

This commit is contained in:
Ed Lee 2018-03-09 15:12:59 -08:00
Родитель 265da3b284
Коммит ca5b752827
7 изменённых файлов: 208 добавлений и 7 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ header_stories_from=de
# the site.
context_menu_button_sr=Aperir le menu contextual pro {title}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(section_context_menu_button_sr): This is for screen readers when
# the section edit context menu button is focused/active.
section_context_menu_button_sr=Aperir le menu contextual de section
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (type_label_*): These labels are associated to pages to give
# context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
# the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device
@ -29,6 +33,7 @@ type_label_visited=Visitate
type_label_bookmarked=Marcapaginas addite
type_label_synced=Synchronisate de altere apparato
type_label_pocket=Salvate in Pocket
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(type_label_open): Open is an adjective, as in "page is open"
@ -54,6 +59,8 @@ confirm_history_delete_p1=Desira tu vermente deler cata instantia de iste pagina
# page from history.
confirm_history_delete_notice_p2=Iste action es irreversibile.
menu_action_save_to_pocket=Salvar in Pocket
menu_action_delete_pocket=Delite ex Pocket
menu_action_archive_pocket=Archivar in Pocket
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (search_for_something_with): {search_term} is a placeholder
# for what the user has typed in the search input field, e.g. 'Search for ' +
@ -103,7 +110,27 @@ time_label_minute={number} min
time_label_hour={number} h
time_label_day={number} d
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings_pane_*): This is shown in the Settings Pane sidebar.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_*, settings_*): These are shown in about:preferences
# for a "Firefox Home" section. "Firefox" should be treated as a brand and kept
# in English, while "Home" should be localized matching the about:preferences
# sidebar mozilla-central string for the panel that has preferences related to
# what is shown for the homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
prefs_home_header=Pagina initial de Firefox
prefs_home_description=Elige qual contento tu desira i tu pagina initial de Firefox.
prefs_restore_defaults_button=Restaurar le predefinitiones
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_section_rows_option): This is a semi-colon list of
# plural forms used in a drop down of multiple row options (1 row, 2 rows).
# See:
prefs_section_rows_option={num} riga;{num} rigas
prefs_search_header=Recerca de web
prefs_topsites_description=Le sitos que tu visita plus
prefs_topstories_description=Contento de alte qualitate que tu pote alteremente perder
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label): {provider} is
# replaced by the name of the content provider for this section, e.g., "Pocket"
prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label={provider} Historias sponsorisate
prefs_topstories_sponsored_learn_more=Saper plus
prefs_highlights_description=Un election de files que tu ha salvate o visitate
prefs_snippets_description=Actualisationes per Mozilla e Firefox
settings_pane_button_label=Personalisar tu pagina de nove scheda
settings_pane_header=Preferentias de nove scheda
settings_pane_body2=Selige lo que tu vole vider in iste pagina.
@ -141,17 +168,23 @@ edit_topsites_unpin_button=Disclavar iste sito
edit_topsites_edit_button=Editar iste sito
edit_topsites_dismiss_button=Dimitter iste sito
edit_topsites_add_button_tooltip=Adder un sito popular
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*): This is shown in the New/Edit Topsite modal.
topsites_form_add_header=Nove sito popular
topsites_form_edit_header=Editar le sito popular
topsites_form_title_placeholder=Scriber un titulo
topsites_form_image_url_label=URL de imagine personal
topsites_form_url_placeholder=Scriber o collar un URL
topsites_form_use_image_link=Uso de imagine personal...
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*_button): These are verbs/actions.
topsites_form_preview_button=Vista preliminar
topsites_form_url_validation=Il es necessari un URL valide
topsites_form_image_validation=Error durante le carga del imagina. Prova un URL differente.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pocket_read_more): This is shown at the bottom of the
# trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
@ -181,3 +214,19 @@ manual_migration_cancel_button=No, gratias
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (manual_migration_import_button): This message is shown on a button that starts the process
# of importing another browsers profile profile into Firefox.
manual_migration_import_button=Importar ora
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_fallback_default_*): This message and suggested
# action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render
error_fallback_default_info=Op, error durante le carga de iste contento.
error_fallback_default_refresh_suggestion=Refresca le pagina pro retentar.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (section_menu_action_*). These strings are displayed in the section
# context menu and are meant as a call to action for the given section.
section_menu_action_remove_section=Remover le section
section_menu_action_collapse_section=Collaber le section
section_menu_action_expand_section=Expander le section
section_menu_action_manage_section=Gerer le section
section_menu_action_add_topsite=Adder a sito popular
section_menu_action_move_up=Mover in alto
section_menu_action_move_down=Mover in basso
section_menu_action_privacy_notice=Advertentia de confidentialitate

Просмотреть файл

@ -110,7 +110,25 @@ time_label_minute={number}m
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings_pane_*): This is shown in the Settings Pane sidebar.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_*, settings_*): These are shown in about:preferences
# for a "Firefox Home" section. "Firefox" should be treated as a brand and kept
# in English, while "Home" should be localized matching the about:preferences
# sidebar mozilla-central string for the panel that has preferences related to
# what is shown for the homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
prefs_home_header=Conteúdo inicial do Firefox
prefs_home_description=Escolha qual conteúdo você quer na sua tela inicial do Firefox.
prefs_restore_defaults_button=Restaurar padrões
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_section_rows_option): This is a semi-colon list of
# plural forms used in a drop down of multiple row options (1 row, 2 rows).
# See:
prefs_section_rows_option={num} linha;{num} linhas
prefs_topsites_description=Os sites que você mais visita
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label): {provider} is
# replaced by the name of the content provider for this section, e.g., "Pocket"
prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label=História patrocinada por {provider}
prefs_topstories_sponsored_learn_more=Saiba mais
prefs_highlights_description=Uma seleção de sites que você salvou ou visitou
prefs_snippets_description=Atualizações da Mozilla e do Firefox
settings_pane_button_label=Personalizar sua página de nova aba
settings_pane_header=Preferências de novas abas
settings_pane_body2=Escolha o que verá nessa página.
@ -155,7 +173,10 @@ topsites_form_edit_header=Editar site popular
topsites_form_title_placeholder=Digite um título
topsites_form_image_url_label=URL de imagem personalizada
topsites_form_url_placeholder=Digite ou cole um URL
topsites_form_use_image_link=Utilizar uma imagem personalizada…
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*_button): These are verbs/actions.

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ header_stories_from=от
# the site.
context_menu_button_sr=Открыть контекстное меню для {title}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(section_context_menu_button_sr): This is for screen readers when
# the section edit context menu button is focused/active.
section_context_menu_button_sr=Открыть контекстное меню раздела
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (type_label_*): These labels are associated to pages to give
# context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
# the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device
@ -29,6 +33,7 @@ type_label_visited=Посещено
type_label_bookmarked=В закладках
type_label_synced=Синхронизировано с другого устройства
type_label_pocket=Сохранено в Pocket
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(type_label_open): Open is an adjective, as in "page is open"
@ -54,6 +59,8 @@ confirm_history_delete_p1=Вы действительно хотите удал
# page from history.
confirm_history_delete_notice_p2=Это действие не может быть отменено.
menu_action_save_to_pocket=Сохранить в Pocket
menu_action_delete_pocket=Удалить из Pocket
menu_action_archive_pocket=Архивировать в Pocket
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (search_for_something_with): {search_term} is a placeholder
# for what the user has typed in the search input field, e.g. 'Search for ' +
@ -103,7 +110,27 @@ time_label_minute={number} мин.
time_label_hour={number} ч.
time_label_day={number} д.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings_pane_*): This is shown in the Settings Pane sidebar.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_*, settings_*): These are shown in about:preferences
# for a "Firefox Home" section. "Firefox" should be treated as a brand and kept
# in English, while "Home" should be localized matching the about:preferences
# sidebar mozilla-central string for the panel that has preferences related to
# what is shown for the homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
prefs_home_header=Домашний экран Firefox
prefs_home_description=Выберите, какое содержимое вы хотите видеть на домашнем экране Firefox.
prefs_restore_defaults_button=Восстановить по умолчанию
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_section_rows_option): This is a semi-colon list of
# plural forms used in a drop down of multiple row options (1 row, 2 rows).
# See:
prefs_section_rows_option={num} столбец;{num} столбца;{num} столбцов
prefs_search_header=Поиск в Интернете
prefs_topsites_description=Сайты, которые вы чаще всего посещаете
prefs_topstories_description=Интересные статьи, который вы могли пропустить
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label): {provider} is
# replaced by the name of the content provider for this section, e.g., "Pocket"
prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label=Спонсируемые статьи от {provider}
prefs_highlights_description=Избранные сайты, которые вы сохранили или посещали
prefs_snippets_description=Обновления от Mozilla и Firefox
settings_pane_button_label=Настроить свою страницу новой вкладки
settings_pane_header=Настройки новой вкладки
settings_pane_body2=Выберите, что вы увидите на этой странице.
@ -141,17 +168,23 @@ edit_topsites_unpin_button=Открепить этот сайт
edit_topsites_edit_button=Изменить этот сайт
edit_topsites_dismiss_button=Скрыть этот сайт
edit_topsites_add_button_tooltip=Добавить в топ сайтов
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*): This is shown in the New/Edit Topsite modal.
topsites_form_add_header=Новый сайт в топе
topsites_form_edit_header=Изменить сайт из топа
topsites_form_title_placeholder=Введите название
topsites_form_image_url_label=Свой URL изображения
topsites_form_url_placeholder=Введите или вставьте URL
topsites_form_use_image_link=Использовать своё изображение…
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*_button): These are verbs/actions.
topsites_form_url_validation=Введите корректный URL
topsites_form_image_validation=Изображение не загрузилось. Попробуйте использовать другой URL.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pocket_read_more): This is shown at the bottom of the
# trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
@ -181,3 +214,19 @@ manual_migration_cancel_button=Нет, спасибо
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (manual_migration_import_button): This message is shown on a button that starts the process
# of importing another browsers profile profile into Firefox.
manual_migration_import_button=Импортировать сейчас
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_fallback_default_*): This message and suggested
# action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render
error_fallback_default_info=К сожалению что-то пошло не так при загрузке этого содержимого.
error_fallback_default_refresh_suggestion=Обновите страницу, чтобы повторить попытку.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (section_menu_action_*). These strings are displayed in the section
# context menu and are meant as a call to action for the given section.
section_menu_action_remove_section=Удалить раздел
section_menu_action_collapse_section=Свернуть раздел
section_menu_action_expand_section=Развернуть раздел
section_menu_action_manage_section=Управление разделом
section_menu_action_add_topsite=Добавить в топ сайтов
section_menu_action_privacy_notice=Уведомление о приватности

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ context_menu_button_sr=Otvorí kontextovú ponuku pre {title}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(section_context_menu_button_sr): This is for screen readers when
# the section edit context menu button is focused/active.
section_context_menu_button_sr=Otvorí kontextovú ponuku sekcie
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (type_label_*): These labels are associated to pages to give
# context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
@ -114,12 +115,22 @@ time_label_day={number} d
# in English, while "Home" should be localized matching the about:preferences
# sidebar mozilla-central string for the panel that has preferences related to
# what is shown for the homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
prefs_home_header=Obsah domovskej stránky Firefoxu
prefs_home_description=Vyberte si obsah, ktorý chcete mať na domovskej stránke svojho Firefoxu.
prefs_restore_defaults_button=Obnoviť predvolené
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_section_rows_option): This is a semi-colon list of
# plural forms used in a drop down of multiple row options (1 row, 2 rows).
# See:
prefs_section_rows_option={num} riadok;{num} riadky;{num} riadkov
prefs_search_header=Vyhľadávanie na webe
prefs_topsites_description=Najnavštevovanejšie stránky
prefs_topstories_description=Kvalitný obsah, ktorý by ste si inak nemuseli všimnúť
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label): {provider} is
# replaced by the name of the content provider for this section, e.g., "Pocket"
prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label=Sponzorované príbehy zo služby {provider}
prefs_topstories_sponsored_learn_more=Ďalšie informácie
prefs_highlights_description=Výber stránok, ktoré ste si uložili alebo ste ich navštívili
prefs_snippets_description=Informácie od Mozilly a od Firefoxu
settings_pane_button_label=Prispôsobte si svoju stránku Nová karta
settings_pane_header=Nastavenia Novej karty
settings_pane_body2=Vyberte si, čo chcete na tejto stránke vidieť.
@ -164,13 +175,16 @@ topsites_form_edit_header=Upraviť top stránku
topsites_form_title_placeholder=Zadajte názov
topsites_form_image_url_label=URL adresa vlastného obrázku
topsites_form_url_placeholder=Zadajte alebo prilepte URL
topsites_form_use_image_link=Použiť vlastný obrázok…
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*_button): These are verbs/actions.
topsites_form_url_validation=Vyžaduje sa platná URL
topsites_form_image_validation=Obrázok sa nepodarilo načítať. Skúste inú URL adresu.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pocket_read_more): This is shown at the bottom of the
# trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
@ -203,10 +217,14 @@ manual_migration_import_button=Importovať teraz
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_fallback_default_*): This message and suggested
# action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render
error_fallback_default_info=Hups, pri načítavaní tohto obsahu sa niečo pokazilo.
error_fallback_default_refresh_suggestion=Obnovením stránky to skúsite znova.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (section_menu_action_*). These strings are displayed in the section
# context menu and are meant as a call to action for the given section.
section_menu_action_remove_section=Odstrániť sekciu
section_menu_action_collapse_section=Zbaliť sekciu
section_menu_action_expand_section=Rozbaliť sekciu
section_menu_action_manage_section=Spravovať sekciu
section_menu_action_add_topsite=Pridať top stránku
section_menu_action_privacy_notice=Zásady ochrany súkromia

Просмотреть файл

@ -115,12 +115,22 @@ time_label_day={number} dni
# in English, while "Home" should be localized matching the about:preferences
# sidebar mozilla-central string for the panel that has preferences related to
# what is shown for the homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
prefs_home_header=Vsebina domače strani Firefoxa
prefs_home_description=Izberite vsebino, ki jo želite prikazati na domači strani Firefoxa.
prefs_restore_defaults_button=Povrni privzeto
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_section_rows_option): This is a semi-colon list of
# plural forms used in a drop down of multiple row options (1 row, 2 rows).
# See:
prefs_section_rows_option={num} vrstica;{num} vrstici;{num} vrstice;{num} vrstic
prefs_search_header=Iskanje po spletu
prefs_topsites_description=Strani, ki jih največkrat obiščete
prefs_topstories_description=Kakovostna vsebina, ki bi jo sicer zamudili
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label): {provider} is
# replaced by the name of the content provider for this section, e.g., "Pocket"
prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label={provider} – Sponzorirane zgodbe
prefs_topstories_sponsored_learn_more=Več o tem
prefs_highlights_description=Izbor strani, ki ste jih shranili ali obiskali
prefs_snippets_description=Novice iz sveta Mozille in Firefoxa
settings_pane_button_label=Prilagodite stran novega zavihka
settings_pane_header=Nastavitve novega zavihka
settings_pane_body2=Izberite, kaj želite videti na tej strani.
@ -165,12 +175,16 @@ topsites_form_edit_header=Uredi glavno stran
topsites_form_title_placeholder=Vnesite ime
topsites_form_url_label=Spletni naslov
topsites_form_image_url_label=Spletni naslov slike po meri
topsites_form_url_placeholder=Vnesite ali prilepite spletni naslov
topsites_form_use_image_link=Uporabi sliko po meri …
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*_button): These are verbs/actions.
topsites_form_url_validation=Vnesite veljaven spletni naslov
topsites_form_image_validation=Slike ni bilo mogoče naložiti. Poskusite drug spletni naslov.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pocket_read_more): This is shown at the bottom of the
# trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.

Просмотреть файл

@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ prefs_search_header=การค้นหาเว็บ
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label): {provider} is
# replaced by the name of the content provider for this section, e.g., "Pocket"
prefs_snippets_description=การอัปเดตจาก Mozilla และ Firefox

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ header_stories_from=mula sa
# the site.
context_menu_button_sr=Buksan ang menu ng konteksto para sa {title}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(section_context_menu_button_sr): This is for screen readers when
# the section edit context menu button is focused/active.
section_context_menu_button_sr=Buksan ang menu ng konteksto ng seksyon
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (type_label_*): These labels are associated to pages to give
# context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
# the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device
@ -29,6 +33,7 @@ type_label_visited=Binisita
type_label_synced=Naka-sync mula sa ibang kagamitan
type_label_pocket=I-save sa Pocket
# LOCALIZATION NOTE(type_label_open): Open is an adjective, as in "page is open"
@ -54,6 +59,8 @@ confirm_history_delete_p1=Sigurado ka bang gusto mong tanggalin ang bawat pagkak
# page from history.
confirm_history_delete_notice_p2=Ang aksyon na ito ay hindi na mababawi.
menu_action_save_to_pocket=I-save sa Pocket
menu_action_delete_pocket=I-delete sa Pocket
menu_action_archive_pocket=Mag-archive sa Pocket
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (search_for_something_with): {search_term} is a placeholder
# for what the user has typed in the search input field, e.g. 'Search for ' +
@ -103,7 +110,27 @@ time_label_minute={number}m
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings_pane_*): This is shown in the Settings Pane sidebar.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_*, settings_*): These are shown in about:preferences
# for a "Firefox Home" section. "Firefox" should be treated as a brand and kept
# in English, while "Home" should be localized matching the about:preferences
# sidebar mozilla-central string for the panel that has preferences related to
# what is shown for the homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
prefs_home_header=Nilalaman ng Home ng Firefox
prefs_home_description=Piliin kung anong nilalaman ang gusto mo sa iyong screen ng Home ng Firefox.
prefs_restore_defaults_button=Ibalik sa dating ayos
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_section_rows_option): This is a semi-colon list of
# plural forms used in a drop down of multiple row options (1 row, 2 rows).
# See:
prefs_section_rows_option={num} hilera;{num} mga hilera
prefs_search_header=Paghahanap sa Web
prefs_topsites_description=Ang mga site na iyong pinupuntahan
prefs_topstories_description=Maaaring makaligtaan ang mataas na kalidad na nilalaman
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label): {provider} is
# replaced by the name of the content provider for this section, e.g., "Pocket"
prefs_topstories_show_sponsored_label={provider} Mga Na-sponsor na Kwento
prefs_topstories_sponsored_learn_more=Matuto ng higit pa
prefs_highlights_description=Ang isang seleksyon ng mga site na iyong nai-save o binisita
prefs_snippets_description=Mga Update mula sa Mozilla at Firefox
settings_pane_button_label=I-customize ang iyong pahina ng Bagong Tab
settings_pane_header=Bagong Kagustuhan na Tab
settings_pane_body2=Piliin kung ano ang gusto mong makita sa pahinang ito.
@ -141,17 +168,23 @@ edit_topsites_unpin_button=I-unpin ang site na ito
edit_topsites_edit_button=I-edit ang site na ito
edit_topsites_dismiss_button=I-dismiss sa site na ito
edit_topsites_add_button_tooltip=Magdagdag ng Nangungunang Site
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*): This is shown in the New/Edit Topsite modal.
topsites_form_add_header=Bagong nangungunang site
topsites_form_edit_header=I-edit ang nangungunang site
topsites_form_title_placeholder=Magpasok ng isang pamagat
topsites_form_image_url_label=URL ng Custom na Larawan
topsites_form_url_placeholder=I-type o i-paste ang URL
topsites_form_use_image_link=Gamitin ang URL custom na larawan...
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*_button): These are verbs/actions.
topsites_form_url_validation=Wastong URL ang kinakailangan
topsites_form_image_validation=Nabigo ang pag-load ng larawan. Subukan ang ibang URL.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pocket_read_more): This is shown at the bottom of the
# trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
@ -181,3 +214,19 @@ manual_migration_cancel_button=Salamat na lang
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (manual_migration_import_button): This message is shown on a button that starts the process
# of importing another browsers profile profile into Firefox.
manual_migration_import_button=Angkatin Ngayon
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_fallback_default_*): This message and suggested
# action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render
error_fallback_default_info=Oops, may naganap na mali sa paglo-load ng nilalamang ito.
error_fallback_default_refresh_suggestion=I-refresh ang pahina upang subukang muli.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (section_menu_action_*). These strings are displayed in the section
# context menu and are meant as a call to action for the given section.
section_menu_action_remove_section=Alisin ang Seksyon
section_menu_action_collapse_section=I-collapse ang Seksyon
section_menu_action_expand_section=Palawakin ang Seksyon
section_menu_action_manage_section=Pamahalaan ang Seksyon
section_menu_action_add_topsite=Magdagdag ng Nangungunang Site
section_menu_action_move_up=Ilipat Up
section_menu_action_move_down=Ilipat sa Baba
section_menu_action_privacy_notice=Paunawa sa Privacy