diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po index 56e6f6907f..9f7b299f1d 100644 --- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po +++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: messages\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-01 11:25+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-03 19:25+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-10 16:31+0000\n" "Last-Translator: avelper \n" "Language-Team: Español (España) \n" "Language: es\n" @@ -4381,7 +4381,7 @@ msgstr[1] "{0} avisos" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Stop sneaky trackers {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Detén los ratreadores sigilosos {start_sub_heading} con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Bloquea a los rastreadores sigilosos {start_sub_heading} con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Block invisible trackers and spying ads that follow you around the web." @@ -4389,7 +4389,7 @@ msgstr "Bloquea los rastreadores invisibles y los anuncios de espionaje que te s #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Customize new tab pages {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Personaliza las pestañas nuevas {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Personaliza las páginas Nueva pestaña {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Enjoy a beautiful new page with customizable backgrounds, local weather info, and more." @@ -4413,7 +4413,7 @@ msgstr "Realiza búsquedas inversas de imágenes desde una variedad de buscadore #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Ad blocking & privacy protection {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Bloqueo de los anuncios y protección de la privacidad {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Bloqueo de anuncios y protección de privacidad {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "A simple set-up lets you take control of the ads you see and how you’re tracked on the internet." @@ -4497,7 +4497,7 @@ msgstr "Bloquea publicidad {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "A lightweight and effective ad blocker. uBlock Origin enforces thousands of content filters without chewing up a bunch of memory." -msgstr "Un bloqueador de publicidad ligero y eficiente. uBlock Origin ejecuta miles de filtros de contenido sin ocupar demasiada memoria." +msgstr "Un bloqueador de publicidad ligero y eficiente. uBlock Origin ejecuta miles de filtros de contenido y apenas ocupa memoria." #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Improve videos {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" @@ -4509,7 +4509,7 @@ msgstr "Disfruta de una serie de funciones nuevas de Youtube, como el modo cine, #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Easily find images {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Encuentra imágenes fácilmente {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Busca imágenes fácilmente {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Highlight any text and right-click to quickly perform an image search." @@ -4525,7 +4525,7 @@ msgstr "Accede a tus sitios web favoritos a través de iconos dinámicos." #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Access knowledge {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Accede a contenido informativo {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Accede al conocimiento {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Automatically add Britannica facts to your search results." @@ -4573,7 +4573,7 @@ msgstr "Obtén ayuda gramatical dondequiera que escribas en la Web: redes social #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Check global times {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Conoce la hora en el mundo {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Conoce la hora en todo el mundo {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Display current worldwide times in Firefox's status bar." @@ -4597,7 +4597,7 @@ msgstr "Disfruta del acceso gratuito a más de 10 millones de artículos de inve #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Customize mouse gestures {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Personaliza los gestos de ratón {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Personaliza los movimientos del ratón {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Discover a new way to navigate with 50+ helpful mouse gestures." @@ -4630,11 +4630,11 @@ msgstr "¿La página que buscas no está disponible? Busca una versión archivad #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Find missing web content {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Encuentra contenido web que ha desaparecido {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Busca contenido web que ha desaparecido {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Enlarge images {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Amplía las imágenes {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Amplía imágenes {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Simply hover over an image to magnify it." @@ -4658,7 +4658,7 @@ msgstr "Una forma sencilla de ajustar el tamaño de un texto en cualquier págin #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Block invisible trackers {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Bloquea los rastreos ocultos {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Bloquea a los rastreadores ocultos {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Stop trackers in their tracks and learn more about them." @@ -4682,7 +4682,7 @@ msgstr "¡Deja de escribir lo mismo una y otra vez! Si reutilizas con frecuencia #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Block email ads {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Bloquea la publicidad en el correo electrónico {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Bloquea la publicidad en los correos {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Get more screen space by removing ads from your web-based inbox." @@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr "Administra tus pestañas abiertas de forma ordenada en una barra lateral #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Avoid sneaky trackers and restrictions {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Evita los rastreadores ocultos {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Evita los rastreadores ocultos y las restricciones {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Disguise your navigation by cloaking the identity of your browser and operating system." @@ -4794,7 +4794,7 @@ msgstr "Cambia la forma de explorar Reddit a través de etiquetas y otras opcion #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Capture the web {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Toma fotos de la web {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Haz capturas de la web {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Screenshot webpages, make edits, and share." @@ -4842,7 +4842,7 @@ msgstr "Convierte todas tus pestañas abiertas en una lista para administrarlas #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Robust download management {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Adquiere un potente gestor de descargas {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Obtén un potente gestor de descargas {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Check the state of your downloads through a status bar, download history page, and more." @@ -4858,7 +4858,7 @@ msgstr "Guarda información de Internet en OneNote para poder editarla, hacer an #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Search tracking protection {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Protégete de rastreo en búsquedas {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Busca la protección contra rastreo {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Stop trackers when you click Google and Yandex search returns." @@ -4906,7 +4906,7 @@ msgstr "¡Cambia la apariencia de cualquier sitio web! Cambia los colores, los f #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Customize your new tab {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Personaliza tu pestaña nueva {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Personaliza tu nueva pestaña {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Edit the new tab page to display your preferred number of tiles, background image, and more." @@ -5010,7 +5010,7 @@ msgstr "Haz un seguimiento de los precios históricos, productos de la competenc #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Make it your YouTube {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Conviértelo en tu YouTube {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Personaliza tu YouTube {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Play videos in a pop-out window, only see ads within subscribed channels, take video screenshots, and so much more." @@ -5098,7 +5098,7 @@ msgstr "Consigue una traducción inmediata seleccionando un texto y haciendo cli #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "No more redirects {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "No más redireccionamientos {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "No más redirecciones {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Go straight to the website you want to access without being redirected in between." @@ -5106,7 +5106,7 @@ msgstr "Ve directamente al sitio web al que deseas acceder sin ser redirigido po #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "WhatsApp on the web {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Mantente informado sobre tu WhatsApp {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Accede a WhatsApp en la web {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Access WhatsApp from within Firefox's toolbar panel to get badge notification of unread threads." @@ -5138,7 +5138,7 @@ msgstr "Gestiona tu productividad trabajando en intervalos de tiempo establecido #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Easy reading {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Accede con facilidad a tus canales {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Lee mejor {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Check your favorite RSS feeds all in a single page." @@ -5198,7 +5198,7 @@ msgstr "Elimina el redireccionamiento de páginas y los parámetros de seguimien #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Stop search trackers {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Detén a los rastreadores en buscadores {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Detén a los rastreadores de búsqueda {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Prevent search engines from knowing what search results you click on." @@ -5222,7 +5222,7 @@ msgstr "Un lector avanzado en el que podrás guardar todas tus fuentes de RSS/At #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Jot it down {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Anótalo {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Toma notas {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Create general and website-specific notes to review later." @@ -5257,9 +5257,8 @@ msgid "Enjoy music from around the world {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{en msgstr "Disfruta de música de diferentes partes del mundo {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. -#, fuzzy msgid "Access 30,000+ radio stations from all over the globe." -msgstr "Accede a más de 20.000 estaciones de radio de todo el mundo." +msgstr "Accede a más de 30.000 estaciones de radio de todo el mundo." #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Listen to videos {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" @@ -5391,7 +5390,7 @@ msgstr "Configura pestañas nuevas para visualizar imágenes y colores de fondo #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Cat lovers rejoice {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Los amantes de los gatos se alegrarán {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "A los amantes de los gatos les encantará {start_sub_heading} {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Meet an adorable kitty with every new tab. Give it a scratch behind the ear and see what happens." @@ -5479,7 +5478,7 @@ msgstr "Realiza una comprobación adicional para asegurarte de que estás compra #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Track productivity {start_sub_heading}with {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" -msgstr "Haz un seguimiento del tiempo que dedicas a tareas {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" +msgstr "Haz un seguimiento del tiempo que dedicas a tus tareas {start_sub_heading}con {addon_name}{end_sub_heading}" #. editorial content for the discovery pane. msgid "Measure the amount of time you spend on the computer, or on specific work apps like Trello, JIRA, Basecamp, GitHub, and many more." @@ -7348,9 +7347,9 @@ msgstr "No puedes agregar versiones a un complemento con estado %s." msgid "Version does not match the manifest file." msgstr "La versión no coincide con el archivo manifest." -#, fuzzy, python-format +#, python-format msgid "Version already exists. Latest version is: %s." -msgstr "Esta versión ya existe." +msgstr "Esta versión ya existe. La última versión es %s." msgid "Only WebExtensions are allowed to omit the GUID" msgstr "Solo WebExtensions puede omitir el GUID"