const { matchers } = require('jest-json-schema'); const pinoSyslog = require('pino-syslog/lib/utils'); const { DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ENV_VERSION, createParseFunction, createTransformFunction, format, getStackdriverSeverity, parseOptions, } = require('../../src/pino-mozlog/index'); const mozlogSchema = require('./mozlog-schema'); describe(__filename, () => { // Setup JSON schema matchers. expect.extend(matchers); let _console; const createPinoRecord = (fields = {}) => { return { hostname: '', level: 10, msg: 'some message', name: 'app', pid: 12345, time:, v: 1, ...fields, }; }; beforeEach(() => { _console = { error: jest.fn() }; }); describe('parse', () => { let parse; beforeEach(() => { parse = createParseFunction({ _console }); }); it('parses a JSON string', () => { const data = { some: 'object' }; expect(parse(JSON.stringify(data))).toEqual(data); expect(_console.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('returns an empty object when invalid JSON is supplied', () => { const data = 'not JSON data'; expect(parse(data)).toEqual({}); expect(_console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '[pino-mozlog] could not parse:', { error: expect.stringContaining('SyntaxError: Unexpected token'), data, }, ); }); it('returns an empty object when an empty string is supplied', () => { const data = ''; expect(parse(data)).toEqual({}); expect(_console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '[pino-mozlog] could not parse:', { error: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input', data, }, ); }); describe('with --silent', () => { const options = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, silent: true, }; beforeEach(() => { parse = createParseFunction({ _console, options }); }); it('returns an empty object when invalid JSON is supplied', () => { parse('not JSON data'); expect(_console.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('returns an empty object when an empty string is supplied', () => { parse(''); expect(_console.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('format', () => { it('formats a record using the mozlog format', () => { const record = createPinoRecord(); expect(format(record)).toEqual({ EnvVersion: ENV_VERSION, Fields: { msg: record.msg, }, Hostname: record.hostname, Logger:, Pid:, Severity: 7, Timestamp: record.time, Type: DEFAULT_OPTIONS.type, severity: 100, }); }); it('adds extra information to Fields', () => { const fields = { other: 'value', msg: 'important' }; const record = createPinoRecord(fields); expect(format(record).Fields).toEqual(fields); }); it('can be configured with a user-defined type', () => { const record = createPinoRecord(); const type = 'some-type'; const options = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, type, }; expect(format(record, options).Type).toEqual(type); }); it('omits the "v" attribute', () => { const record = createPinoRecord({ msg: undefined, v: 123 }); expect(format(record).Fields).toEqual({}); }); it('complies with the mozlog JSON schema', () => { const record = createPinoRecord({ foo: 'foo', bar: true, baz: 123 }); expect(format(record)).toMatchSchema(mozlogSchema); }); }); describe('createTransformFunction', () => { it('calls the format function when transforming a record', () => { const record = createPinoRecord(); const callback = jest.fn(); const _format = jest.fn(); _format.mockImplementation(() => 'a mozlog'); const transform = createTransformFunction({ _format }); transform(record, null, callback); expect(_format).toHaveBeenCalledWith(record, DEFAULT_OPTIONS); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not call the format function when the record is an empty object', () => { const _format = jest.fn(); const record = {}; const transform = createTransformFunction({ _console, _format }); transform(record, null, jest.fn()); expect(_format).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(_console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '[pino-mozlog] could not format:', { error: 'Error: invalid pino record', record, }, ); }); it('calls the callback even in case of an error', () => { const callback = jest.fn(); const transform = createTransformFunction({ _console }); transform({}, null, callback); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(_console.error).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('with --silent', () => { const options = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, silent: true, }; it('does not call the format function when the record is an empty object', () => { const record = {}; const transform = createTransformFunction({ _console, options, }); transform(record, null, jest.fn()); expect(_console.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('parseOptions', () => { it('returns the default options', () => { const options = parseOptions([]); expect(options).toEqual(DEFAULT_OPTIONS); }); it('accepts the --silent boolean option', () => { const options = parseOptions(['--silent']); expect(options).toEqual({ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, silent: true, }); }); it('accepts the --type string option', () => { const type = 'some-type'; const options = parseOptions(['--type', type]); expect(options).toEqual({ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, type, }); }); it('ignores unknown options', () => { const options = parseOptions(['--unknown', 'option']); expect(options).toEqual(DEFAULT_OPTIONS); }); }); describe('getStackdriverSeverity', () => { it.each([ [pinoSyslog.severity.emergency, 800], [pinoSyslog.severity.alert, 700], [pinoSyslog.severity.critical, 600], [pinoSyslog.severity.error, 500], [pinoSyslog.severity.warning, 400], [pinoSyslog.severity.notice, 300], [, 200], [pinoSyslog.severity.debug, 100], ])( 'returns the stackdriver level for (syslog) severity = %d', (syslogSeverity, stackdriverSeverity) => { expect(getStackdriverSeverity(syslogSeverity)).toEqual( stackdriverSeverity, ); }, ); }); it('returns 0 for unsupported syslog severities', () => { expect(getStackdriverSeverity(-1)).toEqual(0); expect(getStackdriverSeverity(123)).toEqual(0); }); });