diff --git a/apps/amo/helpers.py b/apps/amo/helpers.py
index 4e28679341..d27cd660fd 100644
--- a/apps/amo/helpers.py
+++ b/apps/amo/helpers.py
@@ -351,3 +351,9 @@ def media(context, url):
build = context['BUILD_ID_IMG']
return context['MEDIA_URL'] + utils.urlparams(url, b=build)
+def attrs(ctx, *args, **kw):
+ return jinja2.filters.do_xmlattr(ctx, dict(*args, **kw))
diff --git a/apps/blocklist/admin.py b/apps/blocklist/admin.py
index 0458a04c3b..17a74a747a 100644
--- a/apps/blocklist/admin.py
+++ b/apps/blocklist/admin.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from django.contrib import admin
-from .models import BlocklistApp, BlocklistItem, BlocklistPlugin
+from .models import BlocklistApp, BlocklistItem, BlocklistPlugin, BlocklistGfx
diff --git a/apps/blocklist/models.py b/apps/blocklist/models.py
index a49bee8f7b..24b9cd718a 100644
--- a/apps/blocklist/models.py
+++ b/apps/blocklist/models.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
from django.db import models
+import redisutils
import amo.models
class BlocklistApp(amo.models.ModelBase):
- blitem = models.ForeignKey('BlocklistItem')
+ blitem = models.ForeignKey('BlocklistItem', related_name='app')
guid = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, db_index=True,
min = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
@@ -57,3 +59,25 @@ class BlocklistPlugin(amo.models.ModelBase):
def flush_urls(self):
return ['/blocklist*'] # no lang/app
+class BlocklistGfx(amo.models.ModelBase):
+ guid = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ os = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ vendor = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ devices = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ feature = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ feature_status = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ driver_version = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ driver_version_comparator = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True,
+ null=True)
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = 'blgfxdrivers'
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return '%s: %s : %s : %s' % (self.guid, self.os, self.vendor,
+ self.devices)
+ def flush_urls(self):
+ return ['/blocklist*'] # no lang/app
diff --git a/apps/blocklist/templates/blocklist/blocklist.xml b/apps/blocklist/templates/blocklist/blocklist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff91eb9a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/blocklist/templates/blocklist/blocklist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{% if items %}
+ {% for guid, rows in items.items() %}
+ {% for row in rows.rows %}
+ {% if row.min or row.max or row.severity or row.apps %}
+ {% for app in row.apps %}
+ {% if app.min and app.max %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if plugins %}
+ {% for plugin in plugins %}
+ {% if plugin.name %}{% endif %}
+ {% if plugin.description %}{% endif %}
+ {% if plugin.filename %}{% endif %}
+ {% if plugin.severity or plugin.min or plugin.max %}
+ {% if apiver > 2 and plugin.min and plugin.max %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if gfxs %}
+ {% for gfx in gfxs %}
+ {{ gfx.os }}
+ {{ gfx.vendor }}
+ {% for device in gfx.devices.split(' ') %}
+ {{ device }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ gfx.feature }}
+ {{ gfx.feature_status }}
+ {{ gfx.driver_version }}
+ {{ gfx.driver_version_comparator }}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/apps/blocklist/tests.py b/apps/blocklist/tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e870ef32e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/blocklist/tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.cache import cache
+import redisutils
+import test_utils
+from nose.tools import eq_
+import amo
+from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
+from .models import BlocklistItem, BlocklistApp, BlocklistPlugin, BlocklistGfx
+base_xml = """
+class BlocklistTest(test_utils.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.fx4_url = reverse('blocklist', args=[3, amo.FIREFOX.guid, '4.0'])
+ self.fx2_url = reverse('blocklist', args=[2, amo.FIREFOX.guid, '2.0'])
+ self.mobile_url = reverse('blocklist', args=[2, amo.MOBILE.guid, '.9'])
+ self._redis = redisutils.mock_redis()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ redisutils.reset_redis(self._redis)
+ def normalize(self, s):
+ return '\n'.join(x.strip() for x in s.split())
+ def eq_(self, x, y):
+ return eq_(self.normalize(x), self.normalize(y))
+class BlocklistItemTest(BlocklistTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BlocklistItemTest, self).setUp()
+ self.item = BlocklistItem.objects.create(guid='guid@addon.com')
+ self.app = BlocklistApp.objects.create(blitem=self.item,
+ guid=amo.FIREFOX.guid)
+ def test_no_items(self):
+ self.item.delete()
+ r = self.client.get(self.fx4_url)
+ self.eq_(r.content, base_xml)
+ def test_new_cookie_per_user(self):
+ self.client.get(self.fx4_url)
+ assert settings.BLOCKLIST_COOKIE in self.client.cookies
+ c = self.client.cookies[settings.BLOCKLIST_COOKIE]
+ eq_(c['path'], '/blocklist/')
+ eq_(c['secure'], True)
+ def test_existing_user_cookie(self):
+ self.client.cookies[settings.BLOCKLIST_COOKIE] = 'adfadf'
+ self.client.get(self.fx4_url)
+ eq_(self.client.cookies[settings.BLOCKLIST_COOKIE].value, 'adfadf')
+ def test_url_params(self):
+ eq_(self.client.get(self.fx4_url).status_code, 200)
+ eq_(self.client.get(self.fx2_url).status_code, 200)
+ # We ignore trailing url parameters.
+ eq_(self.client.get(self.fx4_url + 'other/junk/').status_code, 200)
+ def test_app_guid(self):
+ # There's one item for Firefox.
+ r = self.client.get(self.fx4_url)
+ eq_(r.status_code, 200)
+ eq_(len(r.context['items']), 1)
+ # There are no items for mobile.
+ r = self.client.get(self.mobile_url)
+ eq_(r.status_code, 200)
+ eq_(len(r.context['items']), 0)
+ # Without the app constraint we see the item.
+ self.app.delete()
+ r = self.client.get(self.mobile_url)
+ eq_(r.status_code, 200)
+ eq_(len(r.context['items']), 1)
+ def dom(self, url):
+ r = self.client.get(self.fx4_url)
+ return minidom.parseString(r.content)
+ def test_item_guid(self):
+ items = self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('emItem')
+ eq_(len(items), 1)
+ eq_(items[0].getAttribute('id'), 'guid@addon.com')
+ def test_item_os(self):
+ item = self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('emItem')[0]
+ assert 'os' not in item.attributes.keys()
+ self.item.update(os='win,mac')
+ item = self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('emItem')[0]
+ eq_(item.getAttribute('os'), 'win,mac')
+ def test_item_severity(self):
+ self.item.update(severity=2)
+ eq_(len(self.vr()), 1)
+ item = self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('emItem')[0]
+ vrange = item.getElementsByTagName('versionRange')
+ eq_(vrange[0].getAttribute('severity'), '2')
+ def vr(self):
+ item = self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('emItem')[0]
+ return item.getElementsByTagName('versionRange')
+ def test_item_version_range(self):
+ self.item.update(min='0.1')
+ eq_(len(self.vr()), 1)
+ eq_(self.vr()[0].attributes.keys(), ['minVersion'])
+ eq_(self.vr()[0].getAttribute('minVersion'), '0.1')
+ self.item.update(max='0.2')
+ eq_(self.vr()[0].attributes.keys(), ['minVersion', 'maxVersion'])
+ eq_(self.vr()[0].getAttribute('minVersion'), '0.1')
+ eq_(self.vr()[0].getAttribute('maxVersion'), '0.2')
+ def test_item_multiple_version_range(self):
+ # There should be two s under one .
+ self.item.update(min='0.1', max='0.2')
+ BlocklistItem.objects.create(guid=self.item.guid, severity=3)
+ item = self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('emItem')
+ eq_(len(item), 1)
+ vr = item[0].getElementsByTagName('versionRange')
+ eq_(len(vr), 2)
+ eq_(vr[0].getAttribute('minVersion'), '0.1')
+ eq_(vr[0].getAttribute('maxVersion'), '0.2')
+ eq_(vr[1].getAttribute('severity'), '3')
+ def test_item_target_app(self):
+ app = self.app
+ self.app.delete()
+ self.item.update(severity=2)
+ version_range = self.vr()[0]
+ eq_(version_range.getElementsByTagName('targetApplication'), [])
+ app.save()
+ version_range = self.vr()[0]
+ target_app = version_range.getElementsByTagName('targetApplication')
+ eq_(len(target_app), 1)
+ eq_(target_app[0].getAttribute('id'), amo.FIREFOX.guid)
+ app.update(min='0.1', max='*')
+ version_range = self.vr()[0]
+ target_app = version_range.getElementsByTagName('targetApplication')
+ eq_(target_app[0].getAttribute('id'), amo.FIREFOX.guid)
+ tvr = target_app[0].getElementsByTagName('versionRange')
+ eq_(tvr[0].getAttribute('minVersion'), '0.1')
+ eq_(tvr[0].getAttribute('maxVersion'), '*')
+ def test_item_multiple_apps(self):
+ # Make sure all s go under the same .
+ self.app.update(min='0.1', max='0.2')
+ BlocklistApp.objects.create(guid=amo.FIREFOX.guid, blitem=self.item,
+ min='3.0', max='3.1')
+ version_range = self.vr()[0]
+ apps = version_range.getElementsByTagName('targetApplication')
+ eq_(len(apps), 2)
+ eq_(apps[0].getAttribute('id'), amo.FIREFOX.guid)
+ vr = apps[0].getElementsByTagName('versionRange')[0]
+ eq_(vr.getAttribute('minVersion'), '0.1')
+ eq_(vr.getAttribute('maxVersion'), '0.2')
+ eq_(apps[1].getAttribute('id'), amo.FIREFOX.guid)
+ vr = apps[1].getElementsByTagName('versionRange')[0]
+ eq_(vr.getAttribute('minVersion'), '3.0')
+ eq_(vr.getAttribute('maxVersion'), '3.1')
+ def test_item_empty_version_range(self):
+ # No version_range without an app, min, max, or severity.
+ self.app.delete()
+ self.item.update(min=None, max=None, severity=None)
+ eq_(len(self.vr()), 0)
+ def test_item_empty_target_app(self):
+ # No empty .
+ self.item.update(severity=1)
+ self.app.delete()
+ eq_(self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('targetApplication'),
+ [])
+ def test_item_target_empty_version_range(self):
+ app = self.dom(self.fx4_url).getElementsByTagName('targetApplication')
+ eq_(app[0].getElementsByTagName('versionRange'), [])
+class BlocklistPluginTest(BlocklistTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BlocklistPluginTest, self).setUp()
+ self.plugin = BlocklistPlugin.objects.create(guid=amo.FIREFOX.guid)
+ def test_no_plugins(self):
+ r = self.client.get(self.mobile_url)
+ self.eq_(r.content, base_xml)
+ def dom(self, url=None):
+ url = url or self.fx4_url
+ r = self.client.get(url)
+ d = minidom.parseString(r.content)
+ return d.getElementsByTagName('pluginItem')[0]
+ def test_plugin_empty(self):
+ eq_(self.dom().attributes.keys(), [])
+ eq_(self.dom().getElementsByTagName('match'), [])
+ eq_(self.dom().getElementsByTagName('versionRange'), [])
+ def test_plugin_os(self):
+ self.plugin.update(os='win')
+ eq_(self.dom().attributes.keys(), ['os'])
+ eq_(self.dom().getAttribute('os'), 'win')
+ def test_plugin_xpcomabi(self):
+ self.plugin.update(xpcomabi='win')
+ eq_(self.dom().attributes.keys(), ['xpcomabi'])
+ eq_(self.dom().getAttribute('xpcomabi'), 'win')
+ def test_plugin_name(self):
+ self.plugin.update(name='flash')
+ match = self.dom().getElementsByTagName('match')
+ eq_(len(match), 1)
+ eq_(dict(match[0].attributes.items()),
+ {'name': 'name', 'exp': 'flash'})
+ def test_plugin_description(self):
+ self.plugin.update(description='flash')
+ match = self.dom().getElementsByTagName('match')
+ eq_(len(match), 1)
+ eq_(dict(match[0].attributes.items()),
+ {'name': 'description', 'exp': 'flash'})
+ def test_plugin_filename(self):
+ self.plugin.update(filename='flash')
+ match = self.dom().getElementsByTagName('match')
+ eq_(len(match), 1)
+ eq_(dict(match[0].attributes.items()),
+ {'name': 'filename', 'exp': 'flash'})
+ def test_plugin_severity(self):
+ self.plugin.update(severity=2)
+ v = self.dom().getElementsByTagName('versionRange')[0]
+ eq_(v.getAttribute('severity'), '2')
+ def test_plugin_target_app(self):
+ self.plugin.update(min='1', max='2')
+ v = self.dom().getElementsByTagName('versionRange')[0]
+ app = v.getElementsByTagName('targetApplication')[0]
+ eq_(app.getAttribute('id'), amo.FIREFOX.guid)
+ vr = app.getElementsByTagName('versionRange')[0]
+ eq_(vr.getAttribute('minVersion'), '1')
+ eq_(vr.getAttribute('maxVersion'), '2')
+ def test_plugin_apiver_lt_3(self):
+ self.plugin.update(severity='2')
+ # No min & max so the app matches.
+ e = self.dom(self.fx2_url).getElementsByTagName('versionRange')[0]
+ eq_(e.getAttribute('severity'), '2')
+ eq_(e.getElementsByTagName('targetApplication'), [])
+ # The app version is not in range.
+ self.plugin.update(min='3.0', max='4.0')
+ self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.dom, self.fx2_url)
+ # The app is back in range.
+ self.plugin.update(min='1.1')
+ e = self.dom(self.fx2_url).getElementsByTagName('versionRange')[0]
+ eq_(e.getAttribute('severity'), '2')
+ eq_(e.getElementsByTagName('targetApplication'), [])
+class BlocklistGfxTest(BlocklistTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BlocklistGfxTest, self).setUp()
+ self.gfx = BlocklistGfx.objects.create(
+ guid=amo.FIREFOX.guid, os='os', vendor='vendor', devices='x y z',
+ feature='feature', feature_status='status',
+ driver_version='version', driver_version_comparator='compare')
+ def test_no_gfx(self):
+ r = self.client.get(self.mobile_url)
+ self.eq_(r.content, base_xml)
+ def test_gfx(self):
+ r = self.client.get(self.fx4_url)
+ dom = minidom.parseString(r.content)
+ gfx = dom.getElementsByTagName('gfxBlacklistEntry')[0]
+ find = lambda e: gfx.getElementsByTagName(e)[0].childNodes[0].wholeText
+ eq_(find('os'), self.gfx.os)
+ eq_(find('feature'), self.gfx.feature)
+ eq_(find('vendor'), self.gfx.vendor)
+ eq_(find('featureStatus'), self.gfx.feature_status)
+ eq_(find('driverVersion'), self.gfx.driver_version)
+ eq_(find('driverVersionComparator'),
+ self.gfx.driver_version_comparator)
+ devices = gfx.getElementsByTagName('devices')[0]
+ for device, val in zip(devices.getElementsByTagName('device'),
+ self.gfx.devices.split(' ')):
+ eq_(device.childNodes[0].wholeText, val)
diff --git a/apps/blocklist/views.py b/apps/blocklist/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c173f448e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/blocklist/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import collections
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import uuid
+from django.core.cache import cache
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db.models import Q, signals as db_signals
+import jingo
+import redisutils
+from amo.utils import sorted_groupby
+from versions.compare import version_int
+from .models import BlocklistItem, BlocklistPlugin, BlocklistGfx, BlocklistApp
+App = collections.namedtuple('App', 'guid min max')
+def blocklist(request, apiver, app, appver):
+ key = 'blocklist:%s:%s:%s'% (apiver, app, appver)
+ response = cache.get(key)
+ if response is None:
+ response = _blocklist(request, apiver, app, appver)
+ cache.set(key, response, 60 * 60)
+ # This gets cleared with the clear_blocklist signal handler.
+ redisutils.connections['master'].sadd('blocklist:keys', key)
+ if settings.BLOCKLIST_COOKIE not in request.COOKIES:
+ response.set_cookie(settings.BLOCKLIST_COOKIE, uuid.uuid4(),
+ expires=datetime.now() + timedelta(days=5 * 365),
+ path='/blocklist/', secure=True)
+ return response
+def _blocklist(request, apiver, app, appver):
+ apiver = int(apiver)
+ items = get_items(apiver, app, appver)
+ plugins = get_plugins(apiver, app, appver)
+ gfxs = BlocklistGfx.objects.filter(Q(guid__isnull=True) | Q(guid=app))
+ return jingo.render(request, 'blocklist/blocklist.xml',
+ dict(items=items, plugins=plugins, gfxs=gfxs,
+ apiver=apiver, appguid=app, appver=appver))
+def clear_blocklist(*args, **kw):
+ # Something in the blocklist changed; invalidate all responses.
+ keys = redisutils.connections['master'].smembers('blocklist:keys')
+ cache.delete_many(keys)
+for m in BlocklistItem, BlocklistPlugin, BlocklistGfx, BlocklistApp:
+ db_signals.post_save.connect(clear_blocklist, sender=m,
+ dispatch_uid='save_%s' % m)
+ db_signals.post_delete.connect(clear_blocklist, sender=m,
+ dispatch_uid='delete_%s' % m)
+def get_items(apiver, app, appver):
+ # Collapse multiple blocklist items (different version ranges) into one
+ # item and collapse each item's apps.
+ addons = (BlocklistItem.uncached
+ .filter(Q(app__guid__isnull=True) | Q(app__guid=app))
+ .extra(select={'app_guid': 'blapps.guid',
+ 'app_min': 'blapps.min',
+ 'app_max': 'blapps.max'}))
+ items = {}
+ for guid, rows in sorted_groupby(addons, 'guid'):
+ rr = []
+ for id, rs in sorted_groupby(list(rows), 'id'):
+ rs = list(rs)
+ rr.append(rs[0])
+ rs[0].apps = [App(r.app_guid, r.app_min, r.app_max)
+ for r in rs if r.app_guid]
+ os = [r.os for r in rr if r.os]
+ items[guid] = {'rows': rr, 'os': os and os[0] or None}
+ return items
+def get_plugins(apiver, app, appver):
+ # API versions < 3 ignore targetApplication entries for plugins so only
+ # block the plugin if the appver is within the block range.
+ plugins = BlocklistPlugin.uncached.filter(
+ Q(guid__isnull=True) | Q(guid=app))
+ if apiver < 3:
+ def between(ver, min, max):
+ if not (min and max):
+ return True
+ return version_int(min) < ver < version_int(max)
+ app_version = version_int(appver)
+ plugins = [p for p in plugins if between(app_version, p.min, p.max)]
+ return plugins
diff --git a/settings.py b/settings.py
index 59835d7d34..4ea539b96f 100644
--- a/settings.py
+++ b/settings.py
@@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/admin-media/'
# paths that don't require an app prefix
SUPPORTED_NONAPPS = ('admin', 'developers', 'editors', 'img',
'jsi18n', 'localizers', 'media', 'robots.txt',
- 'statistics', 'services', 'update')
+ 'statistics', 'services', 'update', 'blocklist')
DEFAULT_APP = 'firefox'
# paths that don't require a locale prefix
SUPPORTED_NONLOCALES = ('img', 'media', 'robots.txt', 'services', 'downloads',
- 'update')
+ 'update', 'blocklist')
# Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody.
SECRET_KEY = 'r#%9w^o_80)7f%!_ir5zx$tu3mupw9u%&s!)-_q%gy7i+fhx#)'
# Path to `ps`.
PS_BIN = '/bin/ps'
diff --git a/urls.py b/urls.py
index 8e26908b19..0307d85a3e 100644
--- a/urls.py
+++ b/urls.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.views.i18n import javascript_catalog
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
+import blocklist.views
import versions.urls
@@ -16,6 +17,11 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Discovery pane is first for undetectable efficiency wins.
('^discovery/', include('discovery.urls')),
+ # There are many more params but we only care about these three. The end is
+ # not anchored on purpose!
+ url('^blocklist/(?P\d+)/(?P[^/]+)/(?P[^/]+)/',
+ blocklist.views.blocklist, name='blocklist'),
# Add-ons.
('', include('addons.urls')),