2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
from django.conf import settings
2013-04-19 19:09:44 +04:00
from tower import ugettext_lazy as _lazy
# WARNING: When adding a new app feature here also include a migration.
# WARNING: Order matters here. Don't re-order these or alphabetize them. If you
# add new ones put them on the end.
# These are used to dynamically generate the field list for the AppFeatures
# django model in mkt.webapps.models.
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
APP_FEATURES = OrderedDict([
('APPS', {
2013-06-26 03:37:08 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'App Management API'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozApps` API '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'to install and manage other apps.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.mozApps',),
2013-06-26 03:37:08 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'Packaged Apps Install API'),
'description': _lazy(
u'The app requires the `navigator.mozApps.installPackage` API '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'to install other packaged apps.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.mozApps.installPackage',),
('PAY', {
'name': _lazy(u'Web Payment'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozApps` API.'),
'apis': ('navigator.pay', 'navigator.mozPay',),
'name': _lazy(u'Web Activities'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires Web Activities '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'(the `MozActivity` API).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('MozActivity',),
'name': _lazy(u'Ambient Light Sensor'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires an ambient light sensor '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'(the `ondevicelight` API).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('window.ondevicelight',),
'name': _lazy(u'Archive'),
'description': u'',
'apis': (),
'name': _lazy(u'Battery'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.battery` API.'),
'apis': ('navigator.battery',),
'name': u'Bluetooth',
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozBluetooth` '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.bluetooth', 'navigator.mozBluetooth'),
'name': _lazy(u'Contacts'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozContacts` '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.contacts', 'navigator.mozContacts'),
'name': _lazy(u'Device Storage'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the Device Storage API to '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'access files on the filesystem.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.getDeviceStorage',),
'name': u'IndexedDB',
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to support '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.indexedDB', 'navigator.mozIndexedDB'),
'name': _lazy(u'Geolocation'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to support the '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'`navigator.geolocation` API.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.geolocation',),
('IDLE', {
'name': _lazy(u'Idle'),
'description': u'',
'apis': ('addIdleObserver', 'removeIdleObserver'),
'name': _lazy(u'Network Information'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the ability to get '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'information about the network connection (the '
u'`navigator.mozConnection` API).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.mozConnection', 'navigator.mozMobileConnection'),
'name': _lazy(u'Network Stats'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'`navigator.mozNetworkStats` API.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.networkStats', 'navigator.mozNetworkStats'),
'name': _lazy(u'Proximity'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires a proximity sensor (the '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'`ondeviceproximity` API).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.ondeviceproximity',),
('PUSH', {
'name': _lazy(u'Simple Push'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozPush` API.'),
'apis': ('navigator.push', 'navigator.mozPush'),
'name': _lazy(u'Screen Orientation'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to support the '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'`ondeviceorientation` API.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('ondeviceorientation',),
'name': _lazy(u'Time/Clock'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozTime` API.'),
'apis': ('navigator.time', 'navigator.mozTime'),
'name': _lazy(u'Vibration'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the device to support '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'vibration (the `navigator.vibrate` API).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.vibrate',),
('FM', {
'name': u'WebFM',
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozFM` or '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'`navigator.mozFMRadio` APIs.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.mozFM', 'navigator.mozFMRadio'),
('SMS', {
'name': u'WebSMS',
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the `navigator.mozSms` API.'),
'apis': ('navigator.mozSms', 'navigator.mozSMS'),
('TOUCH', {
'name': _lazy(u'Touch'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to support touch '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'events. This option indicates that the app '
u'will not function when used with a mouse.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('window.ontouchstart',),
('QHD', {
2013-07-19 22:36:22 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'Smartphone-Sized Displays (qHD)'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to have a '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'smartphone-sized display (having qHD '
u'resolution). This option indicates that the '
u'app will be unusable on larger displays '
2013-07-19 22:36:22 +04:00
u'(e.g., tablets, desktop, large or high-DPI '
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': (),
('MP3', {
'name': u'MP3',
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires that the platform can decode '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'and play MP3 files.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': (),
('AUDIO', {
'name': _lazy(u'Audio'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires that the platform supports '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'the HTML5 audio API.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('Audio',),
'name': _lazy(u'Web Audio'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires that the platform supports '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'the Web Audio API (`window.AudioContext`).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('AudioContext', 'mozAudioContext', 'webkitAudioContext'),
('VIDEO_H264', {
'name': u'H.264',
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires that the platform can decode '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'and play H.264 video files.'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': (),
'name': u'WebM',
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires that the platform can decode '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'and play WebM video files (VP8).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': (),
'name': _lazy(u'Full Screen'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the Full Screen API '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'(`requestFullScreen` or '
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('document.documentElement.requestFullScreen',),
'name': _lazy(u'Gamepad'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to support the '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'gamepad API (`navigator.getGamepads`).'),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.getGamepad', 'navigator.mozGetGamepad'),
('QUOTA', {
'name': _lazy(u'Quota Management'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow '
2013-06-26 09:24:05 +04:00
u'persistent storage limit increases above the '
u'normally allowed limits for an app '
u'(`window.StorageInfo` or '
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.persistentStorage', 'navigator.temporaryStorage'),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
('CAMERA', {
'name': _lazy(u'Camera'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow access '
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
u'to video from the device camera via a '
u'LocalMediaStream object.'),
'apis': ('navigator.getUserMedia({video: true, picture: true})',),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
('MIC', {
'name': _lazy(u'Microphone'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow access '
u'to audio from the device microphone.'),
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true})',),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'Screen Capture'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow access '
u'to the device screen for capture.'),
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
'apis': ('navigator.getUserMedia({video: {mandatory: '
'{chromeMediaSource: "screen"}}})',),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'WebRTC MediaStream'),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow web '
u'real-time communication browser-to-browser '
u'inbound media streams.'),
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
'apis': ('MediaStream',),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'WebRTC DataChannel'),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow '
u'peer-to-peer exchange of data other than audio '
u'and video.'),
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
'apis': ('DataChannel',),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'WebRTC PeerConnection'),
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow '
u'communication of streaming data between '
'apis': ('RTCPeerConnection',),
'name': _lazy(u'Web Speech Synthesis'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow the use '
u'of text-to-speech.'),
'apis': ('SpeechSynthesis',)
'name': _lazy(u'Web Speech Recognition'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow '
u'the use of speech-to-text.'),
'apis': ('SpeechRecognition',)
'name': _lazy(u'Pointer Lock'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to provide '
u'additional information and control about the '
'apis': ('document.documentElement.requestPointerLock',)
'name': _lazy(u'Notifications'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow the '
u'displaying phone and desktop notifications to '
u'the user.'),
'apis': ('Notification', 'navigator.mozNotification')
('ALARM', {
'name': _lazy(u'Alarms'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to provide '
u'access to the device alarm settings to '
u'schedule notifications and events at specific '
'apis': ('navigator.mozAlarms',)
2013-09-04 00:50:47 +04:00
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'SystemXHR'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow the '
2013-09-04 01:55:31 +04:00
u'sending of asynchronous HTTP requests without '
u'the restrictions of the same-origin policy.'),
'apis': ('XMLHttpRequest({mozSystem: true})',)
2013-08-31 01:10:11 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'TCP Sockets'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to allow opening '
u'raw TCP sockets.'),
'apis': ('TCPSocket', 'navigator.mozTCPSocket',
2013-10-10 23:02:40 +04:00
'name': _lazy(u'Third-Party Keyboard Support'),
'description': _lazy(u'The app requires the platform to support '
u'third-party keyboards.'),
'apis': ('navigator.mozInputMethod',),
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
2013-05-31 03:25:38 +04:00
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
class FeatureProfile(OrderedDict):
Convenience class for performing conversion operations on feature profile
2013-06-19 01:37:12 +04:00
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Creates a FeatureProfile object.
Takes kwargs to the features to enable or disable. Features not
specified but that are in APP_FEATURES will be False by default.
>>> FeatureProfile(sms=True).to_signature()
super(FeatureProfile, self).__init__()
for af in APP_FEATURES:
2013-06-12 04:44:56 +04:00
key = af.lower()
2013-06-19 01:37:12 +04:00
self[key] = kwargs.get(key, False)
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
def from_int(cls, features):
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
Construct a FeatureProfile object from a integer bitfield.
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
>>> FeatureProfile.from_int(0x42)
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
FeatureProfile([('apps', False), ('packaged_apps', True), ...)
instance = cls()
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
for i, k in enumerate(reversed(APP_FEATURES)):
instance[k.lower()] = bool(features & 1 << i)
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
return instance
def from_signature(cls, signature):
Construct a FeatureProfile object from a decimal signature.
>>> FeatureProfile.from_signature('40000000.32.1')
FeatureProfile([('apps', False), ('packaged_apps', True), ...)
dehexed = int(signature.split('.')[0], 16)
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
return cls.from_int(dehexed)
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
def to_int(self):
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
Convert a FeatureProfile object to an integer bitfield.
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
>>> profile.to_int()
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
features = 0
for i, v in enumerate(reversed(self.values())):
features |= bool(v) << i
return features
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
def to_signature(self):
Convert a FeatureProfile object to its decimal signature.
>>> profile.to_signature()
2013-06-29 06:37:56 +04:00
return '%x.%s.%s' % (self.to_int(), len(self),
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-12 00:46:29 +04:00
def to_list(self):
Returns a list representing the true values of this profile.
return [k for k, v in self.iteritems() if v]
2013-06-08 04:11:23 +04:00
def to_kwargs(self, prefix=''):
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-08 04:11:23 +04:00
Returns a dict representing the false values of this profile.
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
- `prefix` - a string prepended to the key name. Helpful if being used
to traverse relations
2013-06-08 04:11:23 +04:00
This only includes keys for which the profile is False, which is useful
for querying apps where we want to filter by apps which do not require
a feature.
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
>>> profile = FeatureProject.from_signature(request.get('pro'))
>>> Webapp.objects.filter(**profile.to_kwargs())
2013-06-08 04:11:23 +04:00
2013-05-29 19:59:36 +04:00
2013-06-08 04:11:23 +04:00
return dict((prefix + k, False) for k, v in self.iteritems() if not v)