[tox] envlist = es, addons, devhub, reviewers, main, ui-tests, flake8, docs, assets [testenv] passenv = * basepython = python2.7 install_command = pip install --no-deps {packages} setenv = PYTHONPATH=src ADDONS_LINTER_BIN={toxinidir}/node_modules/.bin/addons-linter DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_test whitelist_externals = make npm bash pytest [testenv:es] commands = make -f Makefile-docker install_python_test_dependencies pytest -m "es_tests and not needs_locales_compilation and not static_assets" --ignore=tests/ui/ -v src/olympia/{posargs} [testenv:addons] commands = make -f Makefile-docker install_python_test_dependencies pytest -n 2 -m 'not es_tests and not needs_locales_compilation and not static_assets' -v src/olympia/addons/ {posargs} [testenv:devhub] commands = make -f Makefile-docker install_python_test_dependencies install_node_dependencies pytest -n 2 -m 'not es_tests and not needs_locales_compilation and not static_assets' -v src/olympia/devhub/ {posargs} [testenv:reviewers] commands = make -f Makefile-docker install_python_test_dependencies pytest -n 2 -m 'not es_tests and not needs_locales_compilation and not static_assets' -v src/olympia/reviewers/ {posargs} [testenv:amo-locales-and-signing] commands = make -f Makefile-docker install_python_test_dependencies install_node_dependencies pytest -n 2 -m 'not es_tests and not needs_locales_compilation and not static_assets' -v src/olympia/amo/ src/olympia/lib/crypto/ src/olympia/signing {posargs} bash {toxinidir}/locale/compile-mo.sh {toxinidir}/locale/ pytest -n 2 -m 'needs_locales_compilation' -v src/olympia/ {posargs} [testenv:users-and-accounts] commands = make -f Makefile-docker install_python_test_dependencies pytest -n 2 -m 'not es_tests and not needs_locales_compilation and not static_assets' -v src/olympia/users/ src/olympia/accounts/ {posargs} [testenv:main] commands = make -f Makefile-docker install_python_test_dependencies install_node_dependencies pytest -n 2 -m 'not es_tests and not needs_locales_compilation and not static_assets' -v src/olympia/ --ignore src/olympia/addons/ --ignore src/olympia/devhub/ --ignore src/olympia/reviewers/ --ignore src/olympia/amo/ --ignore src/olympia/users/ --ignore src/olympia/accounts/ --ignore src/olympia/lib/crypto --ignore src/olympia/signing {posargs} [testenv:ui-tests] commands = make -f Makefile-docker update_deps make -f Makefile-docker ui-tests pytest --driver Firefox tests/ui/ {posargs} [testenv:assets] commands = make -f Makefile-docker update_deps pytest -m "static_assets" --ignore=tests/ui/ -v src/olympia/ {posargs} make -f Makefile-docker update_assets [testenv:codestyle] recreate = True commands = pip install -r requirements/flake8.txt make flake8 [testenv:docs] commands = pip install -r requirements/docs.txt make -f Makefile-docker docs SPHINXOPTS='-nW'