335 строки
14 KiB
335 строки
14 KiB
/* globals require, exports, NetUtil */
"use strict";
const {before, after} = require("sdk/test/utils");
const simplePrefs = require("sdk/simple-prefs");
const self = require("sdk/self");
const {Loader} = require("sdk/test/loader");
const loader = Loader(module);
const httpd = loader.require("./lib/httpd");
const {Cu} = require("chrome");
const {PreviewProvider} = require("lib/PreviewProvider");
const ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS = new Set(["http:", "https:"]);
const DISALLOWED_HOSTS = new Set(["localhost", "", ""]);
const URL_FILTERS = [
item => !!item.url,
item => !!(new URL(item.url)),
item => ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS.has(new URL(item.url).protocol),
item => !DISALLOWED_HOSTS.has(new URL(item.url).hostname)
const gPort = 8089;
let gPreviewProvider;
let gMetadataStore = [];
let gPrefEmbedly = simplePrefs.prefs["embedly.endpoint"];
let gPrefEnabled = simplePrefs.prefs["previews.enabled"];
exports.test_only_request_links_once = function*(assert) {
const msg1 = [{"url": "a.com", "sanitized_url": "a.com", "cache_key": "a.com"},
{"url": "b.com", "sanitized_url": "b.com", "cache_key": "b.com"},
{"url": "c.com", "sanitized_url": "c.com", "cache_key": "c.com"}];
const msg2 = [{"url": "b.com", "sanitized_url": "b.com", "cache_key": "b.com"},
{"url": "c.com", "sanitized_url": "c.com", "cache_key": "c.com"},
{"url": "d.com", "sanitized_url": "d.com", "cache_key": "d.com"}];
assert.ok(gPreviewProvider._embedlyEndpoint, "The embedly endpoint is set");
let srv = httpd.startServerAsync(gPort);
let urlsRequested = {};
srv.registerPathHandler("/embedlyLinkData", function handle(request, response) {
let data = JSON.parse(
// count the times each url has been requested
data.urls.forEach(url => (urlsRequested[url] = (urlsRequested[url] + 1) || 1));
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false);
response.write(JSON.stringify({"urls": {urlsRequested}}));
// request 'b.com' and 'c.com' twice
yield gPreviewProvider._asyncSaveLinks(msg2);
for (let url in urlsRequested) {
// each url should have a count of just one
assert.equal(urlsRequested[url], 1, "URL was requested only once");
yield new Promise(resolve => {
exports.test_filter_urls = function(assert) {
const fakeData = {
get validLinks() {
return [
{"url": "http://foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "https://www.foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "hTTp://fOo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://localhost-foo.com", "title": "blah"}
get invalidLinks() {
return [
{"url": "", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "ftp://foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "garbage://foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "HTTP://localhost:8080/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "", "title": "blah"},
{"url": null, "title": "blah"}
// all valid urls should be allowed through the filter and should be returned
const goodUrls = fakeData.validLinks.filter(gPreviewProvider._URLFilter(URL_FILTERS));
goodUrls.forEach((item, i) => assert.deepEqual(item, fakeData.validLinks[i], `${item} is a valid url`));
// all invalid urls should be removed from the list of urls
const badUrls = fakeData.invalidLinks.filter(gPreviewProvider._URLFilter(URL_FILTERS));
assert.deepEqual(badUrls, [], "all bad links are removed");
exports.test_sanitize_urls = function(assert) {
let sanitizedUrl = gPreviewProvider._sanitizeURL(null);
assert.equal(sanitizedUrl, "", "if an empty url is passed, return the empty string");
// the URL object throws if it is given a malformed url
assert.throws(() => URL("foo.com"), "malformed URL");
// remove any query parameter that is not in the whitelist
let safeQuery = "http://www.foobar.com/?id=300&p=firefox&search=mozilla&q=query";
sanitizedUrl = gPreviewProvider._sanitizeURL("http://www.foobar.com/?id=300&p=firefox&user=garbage&pass=trash&search=mozilla&foo=bar&q=query");
assert.ok(safeQuery, sanitizedUrl, "removed any bad params and keep allowed params");
// remove extra slashes and relative paths
let removeSlashes = "http://www.foobar.com/foo/bar/foobar";
sanitizedUrl = gPreviewProvider._sanitizeURL("http://www.foobar.com///foo////bar//foobar/");
assert.equal(removeSlashes, sanitizedUrl, "removed extra slashes in pathname");
let normalizePath = "http://www.foobar.com/foo/foobar/quuz.html";
sanitizedUrl = gPreviewProvider._sanitizeURL("http://www.foobar.com/../foo/bar/../foobar/./quuz.html");
assert.equal(normalizePath, sanitizedUrl, "normalized the pathname");
// remove any sensitive information passed with basic auth
let sensitiveUrl = "https://localhost.biz/";
sanitizedUrl = gPreviewProvider._sanitizeURL("https://user:pass@localhost.biz/");
assert.equal(sanitizedUrl.username, undefined, "removed username field");
assert.equal(sanitizedUrl.password, undefined, "removed password field");
assert.equal(sensitiveUrl, sanitizedUrl, "removed sensitive information from url");
// remove the hash
let removeHash = "http://www.foobar.com/";
sanitizedUrl = gPreviewProvider._sanitizeURL("http://www.foobar.com/#id=20");
assert.equal(removeHash, sanitizedUrl, "removed hash field");
// Test with a %s in the query params
let expectedUrl = "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi";
sanitizedUrl = gPreviewProvider._sanitizeURL("https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=%s");
assert.equal(expectedUrl, sanitizedUrl, "%s doesn't cause unhandled exception");
exports.test_process_links = function(assert) {
const fakeData = [
{"url": "http://foo.com/#foo", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://foo.com/#bar", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://www.foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "https://foo.com/", "title": "blah"}
// process the links
const processedLinks = gPreviewProvider._processLinks(fakeData);
assert.equal(fakeData.length, processedLinks.length, "should not deduplicate or remove any links");
// check that each link has added the correct fields
processedLinks.forEach((link, i) => {
assert.equal(link.url, fakeData[i].url, "each site has its original url");
assert.ok(link.sanitized_url, "link has a sanitized url");
assert.ok(link.cache_key, "link has a cache key");
assert.ok(link.places_url, "link has a places url");
exports.test_dedupe_urls = function(assert) {
const fakeData = [
{"url": "http://foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://www.foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "https://foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://foo.com/bar/foobar", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://foo.com/bar////foobar", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "https://www.foo.com/?q=param", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "hTTp://fOo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://localhost-foo.com", "title": "blah"}
// dedupe a set of sanitized links while maintaining their original url
let uniqueLinks = gPreviewProvider._uniqueLinks(fakeData);
let expectedUrls = [
{"url": "http://foo.com/", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://foo.com/bar/foobar", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "https://www.foo.com/?q=param", "title": "blah"},
{"url": "http://localhost-foo.com", "title": "blah"}
uniqueLinks.forEach((link, i) => {
assert.ok(link.url, "each site has it's original url");
assert.equal(link.url, expectedUrls[i].url, "links have been deduped");
exports.test_throw_out_non_requested_responses = function*(assert) {
const fakeSite1 = {"url": "http://example1.com/", "sanitized_url": "http://example1.com/", "cache_key": "example1.com/"};
const fakeSite2 = {"url": "http://example2.com/", "sanitized_url": "http://example2.com/", "cache_key": "example2.com/"};
const fakeSite3 = {"url": "http://example3.com/", "sanitized_url": "http://example3.com/", "cache_key": "example3.com/"};
const fakeSite4 = {"url": "http://example4.com/", "sanitized_url": "http://example4.com/", "cache_key": "example4.com/"};
// send site 1, 2, 4
const fakeData = [fakeSite1, fakeSite2, fakeSite4];
// receive site 1, 2, 3
const fakeResponse = {"urls": {
"http://example1.com/": {
"embedlyMetaData": "some good embedly metadata for fake site 1"
"http://example2.com/": {
"embedlyMetaData": "some good embedly metadata for fake site 2"
"http://example3.com/": {
"embedlyMetaData": "oh no I didn't request this!"
assert.ok(gPreviewProvider._embedlyEndpoint, "The embedly endpoint is set");
let srv = httpd.startServerAsync(gPort);
srv.registerPathHandler("/embedlyLinkData", function handle(request, response) {
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false);
yield gPreviewProvider._asyncSaveLinks(fakeData);
// database should contain example1.com and example2.com
assert.equal(gMetadataStore[0].length, 2, "saved two items");
assert.equal(gMetadataStore[0][0].url, fakeSite1.url, "first site was saved as expected");
assert.equal(gMetadataStore[0][1].url, fakeSite2.url, "second site was saved as expected");
// database should not contain example3.com and example4.com
gMetadataStore[0].forEach(item => {
assert.ok(item.url !== fakeSite3.url, "third site was not saved");
assert.ok(item.url !== fakeSite4.url, "fourth site was not saved");
yield new Promise(resolve => {
exports.test_mock_embedly_request = function*(assert) {
const fakeSite = {
"url": "http://example.com/",
"title": null,
"lastVisitDate": 1459537019061,
"frecency": 2000,
"favicon": null,
"bookmarkDateCreated": 1459537019061,
"type": "history",
"sanitized_url": "http://example.com/",
"cache_key": "example.com/"
const fakeRequest = [fakeSite];
const fakeResponse = {"urls": {
"http://example.com/": {
"embedlyMetaData": "some embedly metadata"
const embedlyVersionQuery = "addon_version=";
assert.ok(gPreviewProvider._embedlyEndpoint, "The embedly endpoint is set");
let srv = httpd.startServerAsync(gPort);
srv.registerPathHandler("/embedlyLinkData", function handle(request, response) {
// first, check that the version included in the query string
assert.deepEqual(`${request.queryString}`, `${embedlyVersionQuery}${self.version}`, "we're hitting the correct endpoint");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false);
// make a request to embedly with 'fakeSite'
yield gPreviewProvider._asyncSaveLinks(fakeRequest);
// we should have saved the fake site into the database
assert.deepEqual(gMetadataStore[0][0].embedlyMetaData, "some embedly metadata", "inserted and saved the embedly data");
assert.ok(gMetadataStore[0][0].expired_at, "an expiry time was added");
// retrieve the contents of the database - don't go to embedly
let cachedLinks = yield gPreviewProvider._asyncGetEnhancedLinks(fakeRequest);
assert.equal(cachedLinks[0].lastVisitDate, fakeSite.lastVisitDate, "getEnhancedLinks should prioritize new data");
assert.equal(cachedLinks[0].bookmarkDateCreated, fakeSite.bookmarkDateCreated, "getEnhancedLinks should prioritize new data");
assert.deepEqual(gMetadataStore[0][0].cache_key, cachedLinks[0].cache_key, "the cached link is now retrieved next time");
yield new Promise(resolve => {
exports.test_get_enhanced_disabled = function*(assert) {
const fakeData = [
{url: "http://foo.com/", lastVisitDate: 1459537019061}
simplePrefs.prefs["previews.enabled"] = false;
let cachedLinks = yield gPreviewProvider._asyncGetEnhancedLinks(fakeData);
assert.deepEqual(cachedLinks, fakeData, "if disabled, should return links as is");
exports.test_get_enhanced_previews_only = function*(assert) {
gMetadataStore[0] = {sanitized_url: "http://example.com/", cache_key: "example.com/", url: "http://example.com/"};
let links;
links = yield gPreviewProvider._asyncGetEnhancedLinks([{cache_key: "example.com/"}, {cache_key: "foo.com"}]);
assert.equal(links.length, 2, "by default getEnhancedLinks returns links with and without previews");
links = yield gPreviewProvider._asyncGetEnhancedLinks([{cache_key: "example.com/"}, {cache_key: "foo.com"}], true);
assert.equal(links.length, 1, "when previewOnly is set, return only links with previews");
before(exports, function() {
simplePrefs.prefs["embedly.endpoint"] = `http://localhost:${gPort}/embedlyLinkData`;
simplePrefs.prefs["previews.enabled"] = true;
let mockMetadataStore = {
asyncInsert(data) {
return gMetadataStore;
asyncGetMetadataByCacheKey(cacheKeys) {
let items = [];
gMetadataStore.forEach(item => {
if (cacheKeys.includes(item.cache_key)) {
items.push(Object.assign({}, {cache_key: item.cache_key}, {title: `Title for ${item.cache_key}`}));
return items;
let mockTabTracker = {handlePerformanceEvent() {}, generateEvent() {}};
gPreviewProvider = new PreviewProvider(mockTabTracker, mockMetadataStore, {initFresh: true});
after(exports, function() {
simplePrefs.prefs["embedly.endpoint"] = gPrefEmbedly;
simplePrefs.prefs["previews.enabled"] = gPrefEnabled;
gMetadataStore = [];