import hashlib import uuid import commonware.log import jingo from session_csrf import anonymous_csrf from tower import ugettext as _ import waffle from waffle.decorators import waffle_switch from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404 import amo from amo.decorators import login_required, post_required, write from amo.urlresolvers import reverse from lib.cef_loggers import inapp_cef from lib.pay_server import client from market.models import Price import paypal from stats.models import Contribution from .decorators import require_inapp_request from .helpers import render_error from .models import InappPayment, InappPayLog, InappConfig from . import tasks log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.inapp_pay') @anonymous_csrf @waffle_switch('in-app-payments-ui') def lobby(request): return jingo.render(request, 'inapp_pay/lobby.html') @require_inapp_request @anonymous_csrf @write @waffle_switch('in-app-payments-ui') def pay_start(request, signed_req, pay_req): cfg = pay_req['_config'] pr = None has_preapproval = False if request.amo_user: pr = request.amo_user.get_preapproval() has_preapproval = request.amo_user.has_preapproval_key() tier, price, currency = _get_price(pay_req, preapproval=pr) webapp = cfg.addon InappPayLog.log(request, 'PAY_START', config=cfg) tasks.fetch_product_image.delay(, _serializable_req(pay_req)) data = dict(price=price, product=webapp, currency=currency, item=pay_req['request']['name'], img=cfg.image_url(pay_req['request'].get('imageURL')), description=pay_req['request']['description'], signed_request=signed_req) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return jingo.render(request, 'inapp_pay/login.html', data) if not has_preapproval: return jingo.render(request, 'inapp_pay/nowallet.html', data) return jingo.render(request, 'inapp_pay/pay_start.html', data) def preauth(request): from mkt.account.views import preapproval return preapproval(request) @require_inapp_request @login_required @post_required @write @waffle_switch('in-app-payments-ui') def pay(request, signed_req, pay_req): paykey, status = '', '' preapproval = None if request.amo_user: preapproval = request.amo_user.get_preapproval() tier, price, currency = _get_price(pay_req, preapproval=preapproval) source = request.POST.get('source', '') product = pay_req['_config'].addon # L10n: {0} is the product name. {1} is the application name. contrib_for = (_(u'Firefox Marketplace in-app payment for {0} to {1}') .format(pay_req['request']['name'], # TODO(solitude): solitude lib will create these for us. uuid_ = hashlib.md5(str(uuid.uuid4())).hexdigest() if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'solitude-payments'): # TODO(solitude): when the migration of data is completed, we # will be able to remove this. Seller data is populated in solitude # on submission or devhub changes. If those don't occur, you won't be # able to sell at all. client.create_seller_for_pay(product) complete = reverse('inapp_pay.pay_status', args=[pay_req['_config'].pk, 'complete']) cancel = reverse('inapp_pay.pay_status', args=[pay_req['_config'].pk, 'cancel']) # TODO(bug 748137): remove retry is False. try: result ={'amount': price, 'currency': currency, 'buyer': request.amo_user, 'seller': product, 'memo': contrib_for, 'complete': complete, 'cancel': cancel}, retry=False) except client.Error as exc: paypal.paypal_log_cef(request, product, uuid_, 'in-app PayKey Failure', 'PAYKEYFAIL', 'There was an error getting the paykey') log.error(u'Error getting paykey, in-app payment: %s' % pay_req['_config'].pk, exc_info=True) InappPayLog.log(request, 'PAY_ERROR', config=pay_req['_config']) return render_error(request, exc) #TODO(solitude): just use the dictionary when solitude is live. paykey = result.get('pay_key', '') status = result.get('status', '') uuid_ = result.get('uuid', '') else: try: paykey, status = paypal.get_paykey(dict( amount=price, chains=settings.PAYPAL_CHAINS, currency=currency, email=product.paypal_id, ip=request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), memo=contrib_for, pattern='inapp_pay.pay_status', preapproval=preapproval, qs={'realurl': request.POST.get('realurl')}, slug=pay_req['_config'].pk, # passed to pay_done() # via reverse() uuid=uuid_ )) except paypal.PaypalError, exc: paypal.paypal_log_cef(request, product, uuid_, 'in-app PayKey Failure', 'PAYKEYFAIL', 'There was an error getting the paykey') log.error(u'Error getting paykey, in-app payment: %s' % pay_req['_config'].pk, exc_info=True) InappPayLog.log(request, 'PAY_ERROR', config=pay_req['_config']) return render_error(request, exc) with transaction.commit_on_success(): contrib = Contribution(, amount=price, source=source, source_locale=request.LANG, currency=currency, uuid=str(uuid_), price_tier=tier, type=amo.CONTRIB_INAPP_PENDING, paykey=paykey, user=request.amo_user) log.debug('Storing in-app payment contrib for uuid: %s' % uuid_) # If this was a pre-approval, it's completed already, we'll # double check this with PayPal, just to be sure nothing went wrong. if status == 'COMPLETED': paypal.paypal_log_cef(request, product, uuid_, 'Purchase', 'PURCHASE', 'A user purchased using pre-approval') log.debug('Status is completed for uuid: %s' % uuid_) if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'solitude-payments'): result = client.post_pay_check(data={'pay_key': paykey}) if result['status'] == 'COMPLETED': log.debug('Check in-app payment is completed for uuid: %s' % uuid_) contrib.type = amo.CONTRIB_INAPP else: # In this case PayPal disagreed, we should not be trusting # what get_paykey said. Which is a worry. log.error('Check in-app payment failed on uuid: %s' % uuid_) status = 'NOT-COMPLETED' else: # TODO(solitude): remove this when solitude goes live. if paypal.check_purchase(paykey) == 'COMPLETED': log.debug('Check in-app payment is completed for uuid: %s' % uuid_) contrib.type = amo.CONTRIB_INAPP else: # In this case PayPal disagreed, we should not be trusting # what get_paykey said. Which is a worry. log.error('Check in-app payment failed on uuid: %s' % uuid_) status = 'NOT-COMPLETED' payment = InappPayment.objects.create( config=pay_req['_config'], contribution=contrib, name=pay_req['request']['name'], description=pay_req['request']['description'], app_data=pay_req['request']['productdata']) InappPayLog.log(request, 'PAY', config=pay_req['_config']) url = '%s?paykey=%s' % (settings.PAYPAL_FLOW_URL, paykey) if status != 'COMPLETED': return redirect(url) # Payment was completed using pre-auth. Woo! _payment_done(request, payment) cfg = pay_req['_config'] c = dict(price=price, product=cfg.addon, currency=currency, item=pay_req['request']['name'], img=cfg.image_url(pay_req['request'].get('imageURL')), description=pay_req['request']['description'], signed_request=signed_req) return jingo.render(request, 'inapp_pay/complete.html', c) @anonymous_csrf @login_required @write @waffle_switch('in-app-payments-ui') def pay_status(request, config_pk, status): tpl_path = 'inapp_pay/' with transaction.commit_on_success(): cfg = get_object_or_404(InappConfig, pk=config_pk) uuid_ = None try: uuid_ = str(request.GET['uuid']) cnt = Contribution.objects.get(uuid=uuid_) except (KeyError, UnicodeEncodeError, ValueError, Contribution.DoesNotExist), exc: log.error('PayPal returned invalid uuid %r from in-app payment' % uuid_, exc_info=True) inapp_cef.log(request, cfg.addon, 'inapp_pay_status', 'PayPal or someone sent invalid uuid %r for ' 'in-app pay config %r; exception: %s: %s' % (uuid_,, exc.__class__.__name__, exc), severity=4) return render_error(request, exc) payment = InappPayment.objects.get(config=cfg, contribution=cnt) if status == 'complete': cnt.update(type=amo.CONTRIB_INAPP) tpl = tpl_path + 'complete.html' action = 'PAY_COMPLETE' elif status == 'cancel': tpl = tpl_path + 'payment_cancel.html' action = 'PAY_CANCEL' else: raise ValueError('Unexpected status: %r' % status) _payment_done(request, payment, action=action) return jingo.render(request, tpl, {'product': cnt.addon}) def _get_price(pay_request, preapproval=None): """ Get (tier, price, currency) based either on the user's preapproval currency choice or based on the current locale. """ currency = preapproval.currency if preapproval else None tier = Price.objects.get(pk=pay_request['request']['priceTier']) price, currency, locale = tier.get_price_data(currency=currency) return tier, price, currency def _payment_done(request, payment, action='PAY_COMPLETE'): if action == 'PAY_COMPLETE': tasks.payment_notify.delay( # TODO(Kumar) when canceled, notify app. bug 741588 InappPayLog.log(request, action, config=payment.config) log.debug('in-app payment %s for payment %s' % (action, def _serializable_req(pay_req): """ Convert payment request json (from signed JWT) to dict that can be serialized. """ pay_req = pay_req.copy() del pay_req['_config'] return pay_req