# Activity Stream Pings The Activity Stream addon sends two distinct types of pings to the backend (HTTPS POST) [Onyx server](https://github.com/mozilla/onyx) : - a `session` ping that describes the ending of an Activity Stream session (lose focus event on Activity Stream), and - an `event` ping that records specific data about individual user interactions while interacting with Activity Stream # Example Activity Stream `session` Log ```json { "action": "activity_stream_session", "addon_version": "1.0.0", "client_id": "374dc4d8-0cb2-4ac5-a3cf-c5a9bc3c602e", "date": "2016-03-07", "ip": "", "load_latency": 1100, "load_reason": "restore", "locale": "en-US", "max_scroll_depth": 145, "page": "newtab or timeline", "receive_at": 1457396660000, "session_duration": 1635, "tab_id": "1-3", "total_bookmarks": 19, "total_history_size": 9, "ua": "python-requests/2.9.1", "unload_reason": "close", } ``` # Example Activity Stream `event` Log ```json { "action": "activity_stream_event", "action_position": "3", "addon_version": "1.0.0", "client_id": "374dc4d8-0cb2-4ac5-a3cf-c5a9bc3c602e", "date": "2016-03-07", "event": "click or scroll or search or delete", "ip": "", "locale": "en-US", "page": "newtab or timeline", "receive_at": 1457396660000, "source": "top sites, or bookmarks, or...", "tab_id": "1-3", "ua": "python-requests/2.9.1", "url": "https://www.example.com", "recommender_type": "pocket-trending" } ``` # Example Activity Stream `performance` Log ```json { "action": "activity_stream_performance", "addon_version": "1.0.0", "client_id": "374dc4d8-0cb2-4ac5-a3cf-c5a9bc3c602e", "date": "2016-03-07", "event": "previewCacheHit", "event_id": "45f1912165ca4dfdb5c1c2337dbdc58f", "ip": "", "locale": "en-US", "receive_at": 1457396660000, "source": "TOP_FRECENT_SITES", "tab_id": "1-3", "ua": "python-requests/2.9.1", "value": 1, } ``` | KEY | DESCRIPTION |   | |-----|-------------|:-----:| | `action_position` | The index of the element in the `source` that was clicked. | :one: | `action` | Either `activity_stream_event` or `activity_stream_session`. | :one: | `addon_version` | The version of the Activity Stream addon. | :one: | `client_id` | An identifier for this client. | :one: | `date` | The date in YYYY-MM-DD format. | :three: | `event_id` | An identifier shared by multiple performance pings that describe ane entire request flow. | :one: | `event` | The type of event. Either ("click", "share", "delete", "more_items") | :one: | `ip` | The IP address of the client. | :two: | `load_reason` | Either ("newtab", "refocus", "restore") and is the reason the tab was focused. | :one: | `locale` | The browser chrome's language (eg. en-US). | :two: | `max_scroll_depth` | The maximum number of pixels the scroll bar was dragged in this session. | :one: | `page` | Either ("newtab", "timeline"). | :one: | `session_duration` | Defined to be the time in milliseconds between the newtab gaining and losing focus. | :one: | `source` | Either ("recent_links", "recent_bookmarks", "frecent_links", "top_sites", "spotlight", "sidebar") and indicates what `action`. | :two: | `tab_id` | The Firefox generated unique id for the tab. | :one: | `timestamp` | The time in ms since epoch. | :three: | `total_bookmarks` | The total number of bookmarks in the user's places db. | :one: | `total_history_size` | The number of history items currently in the user's places db. | :one: | `ua` | The user agent string. | :two: | `unload_reason` | The reason the Activity Stream page lost focus. | :one: | `value` | An integer that represents the measured performance value. Can store counts, times in milliseconds, and should always be a positive integer.| :one: | `ver` | The version of the Onyx API the ping was sent to. | :one: | `url` | The URL of the recommendation shown in one of the highlights spots, if any. | :one: | `recommender_type` | The type of recommendation that is being shown, if any. | :one: **Where:** :one: Firefox data :two: HTTP protocol data :three: server augmented data