{% if not settings.ENGAGE_ROBOTS %} {% endif %} {% block extrameta %}{% endblock %} {% block title %}{{ _('Mozilla Add-ons') }}{% endblock %} {% block rss_feed %}{% endblock %} {# L10n: {0} is an application, like Firefox. #} {% block site_css %} {{ css('zamboni/impala') }} {% endblock %} {% block extrahead %}{% endblock %} {% if settings.DEBUG %} {% if settings.LESS_LIVE_REFRESH %} {% endif %} {{ js('debug') }} {% endif %} {% if request.user.is_authenticated() %} {% endif %} {% if ADMIN_MESSAGE or settings.READ_ONLY%}

{{ ADMIN_MESSAGE|safe }}

{% endif %} {% if settings.READ_ONLY %}

{{ _("Some features are temporarily disabled while we perform website maintenance. We'll be back to full capacity shortly.") }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% block site_header %} {# Well that's an awful tiny mozilla header #}
{% block site_header_title %} {% include "impala/header_title.html" %} {{ site_nav() }} {% endblock %}
{% endblock site_header %} {# Overridden in base_side_categories, which expands categories on the side of the page. #} {% block main_content %} {% block navbar %} {% endblock %} {# outer_content is for something you want above content on every page. #} {% block outer_content %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} {% endblock %}
{# js #} {% block site_js %} {{ js('impala') }} {% endblock %} {% block js %}{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {# footer #} {% endblock %} {# Webtrends Stats Tracking #} {# End Webtrends #}