redoing compat reports with es (bug 656527)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,62 +1,63 @@
import collections
import logging
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Sum, Max
import cronjobs
import elasticutils
import redisutils
import amo
import amo.utils
import as vc
from addons.models import Addon
from stats.models import UpdateCount
from .models import AppCompat
log = logging.getLogger('z.compat')
def compatibility_report():
redis = redisutils.connections['master']
docs = collections.defaultdict(dict)
# for app in amo.APP_USAGE:
for compat in settings.COMPAT:
app = amo.APPS_ALL[compat['app']]
version = compat['version']
||||'Making compat report for %s %s.' % (app.pretty, version))
versions = (('latest', version), ('beta', version + 'b'),
('alpha', compat['alpha']))
rv = dict((k, 0) for k in dict(versions))
rv['other'] = 0
qs = (Addon.objects.exclude(type=amo.ADDON_PERSONA, status__in=ignore)
.filter(, name__locale='en-us'))
# Gather all the data for the index.
for app in amo.APP_USAGE:
||||'Making compat report for %s.' % app.pretty)
latest = UpdateCount.objects.aggregate(d=Max('date'))['d']
qs = UpdateCount.objects.filter(,
total = qs.aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum']
addons = list(qs.values_list('addon', 'count', 'addon__appsupport__min',
# Count up the top 95% of addons by ADU.
redis.hset('compat:%s' %, 'total', total)
adus = 0
for addon, count, minver, maxver in addons:
# Don't count add-ons that weren't compatible with the previous
# release
if maxver < vc.version_int(compat['previous']):
if adus < .95 * total:
adus += count
for key, version in versions:
if minver <= vc.version_int(version) <= maxver:
rv[key] += 1
rv['other'] += 1
||||'Compat for %s %s: %s' % (app.pretty, version, rv))
key = '%s:%s' % (, version)
redis.hmset('compat:' + key, rv)
updates = dict(qs.values_list('addon', 'count'))
for chunk in amo.utils.chunked(updates.items(), 50):
chunk = dict(chunk)
for addon in Addon.objects.filter(id__in=chunk):
doc = docs[]
doc.update(, slug=addon.slug,
doc.setdefault('usage', {})[] = updates[]
if app not in addon.compatible_apps:
compat = addon.compatible_apps[app]
d = {'min': compat.min.version_int,
'max': compat.max.version_int}
doc.setdefault('support', {})[] = d
doc.setdefault('max_version', {})[] = compat.max.version
doc['top_95'] = adus > .95 * total
adus += sum(chunk.values())
# Send it all to the index.
for chunk in amo.utils.chunked(docs.values(), 150):
for doc in chunk:
AppCompat.index(doc, id=doc['id'], bulk=True)
@ -19,3 +19,20 @@ class CompatReport(amo.models.ModelBase):
class Meta:
db_table = 'compatibility_reports'
class AppCompat(amo.models.ModelBase):
Stub model for use with search. The schema:
slug: addon.slug,
max_version: { version string},
usage: { addon.daily_usage},
support: { {max: version int, min: version int},
class Meta:
abstract = True
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% set title = _('{app} {version} Add-on Compatibility Report')|f(app=request.APP.pretty, version=version) %}
{% block title %}{{ page_title(title) }}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyclass %}inverse{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
{% endblock %}
@ -1,44 +1,62 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ page_title(_('Compatibility Center')) }}{% endblock %}
{% set app = request.APP.pretty %}
{% set title = _('Add-on Compatibility Report for {app} {version}')|f(app=app, version=version) %}
{% block title %}{{ page_title(title) }}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyclass %}inverse{% endblock %}
{% macro percent(x, y) %}{{ (x / y|float * 100)|int }}{% endmacro %}
{% set app = request.APP.pretty %}
{% set num = percent(versions['latest'], total) %}
{% block content %}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
{{ breadcrumbs([(None, _('{app} {version} Compatibility')|f(app=app, version=version))]) }}
<h1>{{ _('{app} {version} Add-on Compatibility Report')|f(app=app, version=version) }}</h1>
<p>{% trans %}
<b>{{ num }}%</b> of add-ons on are compatible with {{ app }} {{ version }}.
{% endtrans %}</p>
{% set titles = {
'prev': _('Top 95% compatible with previous version'),
'top_95': _('Top 95% of all add-ons'),
'all': _('All active add-ons'),
} %}
<div id="chart" class="primary"
data-keys="{{ dict(keys)|json }}"
data-data="{{ versions|json }}"
data-total="{{ total }}"></div>
<div class="secondary">
<table id="compat">
<th>{{ _('Version') }}</th>
{# L10n: "#" means "number" #}
<th>{{ _('# of Add-ons') }}</th>
{% with key, (total, facets) = compat_levels[0] %}
{% for version, _ in facets %}
<th>{{ version }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% for key, title in keys %}
{% for key, (total, facets) in compat_levels %}
{% if total %}
<td>{{ title }}</td>
<td>{{ versions[key]|numberfmt }}</td>
<th>{{ titles[key] }}</th>
{% for version, count in facets %}
<td>{{ (100 * count / total)|round(2) }}% ({{ count }})</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<p><a href="{{ url('compat.details', version) }}">{{ _('Detailed Report') }}</a></p>
<h3>{{ _('Details for add-ons compatible with previous version:') }}</h3>
{% for addon in usage_addons.object_list %}
<td><a href="{{ url('addons.detail', addon.slug) }}">{{ }}</a></td>
<td>{{ addon.max_version }}</td>
<td>{{ addon.usage|numberfmt }} users </td>
<td>({{ (100 * addon.usage / usage_total)|round(2) }}%)</td>
{% endfor %}
{{ usage_addons|paginator }}
{% endblock %}
{% block js %}
<script src="{{ media('js/lib/highcharts.src.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ media('js/zamboni/compat.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ urlpatterns = (
views.reporter_detail, name='compat.reporter_detail'),
url('^(?P<version>[.\w]+)?$', views.index, name='compat.index'),
url('^(?P<version>[.\w]+)/details$', views.details, name='compat.details'),
@ -4,47 +4,73 @@ import re
from django import http
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Count
from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
import jingo
import redisutils
from tower import ugettext_lazy as _lazy
from tower import ugettext as _
import amo.utils
from amo.decorators import post_required
from addons.models import Addon
from .models import CompatReport
KEYS = (
('latest', _lazy('Latest')),
('beta', _lazy('Beta')),
('alpha', _lazy('Alpha')),
('other', _lazy('Other')),
from import version_int as vint
from .models import CompatReport, AppCompat
def index(request, version=None):
COMPAT = [v for v in settings.COMPAT if v['app'] ==]
if version is None and COMPAT:
version = COMPAT[0]['version']
redis = redisutils.connections['master']
compat = redis.hgetall('compat:%s:%s' % (, version))
versions = dict((k, int(v)) for k, v in compat.items())
if version not in [v['version'] for v in COMPAT] or not versions:
compat_dict = dict((v['main'], v) for v in COMPAT)
if not COMPAT:
raise http.Http404()
if version not in compat_dict:
return redirect('compat.index', COMPAT[0]['main'])
total = sum(versions.values())
keys = [(k, unicode(v)) for k, v in KEYS]
compat, app = compat_dict[version], str(
qs =
compat_queries = (
('prev', qs.query(top_95=True, **{
'support.%s.max__gte' % app: vint(compat['previous'])})),
('top_95', qs.query(top_95=True)),
('all', qs),
compat_levels = [(key, version_compat(qs, compat, app))
for key, qs in compat_queries]
usage_addons, usage_total = usage_stats(request, compat, app)
return jingo.render(request, 'compat/index.html',
{'versions': versions, 'total': total,
'version': version, 'keys': keys})
{'version': version,
'usage_addons': usage_addons,
'usage_total': usage_total,
'compat_levels': compat_levels})
def details(request, version):
return http.HttpResponse('go away')
def version_compat(qs, compat, app):
facets = []
for v, prev in zip(compat['versions'], (None,) + compat['versions']):
d = {'from': vint(v)}
if prev:
d['to'] = vint(prev)
qs = qs.facet(by_status={'range': {'support.%s.max' % app: facets}})
result = qs[:0].raw()
total_addons = result['hits']['total']
ranges = result['facets']['by_status']['ranges']
faceted = [(v, r['count']) for v, r in zip(compat['versions'], ranges)]
other = total_addons - sum(r[1] for r in faceted)
return total_addons, faceted + [(_('Other'), other)]
def usage_stats(request, compat, app):
# Get the list of add-ons for usage stats.
redis = redisutils.connections['master']
qs = ('-usage.%s' % app).values_dict()
.filter(**{'support.%s.max__gte' % app: vint(compat['previous'])}))
addons = amo.utils.paginate(request, qs)
for obj in addons.object_list:
obj['usage'] = obj['usage'][app]
obj['max_version'] = obj['max_version'][app]
total = int(redis.hget('compat:%s' % app, 'total'))
return addons, total
@ -107,4 +133,3 @@ def reporter_detail(request, guid):
return jingo.render(request, 'compat/reporter_detail.html',
dict(reports=reports, works=works,
name=name, guid=guid))
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
$(function() {
var chart = $('#chart'),
data = JSON.parse(chart.attr('data-data')),
total = chart.attr('data-total'),
keys = JSON.parse(chart.attr('data-keys')),
series =, function(value, key) {
return [keys[key], parseInt(value / total * 100)];
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'chart'
title: '',
plotOptions: {
pie: { cursor: 'pointer' }
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y +' %';
series: [{
type: 'pie',
data: series
@ -965,13 +965,13 @@ MODIFIED_DELAY = 3
# This is a list of dictionaries that we should generate compat info for.
# app: should match
# version: the app version we're generating compat info for.
# alpha: the first version that should be considered alpha for :version.
# previous: the major version before :version.
# main: the app version we're generating compat info for.
# versions: version numbers to show in comparisons.
# previous: the major version before :main.
dict(app=1, version='4.0', alpha='3.7a', previous='3.6'),
dict(app=1, version='5.0', alpha='5.0a', previous='4.0'),
dict(app=1, version='6.0', alpha='6.0a', previous='5.0'),
dict(app=1, main='6.0', versions=('6.0', '6.0a2', '6.0a1'), previous='5.0'),
dict(app=1, main='5.0', versions=('5.0', '5.0a2', '5.0a1'), previous='4.0'),
dict(app=1, main='4.0', versions=('4.0', '4.0a1', '3.7a'), previous='3.6'),
# URL for reporting arecibo errors too. If not set, won't be sent.
Ссылка в новой задаче