
430 строки
11 KiB

// CONFIG defaults (aka PRODUCTION)
// WARNING: No test/stage/dev/development config should
// live here.
import path from 'path';
import { addonsServerProdCDN, analyticsHost, prodDomain, apiProdHost, baseUrlProd } from './lib/shared';
const addonsFrontendCDN = '';
const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');
module.exports = {
// The base URL of the site (for SEO purpose).
baseURL: baseUrlProd,
// These are reversed in src/amo/client/config.js.
client: false,
server: true,
// Disables the server side render, handy for debugging.
disableSSR: false,
// 2592000 is 30 days in seconds.
cookieMaxAge: 2592000,
cookieName: 'frontend_auth_token',
cookieSecure: true,
cookieDomain: `.${prodDomain}`,
cookieSameSite: 'lax',
// Enable devtools for: Redux.
enableDevTools: false,
// Logging level, see:
loggingLevel: 'info',
// Enable the httpContext/requestId middleware, see:
enableRequestID: true,
// If true node will serve the static files.
enableNodeStatics: false,
enableStrictMode: false,
isDeployed: true,
isDevelopment: false,
// For all Firefox 57+ (Quantum) UAs, send the `appversion` in all API
// search requests. This will return only compatible add-ons, which is
// good for UX (it prevents a lot of incompatible old add-ons).
// Disable this in development when working with stage data, which is
// very out-of-date and mostly not 57+ compatible.
restrictSearchResultsToAppVersion: true,
// The node server host and port.
serverHost: '',
serverPort: 4000,
// These are set with environment variables.
statsdHost: null,
statsdPort: null,
// The CDN host for AMO.
amoCDN: addonsServerProdCDN,
staticHost: addonsFrontendCDN,
apiHost: apiProdHost,
apiPath: '/api/',
apiVersion: 'v5',
// The version for the favicon.
// This should be changed when a new favicon is pushed to the CDN to prevent
// client caching.
faviconVersion: 2,
// URL patterns of anonymous/stateless pages. These pages won't authenticate
// the logged in user (if any) and should not contain any non-public data (so
// that we can cache them).
anonymousPagePatterns: [
// The keys listed here will be exposed on the client.
// Since by definition client-side code is public these config keys
// must not contain sensitive data.
clientConfigKeys: [
// Content Security Policy.
// NOTE: This config should be overridden on a per app basis
// if you're not updating the config for all apps.
// NOTE: if a config contains a var, consider importing it
// from ./lib/shared.js
CSP: {
directives: {
defaultSrc: ["'none'"],
baseUri: ["'self'"],
childSrc: ["'none'"],
connectSrc: [analyticsHost, apiProdHost],
fontSrc: [
formAction: ["'self'"],
frameSrc: ["'none'"],
imgSrc: [
// This file isn't bundled with addons-frontend.
manifestSrc: ["'none'"],
mediaSrc: ["'none'"],
objectSrc: ["'none'"],
// Script is limited to the amo specific CDN.
scriptSrc: [
styleSrc: [
workerSrc: ["'none'"],
reportUri: '/__cspreport__',
// Set to true if you only want browsers to report errors, not block them
reportOnly: false,
frameGuard: {
action: 'deny',
// Supported languages.
langs: [
// Exclusion list of unsupported locales for alternate links, see:
unsupportedHrefLangs: [
// Map of locale aliases for "alternate" links, see:
hrefLangsMap: {
'x-default': 'en-US',
en: 'en-US',
pt: 'pt-PT',
// Map of langs, usually short to longer ones but can also be used to
// redirect long langs to shorter ones.
langMap: {
'bn-BD': 'bn',
en: 'en-US',
ga: 'ga-IE',
pt: 'pt-PT',
sv: 'sv-SE',
zh: 'zh-CN',
rtlLangs: ['ar', 'fa', 'he', 'ur'],
defaultLang: 'en-US',
// Some missing moment locales can be mapped to existing ones. Note: moment
// locales are lowercase and do not use an underscore.
// See:
momentLangMap: {
'fy-nl': 'fy',
'nb-no': 'nb',
'nn-no': 'nn',
'pt-pt': 'pt',
'sv-se': 'sv',
po2jsonFuzzyOutput: false,
enablePrefixMiddleware: true,
enableTrailingSlashesMiddleware: true,
localeDir: path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '../locale')),
trackingEnabled: true,
trackingId: 'UA-36116321-7',
// send a page view on initialization.
trackingSendInitPageView: true,
// send web vitals stats to GA
trackingSendWebVitals: true,
enablePostCssLoader: true,
// The list of valid client application names.
// These are derived from UA strings when not supplied in the URL.
validClientApplications: [
// This needs to be kept in sync with addons-server's SUPPORTED_NONLOCALES
// settings value:
// These are URLs that are ignored by our prefix middleware that will add
// a locale (e.g. `en-US`) to any URL that doesn't have a valid locale.
// These are all URLs that should not get a locale prepended to the URL,
// because they are locale-independant, like `/firefox/downloads/`.
validLocaleUrlExceptions: [
// This isn't in addons-server, but instead will cause a redirect to
// another host.
// This needs to be kept in sync with addons-server's SUPPORTED_NONAPPS
// settings value:
// These are URLs that are ignored by our prefix middleware that will add
// a clientApp (e.g. `android`) to any URL that doesn't have a valid
// clientApp. These are all URLs that don't require a clientApp in them
// because they are app-independant, like `/en-US/developers/`.
validClientAppUrlExceptions: [
// These URLs are exceptions to our trailing slash URL redirects; if we
// find a URL that matches this pattern we won't redirect to the same url
// with an appended `/`. This is usually because if we redirect, it will
// cause a redirect loop with addons-server; see:
// We use $lang and $clientApp as placeholders so we can have URLs in this
// list that don't include those URL pieces, if needed.
validTrailingSlashUrlExceptions: [
// User URLs, found in:
// The default app used in the URL.
defaultClientApp: 'firefox',
// Dynamic JS chunk patterns to exclude. If these strings match any part of
// the JS file leaf name they will be excluded from being output in the HTML.
jsChunkExclusions: [
fxaConfig: 'amo',
proxyEnabled: false,
// If true, enable a route that explicitly triggers a server error
// to test our internal error handler.
allowErrorSimulation: false,
// The amount of time (in seconds) that an auth token lives for.
// This needs to match the SESSION_COOKIE_AGE in addons-server:
authTokenValidFor: 2592000, // 30 days
// This is the public Mozilla user ID (similar to TASK_USER_ID in
// addons-server).
mozillaUserId: 4757633,
// Feature flags.
// Please use the `enableFeature` prefix, see:
enableFeatureBlockPage: true,
enableFeatureAllowAndroidInstall: true,
enableFeatureLinkToNewBlog: false,
extensionWorkshopUrl: '',
// The withExperiment HOC relies on this config to enable/disable A/B
// experiments on AMO.
experiments: {
// The id of the experiment should be added below, in the form of
// YYYYMMDD_experimentName, with a value of `true` for an enabled experiment
// or `false` for a disabled experiment.
// See:
// e.g., 20200204_installWarning: true,
'20210404_download_cta_experiment': true,