FROM centos:centos7 # Set the locale. This is mainly so that tests can write non-ascii files to # disk. ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 ADD docker/mysql-community.gpg.key /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql ADD docker/nodesource.gpg.key /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-nodesource # For mysql-python dependencies ADD docker/mysql.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/mysql.repo # This is temporary until ADD docker/nodesource.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/nodesource.repo RUN yum update -y \ && yum install -y \ # Supervisor is being used to start and keep our services running supervisor \ # General (dev-) dependencies bash-completion \ gcc-c++ \ curl \ make \ libjpeg-devel \ cyrus-sasl-devel \ libxml2-devel \ libxslt-devel \ zlib-devel \ libffi-devel \ openssl-devel \ python-devel \ # Git, because we're using git-checkout dependencies git \ # Nodejs for less, stylus, uglifyjs and others nodejs \ # Dependencies for mysql-python mysql-community-devel \ mysql-community-client \ mysql-community-libs \ epel-release \ && yum clean all RUN yum install -y python-pip # Until lands RUN pip install pyOpenSSL ndg-httpsclient pyasn1 certifi urllib3 # ipython / ipdb for easier debugging, supervisor to run services RUN pip install ipython ipdb supervisor # Install all python requires COPY requirements /pip/requirements/ RUN cd /pip && \ pip install --build ./build --cache-dir ./cache \ --find-links \ --no-index --no-deps \ -r requirements/docker.txt && \ pip install -e /code && \ rm -r build cache # Install the node_modules. RUN mkdir -p /srv/olympia-node ADD package.json /srv/olympia-node/package.json WORKDIR /srv/olympia-node RUN npm install COPY . /code WORKDIR /code # Preserve bash history across image updates. # This works best when you link your local source code # as a volume. ENV HISTFILE /code/docker/artifacts/bash_history # Configure bash history. ENV HISTSIZE 50000 ENV HISTIGNORE ls:exit:"cd .." # This prevents dupes but only in memory for the current session. ENV HISTCONTROL erasedups ENV CLEANCSS_BIN /srv/olympia-node/node_modules/clean-css/bin/cleancss ENV LESS_BIN /srv/olympia-node/node_modules/less/bin/lessc ENV STYLUS_BIN /srv/olympia-node/node_modules/stylus/bin/stylus ENV UGLIFY_BIN /srv/olympia-node/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs ENV VALIDATOR_BIN /srv/olympia-node/node_modules/addons-validator/bin/addons-validator