from django.conf import settings from django.utils import translation from django.utils.translation.trans_real import to_language from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode import bleach import jinja2 import jingo jingo.register.filter(to_language) @jingo.register.filter def locale_html(translatedfield): """HTML attributes for languages different than the site language""" if not translatedfield: return '' site_locale = translation.to_locale(translation.get_language()) locale = translation.to_locale(translatedfield.locale) if locale == site_locale: return '' else: rtl_locales = map(translation.to_locale, settings.RTL_LANGUAGES) textdir = 'rtl' if locale in rtl_locales else 'ltr' return jinja2.Markup(' lang="%s" dir="%s"' % (jinja2.escape(translatedfield.locale), textdir)) @jingo.register.filter def truncate(s, length=255, killwords=True, end='...'): """ Wrapper for jinja's truncate that checks if the object has a __truncate__ attribute first. Altering the jinja2 default of killwords=False because of, which could occur elsewhere. """ if s is None: return '' if hasattr(s, '__truncate__'): return s.__truncate__(length, killwords, end) return jinja2.filters.do_truncate(smart_unicode(s), length, killwords, end) @jingo.register.inclusion_tag('translations/trans-menu.html') @jinja2.contextfunction def l10n_menu(context, default_locale='en-us'): """Generates the locale menu for zamboni l10n.""" default_locale = default_locale.lower() languages = dict((i.lower(), j) for i, j in settings.LANGUAGES.items()) c = dict(context.items()) c.update({'languages': languages, 'default_locale': default_locale}) return c @jingo.register.filter def all_locales(addon, field_name, nl2br=False): field = getattr(addon, field_name) if not (addon and field): return trans = field.__class__.objects.filter(, localized_string__isnull=False) ctx = dict(addon=addon, field=field, field_name=field_name, translations=trans, nl2br=nl2br) t = jingo.env.get_template('translations/all-locales.html') return jinja2.Markup(t.render(ctx)) @jingo.register.filter def clean(string): from amo.utils import clean_nl return jinja2.Markup(clean_nl(bleach.clean(unicode(string))).strip())