import itertools import calendar from datetime import datetime, timedelta from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from django.conf import settings from django.utils import translation from django.db import connection, transaction import cronjobs import commonware.log import amo from amo.utils import chunked from addons.utils import AdminActivityLogMigrationTracker from bandwagon.models import Collection from cake.models import Session from constants.base import VALID_STATUSES from devhub.models import ActivityLog, LegacyAddonLog from files.models import TestResultCache from sharing import SERVICES_LIST, LOCAL_SERVICES_LIST from stats.models import AddonShareCount, Contribution from . import tasks log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.cron') @cronjobs.register def gc(test_result=True): """Site-wide garbage collections.""" days_ago = lambda days: - timedelta(days=days) one_hour_ago = - timedelta(hours=1) log.debug('Collecting data to delete') logs = (ActivityLog.objects.filter(created__lt=days_ago(90)) .exclude(action__in=amo.LOG_KEEP).values_list('id', flat=True)) # Paypal only keeps retrying to verify transactions for up to 3 days. If we # still have an unverified transaction after 6 days, we might as well get # rid of it. contributions_to_delete = (Contribution.objects .filter(transaction_id__isnull=True, created__lt=days_ago(6)) .values_list('id', flat=True)) collections_to_delete = (Collection.objects.filter( created__lt=days_ago(2), type=amo.COLLECTION_ANONYMOUS) .values_list('id', flat=True)) for chunk in chunked(logs, 100): tasks.delete_logs.delay(chunk) for chunk in chunked(contributions_to_delete, 100): tasks.delete_stale_contributions.delay(chunk) for chunk in chunked(collections_to_delete, 100): tasks.delete_anonymous_collections.delay(chunk) # Incomplete addons cannot be deleted here because when an addon is # rejected during a review it is marked as incomplete. See bug 670295. log.debug('Cleaning up sharing services.') service_names = [s.shortname for s in SERVICES_LIST] # collect local service names original_language = translation.get_language() for language in settings.LANGUAGES: translation.activate(language) service_names.extend([unicode(s.shortname) for s in LOCAL_SERVICES_LIST]) translation.activate(original_language) AddonShareCount.objects.exclude(service__in=set(service_names)).delete() log.debug('Cleaning up cake sessions.') # cake.Session uses Unix Timestamps two_days_ago = calendar.timegm(days_ago(2).utctimetuple()) Session.objects.filter(expires__lt=two_days_ago).delete() log.debug('Cleaning up test results cache.') TestResultCache.objects.filter(date__lt=one_hour_ago).delete() log.debug('Cleaning up test results extraction cache.') if settings.NETAPP_STORAGE and settings.NETAPP_STORAGE != '/': cmd = ('find', settings.NETAPP_STORAGE, '-maxdepth', '1', '-name', 'validate-*', '-mtime', '+7', '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'rm', '-rf', "{}", ';') output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] for line in output.split("\n"): log.debug(line) else: log.warning('NETAPP_STORAGE not defined.') if settings.PACKAGER_PATH: log.debug('Cleaning up old packaged add-ons.') cmd = ('find', settings.PACKAGER_PATH, '-name', '*.zip', '-mtime', '+1', '-type', 'f', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', ';') output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] for line in output.split("\n"): log.debug(line) if settings.COLLECTIONS_ICON_PATH: log.debug('Cleaning up uncompressed icons.') cmd = ('find', settings.COLLECTIONS_ICON_PATH, '-name', '*__unconverted', '-mtime', '+1', '-type', 'f', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', ';') output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] for line in output.split("\n"): log.debug(line) if settings.USERPICS_PATH: log.debug('Cleaning up uncompressed userpics.') cmd = ('find', settings.USERPICS_PATH, '-name', '*__unconverted', '-mtime', '+1', '-type', 'f', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', ';') output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] for line in output.split("\n"): log.debug(line) @cronjobs.register def migrate_admin_logs(): # Get the highest id we've looked at. a = AdminActivityLogMigrationTracker() id = a.get() or 0 # filter here for addappversion items = LegacyAddonLog.objects.filter(, pk__gt=id).values_list( 'id', flat=True) for chunk in chunked(items, 100): tasks.migrate_admin_logs.delay(chunk) a.set(chunk[-1]) @cronjobs.register def expired_resetcode(): """ Delete password reset codes that have expired. """ log.debug('Removing reset codes that have expired...') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE users SET resetcode=DEFAULT, resetcode_expires=DEFAULT WHERE resetcode_expires < NOW() """) transaction.commit_unless_managed() @cronjobs.register def category_totals(): """ Update category counts for sidebar navigation. """ log.debug('Starting category counts update...') p = ",".join(['%s'] * len(VALID_STATUSES)) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE categories AS t INNER JOIN ( SELECT at.category_id, COUNT(DISTINCT AS ct FROM addons AS Addon INNER JOIN versions AS Version ON ( = Version.addon_id) INNER JOIN applications_versions AS av ON (av.version_id = INNER JOIN addons_categories AS at ON (at.addon_id = INNER JOIN files AS File ON ( = File.version_id AND File.status IN (%s)) WHERE Addon.status IN (%s) AND Addon.inactive = 0 GROUP BY at.category_id) AS j ON ( = j.category_id) SET t.count = j.ct """ % (p, p), VALID_STATUSES * 2) transaction.commit_unless_managed() @cronjobs.register def collection_subscribers(): """ Collection weekly and monthly subscriber counts. """ log.debug('Starting collection subscriber update...') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE collections SET weekly_subscribers = 0, monthly_subscribers = 0 """) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE collections AS c INNER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(collection_id) AS count, collection_id FROM collection_subscriptions WHERE created >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) GROUP BY collection_id ) AS weekly ON ( = weekly.collection_id) INNER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(collection_id) AS count, collection_id FROM collection_subscriptions WHERE created >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 31 DAY) GROUP BY collection_id ) AS monthly ON ( = monthly.collection_id) SET c.weekly_subscribers = weekly.count, c.monthly_subscribers = monthly.count """) transaction.commit_unless_managed() @cronjobs.register def unconfirmed(): """ Delete user accounts that have not been confirmed for two weeks. """ log.debug("Removing user accounts that haven't been confirmed " "for two weeks...") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" DELETE users FROM users LEFT JOIN addons_users on = addons_users.user_id LEFT JOIN addons_collections ON LEFT JOIN collections_users ON LEFT JOIN api_auth_tokens ON WHERE users.created < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 2 WEEK) AND users.confirmationcode != '' AND addons_users.user_id IS NULL AND addons_collections.user_id IS NULL AND collections_users.user_id IS NULL AND api_auth_tokens.user_id IS NULL """) transaction.commit_unless_managed() @cronjobs.register def share_count_totals(): """ Sum share counts for each addon & service. """ cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" REPLACE INTO stats_share_counts_totals (addon_id, service, count) (SELECT addon_id, service, SUM(count) FROM stats_share_counts RIGHT JOIN addons ON addon_id = WHERE service IN (%s) GROUP BY addon_id, service) """ % ','.join(['%s'] * len(SERVICES_LIST)), [s.shortname for s in SERVICES_LIST]) transaction.commit_unless_managed() @cronjobs.register def weekly_downloads(): """ Update 7-day add-on download counts. """ cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT addon_id, SUM(count) AS weekly_count FROM download_counts WHERE `date` >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) GROUP BY addon_id ORDER BY addon_id""") counts = cursor.fetchall() addon_ids = [r[0] for r in counts] if not addon_ids: return cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, 0 FROM addons WHERE id NOT IN %s""", (addon_ids,)) counts += cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(""" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp (addon_id INT PRIMARY KEY, count INT)""") cursor.execute('INSERT INTO tmp VALUES %s' % ','.join(['(%s,%s)'] * len(counts)), counts) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE addons INNER JOIN tmp ON = tmp.addon_id SET weeklydownloads = tmp.count""") transaction.commit_unless_managed() @cronjobs.register def personas_adu(): """ Update average_daily_users from the personas database. """ cursor = connection.cursor() # Get all the persona that AMO knows about. cursor.execute('SELECT persona_id from personas') persona_ids = [str(x[0]) for x in cursor.fetchall()] if not len(persona_ids): return 0 # Get popularity numbers from the personas db. p = ','.join(['%s'] * len(persona_ids)) cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, IFNULL(popularity, 0) FROM personas WHERE id IN (%s) """ % p, persona_ids) stats = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(""" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp (persona_id INT PRIMARY KEY, popularity INT) """) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO tmp VALUES %s' % ','.join(['(%s,%s)'] * len(stats)), list(itertools.chain(*stats))) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE addons INNER JOIN personas ON ( = personas.addon_id) INNER JOIN tmp ON (tmp.persona_id = personas.persona_id) SET addons.average_daily_users = tmp.popularity """) transaction.commit_unless_managed()