60 строки
1.7 KiB
Executable File
60 строки
1.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env zx
import {$, path, echo, within, glob} from 'zx';
const root = path.join(__dirname, '..');
const localeDir = path.join(root, 'locale');
const templateFile = path.join(localeDir, '/templates/LC_MESSAGES/amo.pot');
within(async () => {
echo('Extracting locales...');
const sourceDir = path.join(root, 'src', 'amo');
const outputDir = path.join(root, 'dist', 'locales');
const localesConfig = path.join(root, 'babel.config.locales.js');
await $`babel ${sourceDir} \
--out-dir ${outputDir} \
--config-file ${localesConfig} \
--verbose \
const {stdout: output} = await $`git diff --numstat -- ${templateFile}`;
// git diff --numstat returns the number of insertions and deletions for each file
// this regex extracts the numbers from the output
const regex = /([0-9]+).*([0-9]+)/;
const [, insertions = 0, deletions = 0] = output.match(regex) || [];
const isLocaleClean = insertions < 2 && deletions < 2;
if (isLocaleClean) {
return echo('No locale changes, nothing to update, ending process');
echo(`Found ${insertions} insertions and ${deletions} deletions in ${templateFile}.`);
const poFiles = await glob(`${localeDir}/**/amo.po`);
echo(`Merging ${poFiles.length} translation files.`);
for await (const poFile of poFiles) {
const dir = path.dirname(poFile);
const stem = path.basename(poFile, '.po');
const tempFile = path.join(dir, `${stem}.po.tmp`);
echo(`merging: ${poFile}`);
try {
await $`msgmerge --no-fuzzy-matching -q -o ${tempFile} ${poFile} ${templateFile}`
await $`mv ${tempFile} ${poFile}`
} catch (error) {
await $`rm ${tempFile}`;
throw new Error(`Error merging ${poFile}`);
return true;