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Jeff Balogh 2011-06-10 15:11:23 -07:00
Родитель 3e40069ca0
Коммит de3de553b2
1 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 163 удалений

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@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
import itertools
import logging
from django.core import mail
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand
import amo
from addons.models import Addon, AddonUser
log = logging.getLogger('z.mailer')
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = '[listed|unreviewed] [no really]'
help = "Send the email for bug 612050, but only with the args 'no really'"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
groups = {'listed': LISTED, 'unreviewed': UNREVIEWED}
assert args and args[0] in groups
backend = None
if ' '.join(args[1:]) != 'no really':
backend = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend''Using email backend: %r' % (backend or 'default'))
cxn = mail.get_connection(backend=backend)
sendmail(groups[args[0]], cxn)
def sendmail(cfg, cxn):
from amo.utils import chunked
counter = itertools.count()
qs = (AddonUser.objects.filter(addon__status=cfg['status'],
.order_by('user').values_list('user__email', 'addon'))
qs = [(user, [addon for user, addon in vals])
for user, vals in itertools.groupby(qs, lambda x: x[0])]'There are %d emails to send.' % len(qs))
for chunk in chunked(qs, 100):
send_to_addons(chunk, cfg, cxn, counter)
def send_to_addons(chunk, cfg, cxn, counter):
ids = set(addon for _, addons in chunk for addon in addons)
qs = (Addon.objects.filter(id__in=ids).no_cache()
addon_dict = dict((, a) for a in qs)
for user, ids in chunk:
user_addons = [addon_dict[id] for id in ids]
addon = 'add-on' if len(ids) == 1 else 'add-ons'
addons = '\n'.join(cfg['addons'].format(addon=a)
for a in user_addons)
msg = cfg['message'].format(addon=addon, addons=addons)
subject = cfg['subject'].format(addon=addon)
mail.send_mail(subject, msg, FROM, [user], connection=cxn)'%s. DONE: %s' % (, user))
except Exception, e:'%s. FAIL: %s (%s)' % (, user, e))
'status': amo.STATUS_LISTED,
'subject': 'Important information about self-hosted add-ons',
'addons': '* {} -{}',
'message': """\
As announced in October, support for self-hosted add-ons in the Mozilla Add-ons
Gallery ( will be discontinued in the coming weeks. We will
soon be requiring that all add-ons listed in our gallery be reviewed by an
editor, so self-hosted add-ons no longer fit with the security policies we'll
have in place.
You can read more about this change in our announcement post:
If you wish for your {addon} to stay on, please convert it to
fully-hosted no later than December 24. Once our new Developer Tools
launch, support for managing self-hosted add-ons will be removed and any
remaining self-hosted add-ons will be disabled.
You can convert your {addon} to fully-hosted from its status page:
Thanks for participating in our self-hosted add-ons pilot, and we hope you'll
choose to host your {addon} in our gallery.
If you have any questions, please email
Mozilla Add-ons Team""",
'status': amo.STATUS_PURGATORY,
'addons': '* {} -{}/versions',
'subject': 'Final notice: your {addon} will be disabled soon',
'message': """\
* Action is required if you wish for Mozilla to continue hosting your {addon}.
The first notice of this was sent on January 19. *
As part of Mozilla's commitment to ensuring that all add-ons hosted in our
gallery are safe for users to install, early last year we determined that we
could no longer allow add-ons to remain unreviewed indefinitely, as the sandbox
review process previously allowed.
We proposed several different methods of increasing the security of the gallery
while still allowing add-on developers to host experimental add-ons, and after
extensive discussion with developers on our blog and forums, we selected the
new review process in May.
New Review Process
All add-ons in our gallery must now be reviewed by an editor. There are two
types of reviews:
1. Full review. This is the same review process that we have had in place for
years, and involves an editor installing your add-on to check for bugs and
policy compliance, as well as a source code review. We aim to complete these
reviews in under 10 days, though currently these reviews are completed in
under 5 days for both new add-ons and updates.
2. Preliminary review. This is a much lighter review and will involve the
editor reviewing the source code for malicious code and security problems,
but without checking for 100% policy compliance or testing the add-on
thoroughly. Add-ons that undergo preliminary review will have cautions
placed on their install buttons and have a slight penalty in search results.
Certain features will also be unavailable to these add-ons, such as beta
channels and contributions. However, these add-ons will receive automatic
updates and be listed everywhere on the site, both of which are not
currently available to add-ons in the sandbox.
Preliminary review is intended for experimental add-ons hoping to gather
feedback before being marked ready for prime-time. We aim to complete these
reviews in under 3 days, but hope they will be completed in even less than
than that.
For new add-ons, developers will select which review process they'd like, and
existing "public" add-ons will automatically be marked as fully reviewed.
Action Required
You are receiving this email because you have at least one add-on currently in
the sandbox that has not been reviewed by an editor. As we will now require
all add-ons to be reviewed, you must select which review process you wish
your {addon} to undergo. Add-ons that have not selected a review process
before February 18, 2011 will be disabled.
You can select a review process from the status page for your {addon}:
To read more about the review process, visit our review policy page:
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we hope you'll choose to
continue hosting your {addon} in our gallery. If you have any questions, please
Mozilla Add-ons Team""",