64 строки
2.2 KiB
64 строки
2.2 KiB
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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"use strict";
const {toksToTfIdfVector} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://activity-stream/lib/Tokenize.jsm", {});
this.NaiveBayesTextTagger = class NaiveBayesTextTagger {
constructor(model) {
this.model = model;
* Determines if the tokenized text belongs to class according to binary naive Bayes
* classifier. Returns an object containing the class label ("label"), and
* the log probability ("logProb") that the text belongs to that class. If
* the positive class is more likely, then "label" is the positive class
* label. If the negative class is matched, then "label" is set to null.
tagTokens(tokens) {
let fv = toksToTfIdfVector(tokens, this.model.vocab_idfs);
let bestLogProb = null;
let bestClassId = -1;
let bestClassLabel = null;
let logSumExp = 0.0; // will be P(x). Used to create a proper probability
for (let classId = 0; classId < this.model.classes.length; classId++) {
let classModel = this.model.classes[classId];
let classLogProb = classModel.log_prior;
// dot fv with the class model
for (let pair of Object.values(fv)) {
let [termId, tfidf] = pair;
classLogProb += tfidf * classModel.feature_log_probs[termId];
if ((bestLogProb === null) || (classLogProb > bestLogProb)) {
bestLogProb = classLogProb;
bestClassId = classId;
logSumExp += Math.exp(classLogProb);
// now normalize the probability by dividing by P(x)
logSumExp = Math.log(logSumExp);
bestLogProb -= logSumExp;
if (bestClassId === this.model.positive_class_id) {
bestClassLabel = this.model.positive_class_label;
} else {
bestClassLabel = null;
let confident = ((bestClassId === this.model.positive_class_id) &&
(bestLogProb > this.model.positive_class_threshold_log_prob));
return {
"label": bestClassLabel,
"logProb": bestLogProb,
"confident": confident,
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["NaiveBayesTextTagger"];