language: python sudo: false python: - 2.7 env: global: - secure: "bYe6WOTAnlS8Ru4ODWSSOnHffxcN23NkKZh4M0eO510HvZGCMB4zZn8afiVKGXd1YqsoRfMXTBZJ0yBcFEvWnyH7S4kd+7d1PpNS4kgLVKtLCW5d7Wc5GA6uh1jWLS+zKFBNN5sZ8OVc7rCsLCBRDEoI94wBKYwDX2Kk1WKylz8=" - AUTOGRAPH_SERVER_URL: http://localhost:5500 matrix: - TOXENV=codestyle - TOXENV=docs - TOXENV=assets - TOXENV=es - TOXENV=addons - TOXENV=devhub - TOXENV=reviewers - TOXENV=amo-locales-and-signing - TOXENV=users-and-accounts - TOXENV=main cache: pip: true directories: - node_modules - $HOME/.gimme addons: apt: sources: - elasticsearch-5.x packages: - swig - elasticsearch - gettext - librsvg2-bin - pngcrush services: - mysql - memcached - elasticsearch - redis before_install: - mysql -e 'create database olympia;' - export GOPATH=$HOME/go - export PATH=$HOME/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$PATH install: - nvm current - nvm deactivate - nvm install 6 - nvm use 6 - pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools tox==2.9.1 before_script: - mysql --version - node --version - java -version - curl -v http://localhost:9200/ script: - | if [[ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE != "cron" ]]; then if [[ $TOXENV == "amo-locales-and-signing" ]]; then docker run --name autograph -d -p 5500:5500 -v $(pwd)/scripts/:/scripts/ mozilla/autograph:latest /go/bin/autograph -c /scripts/autograph_travis_test_config.yaml fi RUNNING_IN_CI=True tox fi - | if [[ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE == "cron" ]]; then # Only run the extraction on "main" environment to avoid creating # 8 pull requests for each tox environment. if [[ $TOXENV == "main" ]]; then bash scripts/ fi fi after_script: - docker stop autograph notifications: irc: channels: - "" on_success: change on_failure: always git: depth: 1