from jingo import register, env from tower import ugettext as _ import jinja2 import json from amo.helpers import impala_breadcrumbs, url from amo.urlresolvers import reverse from amo.utils import JSONEncoder def new_context(context, **kw): c = dict(context.items()) c.update(kw) return c @register.function def no_results(): # This prints a "No results found" message. That's all. Carry on. t = env.get_template('site/helpers/no_results.html').render() return jinja2.Markup(t) @jinja2.contextfunction @register.function def market_button(context, product): request = context['request'] if product.is_webapp(): classes = ['button', 'product'] label = price_label(product) product_dict = product_as_dict(request, product) data_attrs = { 'product': json.dumps(product_dict, cls=JSONEncoder) } if product.is_premium() and product.premium: classes.append('premium') data_attrs.update({ 'purchase': product.get_purchase_url() + '?', #'start-purchase': product.get_detail_url('purchase.start'), 'cost': product.premium.get_price(), }) if not product.is_premium() or product.has_purchased(request.amo_user): classes.append('install') label = _('Install') # TODO: Show inline BroswerID login popup for non-authenticated users. c = dict(product=product, label=label, data_attrs=data_attrs, classes=' '.join(classes)) t = env.get_template('site/helpers/webapp_button.html') return jinja2.Markup(t.render(c)) def product_as_dict(request, product): ret = { 'id':, 'name':, 'manifestUrl': product.manifest_url, 'recordUrl': product.get_detail_url('record') } if product.is_premium(): ret.update({ 'price': product.premium.get_price() or '0', 'purchase': product.get_purchase_url(), 'isPurchased': product.has_purchased(request.amo_user), }) return ret @register.function @jinja2.contextfunction def mkt_breadcrumbs(context, product=None, items=None, add_default=False): """ Wrapper function for ``breadcrumbs``. **items** list of [(url, label)] to be inserted after Add-on. **product** Adds the App/Add-on name to the end of the trail. If items are specified then the App/Add-on will be linked. **add_default** Prepends trail back to home when True. Default is False. """ crumbs = [(reverse('home'), _('Home'))] if product: if items: url_ = product.get_detail_url() else: # The Product is the end of the trail. url_ = None crumbs.append((url_, if items: crumbs.extend(items) if len(crumbs) == 1: crumbs = [] return impala_breadcrumbs(context, crumbs, add_default) def price_label(product): if product.is_premium() and product.premium: return product.premium.get_price_locale() return _('FREE') @register.function def form_field(field, label=None, tag='div', req=None, opt=False, hint=False, some_html=False, cc_startswith=None, cc_maxlength=None, grid=False, **attrs): c = dict(field=field, label=label, tag=tag, req=req, opt=opt, hint=hint, some_html=some_html, cc_startswith=cc_startswith, cc_maxlength=cc_maxlength, grid=grid, attrs=attrs) t = env.get_template('site/helpers/simple_field.html').render(**c) return jinja2.Markup(t) @register.function def grid_field(field, label=None, tag='div', req=None, opt=False, hint=False, some_html=False, cc_startswith=None, cc_maxlength=None, **attrs): return form_field(field, label, tag, req, opt, hint, some_html, cc_startswith, cc_maxlength, grid=True, attrs=attrs) @register.function def admin_site_links(): return { 'addons': [ ('Search for add-ons by name or id', url('zadmin.addon-search')), ('Featured add-ons', url('zadmin.features')), ('Monthly Pick', url('zadmin.monthly_pick')), ('Upgrade jetpack add-ons', url('zadmin.jetpack')), ('Name blocklist', url('zadmin.addon-name-blocklist')), ('Bulk add-on validation', url('zadmin.validation')), ('Fake mail', url('zadmin.mail')), ('Flagged reviews', url('zadmin.flagged')), ('ACR Reports', url('zadmin.compat')), ('Email Add-on Developers', url('zadmin.email_devs')), ], 'settings': [ ('View site settings', url('zadmin.settings')), ('Django admin pages', url('zadmin.home')), ('Site Events', url('zadmin.site_events')), ], 'tools': [ ('View request environment', url('amo.env')), ('Manage elasticsearch', url('zadmin.elastic')), ('View celery stats', url('zadmin.celery')), ('Purge data from memcache', url('zadmin.memcache')), ('Purge pages from zeus', url('zadmin.hera')), ('View graphite trends', url('amo.graphite', 'addons')), ('Create a new OAuth Consumer', url('zadmin.oauth-consumer-create')), ('Generate error', url('zadmin.generate-error')), ], }