# ruff: noqa: F405 """This is the standard development settings file. If you need to overload settings, please do so in a local_settings.py file (it won't be tracked in git). """ import os from urllib.parse import urlparse from olympia.lib.settings_base import * # noqa WSGI_APPLICATION = 'olympia.wsgi.application' INTERNAL_ROUTES_ALLOWED = True # These apps are great during development. INSTALLED_APPS += ('olympia.landfill',) # Override logging config to enable DEBUG logs for (almost) everything. LOGGING['root']['level'] = logging.DEBUG for logger in list(LOGGING['loggers'].keys()): if logger not in ['filtercascade', 'mohawk.util', 'post_request_task']: # It is important to keep the loggers configured in `settings_base.py` # so we only update the level below: LOGGING['loggers'][logger]['level'] = logging.DEBUG # django-debug-doolbar middleware needs to be inserted as high as possible # but after GZip middleware def insert_debug_toolbar_middleware(middlewares): ret_middleware = list(middlewares) for i, middleware in enumerate(ret_middleware): if 'GZipMiddleware' in middleware: ret_middleware.insert( i + 1, 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware' ) break return tuple(ret_middleware) if DEBUG: INSTALLED_APPS += ('debug_toolbar',) MIDDLEWARE = insert_debug_toolbar_middleware(MIDDLEWARE) DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = { # Enable django-debug-toolbar locally, if DEBUG is True. 'SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK': lambda request: DEBUG, } FILESYSTEM_CACHE_ROOT = os.path.join(TMP_PATH, 'cache') # If you're not running on SSL you'll want this to be False. SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = None WAFFLE_SECURE = False CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER = False # Locally we typically don't run more than 1 elasticsearch node. So we set # replicas to zero. ES_DEFAULT_NUM_REPLICAS = 0 SITE_URL = os.environ.get('OLYMPIA_SITE_URL') or 'http://localhost:8000' DOMAIN = SERVICES_DOMAIN = urlparse(SITE_URL).netloc ADDONS_FRONTEND_PROXY_PORT = '7000' SERVICES_URL = SITE_URL INTERNAL_SITE_URL = 'http://nginx' EXTERNAL_SITE_URL = SITE_URL STATIC_URL = '%s/static/' % EXTERNAL_SITE_URL MEDIA_URL = '%s/user-media/' % EXTERNAL_SITE_URL CODE_MANAGER_URL = os.environ.get('CODE_MANAGER_URL') or 'http://olympia.test:5000' ALLOWED_HOSTS = ALLOWED_HOSTS + [SERVICES_DOMAIN, 'nginx', ''] # Default AMO user id to use for tasks (from users.json fixture in zadmin). TASK_USER_ID = 10968 ALLOW_SELF_REVIEWS = True AES_KEYS = { 'api_key:secret': os.path.join( ROOT, 'src', 'olympia', 'api', 'tests', 'assets', 'test-api-key.txt' ), } DATABASES = { 'default': get_db_config('DATABASES_DEFAULT_URL'), } FXA_CONTENT_HOST = 'https://accounts.stage.mozaws.net' FXA_OAUTH_HOST = 'https://oauth.stage.mozaws.net/v1' FXA_PROFILE_HOST = 'https://profile.stage.mozaws.net/v1' # When USE_FAKE_FXA_AUTH and settings.DEBUG are both True, we serve a fake # authentication page, bypassing FxA. To disable this behavior, set # USE_FAKE_FXA = False in your local settings. # You will also need to specify `client_id` and `client_secret` in your # local_settings.py or environment variables - you must contact the FxA team to get your # own credentials for FxA stage. USE_FAKE_FXA_AUTH = True # CSP report endpoint which returns a 204 from addons-nginx in local dev. CSP_REPORT_URI = '/csp-report' RESTRICTED_DOWNLOAD_CSP['REPORT_URI'] = CSP_REPORT_URI # Set CSP like we do for dev/stage/prod, but also allow GA over http + www subdomain # for local development. HTTP_GA_SRC = 'http://www.google-analytics.com' CSP_CONNECT_SRC += (SITE_URL,) CSP_FONT_SRC += (STATIC_URL,) CSP_IMG_SRC += (MEDIA_URL, STATIC_URL, HTTP_GA_SRC) CSP_SCRIPT_SRC += (STATIC_URL, HTTP_GA_SRC) CSP_STYLE_SRC += (STATIC_URL,) # Auth token required to authorize inbound email. INBOUND_EMAIL_SECRET_KEY = 'totally-unsecure-secret-string' # Validation key we need to send in POST response. INBOUND_EMAIL_VALIDATION_KEY = 'totally-unsecure-validation-string' # Sectools CUSTOMS_API_URL = 'http://customs:10101/' CUSTOMS_API_KEY = 'customssecret' REMOTE_SETTINGS_IS_TEST_SERVER = True local_settings_path = path('local_settings.py') if not os.path.exists(local_settings_path): with open(local_settings_path, 'w') as file: file.write('# Put settings you want to overload in this file.\n') from local_settings import * # noqa SITEMAP_DEBUG_AVAILABLE = True # Recaptcha test keys from https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq. # Will show the widget but no captcha, verification will always pass. RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '6LeIxAcTAAAAAJcZVRqyHh71UMIEGNQ_MXjiZKhI' RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe' ADDONS_SERVER_DOCS_URL = 'https://addons-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest' SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'USE_SESSION_AUTH': False, 'DEEP_LINKING': True, 'SECURITY_DEFINITIONS': { 'Session ID': { 'type': 'apiKey', 'name': 'Authorization', 'in': 'header', 'description': ( 'Use your session ID found in the sessionid cookie. See the ' f'[docs]({ADDONS_SERVER_DOCS_URL}/topics/api/auth_internal.html). \n' 'Format as `Session `' ), }, 'JWT': { 'type': 'apiKey', 'name': 'Authorization', 'in': 'header', 'description': ( 'Use JWT token. see the ' f'[docs]({ADDONS_SERVER_DOCS_URL}/topics/api/auth.html). \n' 'Format as `JWT `' ), }, }, 'PERSIST_AUTH': True, }