67 строки
2.4 KiB
67 строки
2.4 KiB
# This file compiles to package.json scripts.
# When you add or modify anything, you *MUST* run:
# npm run yamscripts
# to compile your changes.
# once: Build/serve the assets and run the add-on
once: =>bundle && =>firefox
clean: rimraf data/content/* && mkdirp data/content
changelog: conventional-changelog -i CHANGELOG.md -s
copyTestImages: cpx "node_modules/tippy-top-sites/images/**/*" data/content/favicons/images
copyTopSitesJson: cpx "node_modules/tippy-top-sites/top_sites.json" data/content/favicons
# bundle: Bundle assets for production
pre: =>clean && =>copyTestImages && =>copyTopSitesJson
static: cpx "content-src/static/**/*" data/content
webpack: NODE_ENV=production webpack
webpackAddon: webpack --config webpack.addon.config.js
css: node-sass content-src/main.scss -o data/content
html: node ./bin/generate-html.js > data/content/activity-streams.html
post: du -hs ./data/content/*
# start: Start watching/compiling assets,
_parallel: true
pre: =>clean && =>copyTestImages && =>copyTopSitesJson
static: =>bundle:static -- -w
webpack: webpack -w
webpackAddon: =>bundle:webpackAddon -- -w
css: =>bundle:css && =>bundle:css -- -w
html: =>bundle:html -- --baseUrl http://localhost:1963/ --csp off
server: live-server data/content --port=1963 --no-browser
# firefox: Launch addon with jpm run
firefox: =>bundle:webpackAddon && jpm run -b nightly --prefs ./dev-prefs.json
# test: Run all tests once
pre: =>bundle && =>copyTestImages && =>copyTopSitesJson
# test:lint: Run eslint
lint: eslint --ext=.js,.jsx,.json . && sass-lint -v -q
# test:jpm: Run jpm tests
jpm: jpm test -b ${JPM_FIREFOX_BINARY:-"nightly"} --prefs ./test-prefs.json -v
# test:karma: Run content tests only
karma: NODE_ENV=test karma start
post: cat logs/reports/coverage/text-summary.txt
# tdd: Run content tests continuously
tdd: =>test:karma -- --no-single-run --browsers Chrome
# package: Build add-on
package: =>bundle && jpm xpi && mv @activity-streams-$npm_package_version.xpi dist/activity-streams-$npm_package_version.xpi
# This is for ci
travis: =>test
# This is just to make sure we don't make commits with failing tests
# or uncompiled yamscripts.yml. Run automatically with husky.
prepush: =>test:lint && =>yamscripts