Add Registration, Confirmation, and Confirmation resend

This commit is contained in:
Wil Clouser 2010-03-29 08:09:52 -07:00
Родитель 92844214df
Коммит d88bbbc945
10 изменённых файлов: 478 добавлений и 47 удалений

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import logging
from django import forms
from django.forms.util import ErrorList
from django.contrib.auth import forms as auth_forms
from django.forms.util import ErrorList
from l10n import ugettext as _
@ -139,3 +139,55 @@ class UserEditForm(forms.ModelForm):
log.debug('User (%s) updated their profile', amouser)
class UserRegisterForm(forms.ModelForm):
"""For registering users. We're not building off
d.contrib.auth.forms.UserCreationForm because it doesn't do a lot of the
details here, so we'd have to rewrite most of it anyway."""
password = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False,
password2 = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False,
class Meta:
model = models.UserProfile
def clean_nickname(self):
"""We're breaking the rules and allowing null=True and blank=True on a
CharField because I want to enforce uniqueness in the db. In order to
let save() work, I override '' here."""
n = self.cleaned_data['nickname']
if n == '':
n = None
return n
def clean(self):
super(UserRegisterForm, self).clean()
data = self.cleaned_data
# Passwords
p1 = data.get("password")
p2 = data.get("password2")
if p1 != p2:
msg = _("The passwords did not match.")
self._errors["password2"] = ErrorList([msg])
#del data["password"]
del data["password2"]
# Names
if not ("nickname" in self._errors or
"firstname" in self._errors or
"lastname" in self._errors):
fname = data.get("firstname")
lname = data.get("lastname")
nname = data.get("nickname")
if not (fname or lname or nname):
msg = _("A first name, last name or nickname is required.")
self._errors["firstname"] = ErrorList([msg])
self._errors["lastname"] = ErrorList([msg])
self._errors["nickname"] = ErrorList([msg])
return data

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@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ import time
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as DjangoUser
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.db import models
from django.template import Context, loader
import amo
import amo.models
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from l10n import ugettext as _
from translations.fields import PurifiedField
log = logging.getLogger('z.users')
@ -156,6 +159,18 @@ class UserProfile(amo.models.ModelBase):
def set_password(self, raw_password, algorithm='sha512'):
self.password = create_password(algorithm, raw_password)
def email_confirmation_code(self):
log.debug("Sending account confirmation code for user (%s)", self)
url = "%s%s" % (settings.SITE_URL,
args=[, self.confirmationcode]))
domain = settings.DOMAIN
t = loader.get_template('email/confirm.ltxt')
c = {'domain': domain, 'url': url, }
send_mail(_("Please confirm your email address"),
t.render(Context(c)), None, [])
def create_django_user(self):
"""Make a django.contrib.auth.User for this UserProfile."""
# Reusing the id will make our life easier, because we can use the

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{% load i18n %}
{# L10n: This is an email. Whitespace matters! #}
{% blocktrans %}
Welcome to {{ domain }}.
Before you can use your new account you must activate it - this ensures the e-mail address you used is valid and belongs to you. To activate your account, click the link below or copy and paste the whole thing into your browser's location bar:
{{ url }}
Once you've successfully activated your account, you can throw away this e-mail.
The {{ domain }} staff
{% endblocktrans %}

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,6 +5,15 @@
{% block content %}
<div class="primary" role="main">
{% if messages %}
{% for message in messages %}
{% if message %}
<div class="notification-box {{ message.tags }}">
<h2>{{ message|safe }}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if form.non_field_errors() %}
<div class="notification-box error">
@ -52,8 +61,7 @@
<div class="article">
<h3>{{ _('Login Problems?') }}</h3>
{# /users/register #}
<li><a href="#">{{ _("I don't have an account.") }} </a></li>
<li><a href="{{ url('users.register') }}">{{ _("I don't have an account.") }} </a></li>
<li><a href="{{ url('users.pwreset') }}">{{ _("I forgot my password.") }}</a></li>

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ page_title(_('New User Registration')) }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="primary" role="main">
<div class="primary">
{% if messages %}
{% for message in messages %}
<div class="notification-box {{ message.tags }}">
<h2>{{ message }}</h2>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if form %}
<form method="post" action="" class="user-input">
{{ csrf() }}
<legend>{{ _('Register') }}</legend>
<label for="id_email">
{{ _('Email Address') }} <abbr class="req" title="required">*</abbr>
{{|safe }}
{{|safe }}
<li class="check">
<label for="id_emailhidden" class="check">
{{ form.emailhidden|safe }}
{{ _('Hide email address from other users') }}
{{ form.emailhidden.errors|safe }}
<label for="id_password">{{ _('Password') }}</label>
{{ form.password|safe }}
{{ form.password.errors|safe }}
<label for="id_password2">{{ _('Confirm password') }}</label>
{{ form.password2|safe }}
{{ form.password2.errors|safe }}
<label for="id_firstname">
{{ _('First name') }} <abbr class="req" title="required">*</abbr>
{{ form.firstname|safe }}
{{ form.firstname.errors|safe }}
<label for="id_lastname">{{ _('Last name') }}</label>
{{ form.lastname|safe }}
{{ form.lastname.errors|safe }}
<label for="id_nickname">
{{ _('Nickname') }} <abbr class="req" title="required">*</abbr>
{{ form.nickname|safe }}
{{ form.nickname.errors|safe }}
<label for="id_homepage">{{ _('Homepage') }}</label>
{{ form.homepage|safe }}
{{ form.homepage.errors|safe }}
<div class="fm-control">
<button type="submit">{{ _('Register') }}</button>
{% endif %}
<div class="secondary">
<div class="article prose">
<h3>{{ _('Why register?') }}</h3>
{% trans legal="",
privacy="" %}
<p>Registration on AMO is <strong>not required</strong> if you
simply want to download and install public add-ons.</p>
<p>You only need to register if:</p>
<li>You want to submit reviews for add-ons</li>
<li>You want to keep track of your favorite add-on collections or create one yourself</li>
<li>You are an add-on developer and want to upload your add-on for hosting on AMO</li>
<p>Upon successful registration, you will be sent a confirmation
email to the address you provided. Please follow the instructions
there to confirm your account.</p><p>If you like, you can read our
<a href="{{ legal }}" title="Legal Notices">Legal Notices</a> and
<a href="{{ privacy }}" title="Privacy Policy">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>
{% endtrans %}
</div>{# .primary #}
{% endblock content %}

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from django.core import mail
from django.test.client import Client
from django.utils.http import int_to_base36
from manage import settings
from import eq_
@ -158,3 +159,117 @@ class TestUserEditForm(UserFormBase):
'newpassword2': 'new', }
r ='/en-US/firefox/users/edit', data)
self.assertContains(r, "Profile Updated")
class TestUserLoginForm(UserFormBase):
def _get_login_url(self):
return "/en-US/firefox/users/login"
def test_credential_fail(self):
url = self._get_login_url()
r =, {'username': '', 'password': ''})
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'username', "This field is required.")
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'password', "This field is required.")
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'wrongpassword'})
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', '', ("Please enter a correct username "
"and password. Note that both "
"fields are case-sensitive."))
def test_credential_success(self):
url = self._get_login_url()
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'foo'}, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, "Welcome, Jeff")
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'foo',
'rememberme': 1}, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, "Welcome, Jeff")
# Subtract 100 to give some breathing room
age = settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE - 100
assert self.client.session.get_expiry_age() > age
def test_unconfirmed_account(self):
url = self._get_login_url()
self.user_profile.confirmationcode = 'blah'
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'foo'}, follow=True)
self.assertNotContains(r, "Welcome, Jeff")
self.assertContains(r, "A link to activate your user account")
self.assertContains(r, "If you did not receive the confirmation")
def test_disabled_account(self):
url = self._get_login_url()
self.user_profile.deleted = True
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'foo'}, follow=True)
self.assertNotContains(r, "Welcome, Jeff")
self.assertContains(r, "Wrong email address or password!")
class TestUserRegisterForm(UserFormBase):
def test_no_info(self):
data = {'email': '',
'password': '',
'password2': '',
'firstname': '',
'lastname': '',
'nickname': '', }
r ='/en-US/firefox/users/register', data)
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'email',
'This field is required.')
msg = "A first name, last name or nickname is required."
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'nickname', msg)
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'firstname', msg)
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'lastname', msg)
def test_register_existing_account(self):
data = {'email': '',
'password': 'xxx',
'password2': 'xxx',
'firstname': 'xxx', }
r ='/en-US/firefox/users/register', data)
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'email',
'User profile with this Email already exists.')
eq_(len(mail.outbox), 0)
def test_set_unmatched_passwords(self):
data = {'email': '',
'password': 'new1',
'password2': 'new2', }
r ='/en-US/firefox/users/register', data)
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'password2',
'The passwords did not match.')
eq_(len(mail.outbox), 0)
def test_already_logged_in(self):
self.client.login(username='', password='foo')
r = self.client.get('/users/register', follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, "You are already logged in")
self.assertNotContains(r, '<button type="submit">Register</button>')
def test_success(self):
data = {'email': '',
'password': 'carebears',
'password2': 'carebears',
'firstname': 'John',
'lastname': 'Connor',
'nickname': 'BigJC',
'homepage': ''}
r ='/en-US/firefox/users/register', data)
self.assertContains(r, "Congratulations!")
u = User.objects.get(email='').get_profile()
assert u.confirmationcode
eq_(len(mail.outbox), 1)
assert mail.outbox[0].subject.find('Please confirm your email') == 0
assert mail.outbox[0].body.find('%s/confirm/%s' %
(, u.confirmationcode)) > 0

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import hashlib
from django import test
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core import mail
from import eq_
@ -27,6 +28,16 @@ class TestUserProfile(test.TestCase):
u = UserProfile(nickname='Terminator', pk=1)
eq_(u.display_name, 'Terminator')
def test_email_confirmation_code(self):
u = User.objects.get(id='4043307').get_profile()
u.confirmationcode = 'blah'
eq_(len(mail.outbox), 1)
assert mail.outbox[0].subject.find('Please confirm your email') == 0
assert mail.outbox[0].body.find('%s/confirm/%s' %
(, u.confirmationcode)) > 0
def test_welcome_name(self):
u1 = UserProfile(lastname='Connor')
u2 = UserProfile(firstname='Sarah', nickname='sc', lastname='Connor')

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ from django.test.client import Client
from import eq_
from manage import settings
from users.utils import EmailResetCode
@ -48,7 +46,8 @@ class TestEmailChange(UserViewBase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestEmailChange, self).setUp()
self.token, self.hash = EmailResetCode.create(, '')
self.token, self.hash = EmailResetCode.create(,
def test_fail(self):
# Completely invalid user, valid code
@ -79,37 +78,7 @@ class TestEmailChange(UserViewBase):
class TestLogin(UserViewBase):
def _get_login_url(self):
return "/en-US/firefox/users/login"
def test_credential_fail(self):
url = self._get_login_url()
r =, {'username': '', 'password': ''})
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'username', "This field is required.")
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', 'password', "This field is required.")
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'wrongpassword'})
self.assertFormError(r, 'form', '', ("Please enter a correct username "
"and password. Note that both "
"fields are case-sensitive."))
def test_credential_success(self):
url = self._get_login_url()
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'foo'}, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, "Welcome, Jeff")
r =, {'username': '',
'password': 'foo',
'rememberme': 1}, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, "Welcome, Jeff")
# Subtract 100 to give some breathing room
age = settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE - 100
assert self.client.session.get_expiry_age() > age
def test_test_client_login(self):
def test_client_login(self):
"""This is just here to make sure Test Client's login() works with
our custom code."""
assert not self.client.login(username='',
@ -130,5 +99,37 @@ class TestLogout(UserViewBase):
self.assertContains(r, "Log in")
class TestProfile(UserViewBase):
class TestRegistration(UserViewBase):
def test_confirm(self):
# User doesn't have a confirmation code
url = reverse('users.confirm', args=[, 'code'])
r = self.client.get(url, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, '<button type="submit">Log in</button>')
self.user_profile.confirmationcode = "code"
# URL has the wrong confirmation code
url = reverse('users.confirm', args=[, 'blah'])
r = self.client.get(url, follow=True)
eq_(r.status_code, 400)
# URL has the right confirmation code
url = reverse('users.confirm', args=[, 'code'])
r = self.client.get(url, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, 'Successfully verified!')
def test_confirm_resend(self):
# User doesn't have a confirmation code
url = reverse('users.confirm.resend', args=[])
r = self.client.get(url, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, '<button type="submit">Log in</button>')
self.user_profile.confirmationcode = "code"
# URL has the wrong confirmation code
url = reverse('users.confirm.resend', args=[])
r = self.client.get(url, follow=True)
self.assertContains(r, 'An email has been sent to your address')

Просмотреть файл

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ from . import views
# These will all start with /user/<user_id>/
detail_patterns = patterns('',
url('^$', views.profile, name='users.profile'),
url('^confirm/resend$', views.confirm_resend, name='users.confirm.resend'),
url('^confirm/(?P<token>[-\w]+)$', views.confirm, name='users.confirm'),
views.emailchange, name="users.emailchange"),
@ -17,9 +19,9 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('',
url('^users/delete$', views.delete, name='users.delete'),
url('^users/edit$', views.edit, name='users.edit'),
url(r'^users/login', views.login, name='users.login'),
url(r'^users/logout', views.logout, name='users.logout'),
url('^users/login', views.login, name='users.login'),
url('^users/logout', views.logout, name='users.logout'),
url('^users/register$', views.register, name='users.register'),
# Password reset stuff
url(r'^users/pwreset/?$', auth_views.password_reset,

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import logging
import string
from random import Random
from django import http
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
@ -25,6 +27,45 @@ from users.utils import EmailResetCode
log = logging.getLogger('z.users')
def confirm(request, user_id, token):
user = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, id=user_id)
if not user.confirmationcode:
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users.login'))
if user.confirmationcode != token:"Account confirmation failed for user (%s)", user)
return http.HttpResponse(status=400)
user.confirmationcode = ''
messages.success(request, _('Successfully verified!'))"Account confirmed for user (%s)", user)
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users.login'))
def confirm_resend(request, user_id):
user = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, id=user_id)
if not user.confirmationcode:
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users.login'))
# Potential for flood here if someone requests a confirmationcode and then
# re-requests confirmations. We may need to track requests in the future."Account confirm re-requested for user (%s)", user)
msg = _(('An email has been sent to your address {0} to confirm '
'your account. Before you can log in, you have to activate '
'your account by clicking on the link provided in this '
'email.').format(, msg)
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users.login'))
def delete(request):
amouser = request.user.get_profile()
@ -124,15 +165,42 @@ def login(request):
r = auth.views.login(request, template_name='login.html',
form = forms.AuthenticationForm(data=request.POST)
form.is_valid() # clean the data
if isinstance(r, HttpResponseRedirect):
# Succsesful log in
# Succsesful log in according to django. Now we do our checks. I do
# the checks here instead of the form's clean() because I want to use
# the messages framework and it's not available in the request there
user = request.user.get_profile()
if form.cleaned_data['rememberme']:
if user.deleted:
log.warning('Attempt to log in with deleted account (%s)' % user)
messages.error(request, _('Wrong email address or password!'))
return jingo.render(request, 'login.html',
{'form': forms.AuthenticationForm()})
if user.confirmationcode:
logout(request)'Attempt to log in with unconfirmed account (%s)' % user)
msg1 = _(('A link to activate your user account was sent by email '
'to your address {0}. You have to click it before you '
'can log in.').format(
url = "%s%s" % (settings.SITE_URL,
reverse('users.confirm.resend', args=[]))
msg2 = _(('If you did not receive the confirmation email, make '
'sure your email service did not mark it as "junk '
'mail" or "spam". If you need to, you can have us '
'<a href="%s">resend the confirmation message</a> '
'to your email address mentioned above.') % url)
messages.error(request, msg1), msg2)
return jingo.render(request, 'login.html',
{'form': forms.AuthenticationForm()})
rememberme = request.POST.get('rememberme', None)
if rememberme:
log.debug(('User (%s) logged in successfully with'
log.debug(('User (%s) logged in successfully with '
'"remember me" set') % user)
log.debug("User (%s) logged in successfully" % user)
@ -180,3 +248,46 @@ def profile(request, user_id):
return jingo.render(request, 'users/profile.html',
{'profile': user, 'own_coll': own_coll,
'fav_coll': fav_coll})
def register(request):
if request.user.is_authenticated():, _("You are already logged in to an account."))
form = None
elif request.method == 'POST':
form = forms.UserRegisterForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
data = request.POST
u = UserProfile() = data.get('email')
u.emailhidden = data.get('emailhidden', False)
u.firstname = data.get('firstname', None)
u.lastname = data.get('lastname', None)
u.nickname = data.get('nickname', None)
u.homepage = data.get('homepage', None)
u.deleted = False # This defaults to true...?
u.confirmationcode = ''.join(Random().sample(
string.letters + string.digits, 60))
u.create_django_user()"Registered new account for user (%s)", u)
messages.success(request, _(('Congratulations! Your user account '
'was successfully created.')))
msg = _(('An email has been sent to your address {0} to confirm '
'your account. Before you can log in, you have to '
'activate your account by clicking on the link provided '
' in this email.').format(, msg)
form = None
messages.error(request, _(('There are errors in this form. Please '
'correct them and resubmit.')))
form = forms.UserRegisterForm()
return jingo.render(request, 'users/register.html', {'form': form, })