# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Django settings for zamboni project. import os import logging import socket from django.utils.functional import lazy # jingo-minify settings CACHEBUST_IMGS = True try: # If we have build ids available, we'll grab them here and add them to our # CACHE_PREFIX. This will let us not have to flush memcache during updates # and it will let us preload data into it before a production push. from build import BUILD_ID_CSS, BUILD_ID_JS build_id = "%s%s" % (BUILD_ID_CSS[:2], BUILD_ID_JS[:2]) except ImportError: build_id = "" # jingo-minify: Style sheet media attribute default CSS_MEDIA_DEFAULT = 'all' # Make filepaths relative to settings. ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path = lambda *a: os.path.join(ROOT, *a) # We need to track this because hudson can't just call its checkout "zamboni". # It puts it in a dir called "workspace". Way to be, hudson. ROOT_PACKAGE = os.path.basename(ROOT) DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG DEBUG_PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS = True # need to view JS errors on a remote device? (requires node) # > npm install now # > node media/js/debug/remote_debug_server.node.js # REMOTE_JS_DEBUG = ':37767' # then connect to :8080 to view REMOTE_JS_DEBUG = False # LESS CSS OPTIONS (Debug only) LESS_PREPROCESS = False # Compile LESS with Node, rather than client-side JS? LESS_LIVE_REFRESH = False # Refresh the CSS on save? LESS_BIN = 'lessc' ADMINS = ( # ('Your Name', 'your_email@domain.com'), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS FLIGTAR = 'amo-admins@mozilla.org' EDITORS_EMAIL = 'amo-editors@mozilla.org' SENIOR_EDITORS_EMAIL = 'amo-admin-reviews@mozilla.org' MARKETPLACE_EMAIL = 'amo-marketplace@mozilla.org' ABUSE_EMAIL = 'marketplace-abuse@mozilla.org' NOBODY_EMAIL = 'nobody@mozilla.org' DATABASES = { 'default': { 'NAME': 'zamboni', 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'OPTIONS': {'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=InnoDB'}, 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', 'TEST_COLLATION': 'utf8_general_ci', }, } # A database to be used by the services scripts, which does not use Django. # The settings can be copied from DATABASES, but since its not a full Django # database connection, only some values are supported. SERVICES_DATABASE = { 'NAME': 'zamboni', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', } DATABASE_ROUTERS = ('multidb.PinningMasterSlaveRouter',) # For use django-mysql-pool backend. DATABASE_POOL_ARGS = { 'max_overflow': 10, 'pool_size':5, 'recycle':300 } # Put the aliases for your slave databases in this list. SLAVE_DATABASES = [] # Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your # system time zone. TIME_ZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles' # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-US' # Accepted locales AMO_LANGUAGES = ( 'af', 'ar', 'bg', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en-US', 'es-ES', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'ga-IE', 'he', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'mn', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'sv-SE', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', ) # Not shown on the site, but .po files exist and these are available on the # L10n dashboard. Generally languages start here and move into AMO_LANGUAGES. HIDDEN_LANGUAGES = ('cy', 'sr', 'sr-Latn', 'tr') def lazy_langs(): from product_details import product_details if not product_details.languages: return {} return dict([(i.lower(), product_details.languages[i]['native']) for i in AMO_LANGUAGES]) # Where product details are stored see django-mozilla-product-details PROD_DETAILS_DIR = path('lib/product_json') # Override Django's built-in with our native names LANGUAGES = lazy(lazy_langs, dict)() RTL_LANGUAGES = ('ar', 'fa', 'fa-IR', 'he') LANGUAGE_URL_MAP = dict([(i.lower(), i) for i in AMO_LANGUAGES]) # Tower / L10n LOCALE_PATHS = (path('locale'),) TEXT_DOMAIN = 'messages' STANDALONE_DOMAINS = [TEXT_DOMAIN, 'javascript'] TOWER_KEYWORDS = { '_lazy': None, } TOWER_ADD_HEADERS = True # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery. USE_I18N = True # The host currently running the site. Only use this in code for good reason; # the site is designed to run on a cluster and should continue to support that HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname() # The front end domain of the site. If you're not running on a cluster this # might be the same as HOSTNAME but don't depend on that. Use this when you # need the real domain. DOMAIN = HOSTNAME # Full base URL for your main site including protocol. No trailing slash. # Example: https://addons.mozilla.org SITE_URL = 'http://%s' % DOMAIN # Domain of the services site. This is where your API, and in-product pages # live. SERVICES_DOMAIN = 'services.%s' % DOMAIN # Full URL to your API service. No trailing slash. # Example: https://services.addons.mozilla.org SERVICES_URL = 'http://%s' % SERVICES_DOMAIN # When True, the addon API should include performance data. API_SHOW_PERF_DATA = True # The domain of the mobile site. MOBILE_DOMAIN = 'm.%s' % DOMAIN # The full url of the mobile site. MOBILE_SITE_URL = 'http://%s' % MOBILE_DOMAIN OAUTH_CALLBACK_VIEW = 'api.views.request_token_ready' # Absolute path to the directory that holds media. # Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/" MEDIA_ROOT = path('media') # URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a # trailing slash if there is a path component (optional in other cases). # Examples: "http://media.lawrence.com", "http://example.com/media/" MEDIA_URL = '/media/' # Absolute path to a temporary storage area TMP_PATH = path('tmp') # Absolute path to a writable directory shared by all servers. No trailing # slash. Example: /data/ NETAPP_STORAGE = TMP_PATH # File path for storing XPI/JAR files (or any files associated with an # add-on). Example: /mnt/netapp_amo/addons.mozilla.org-remora/files ADDONS_PATH = NETAPP_STORAGE + '/addons' # Like ADDONS_PATH but protected by the app. Used for storing files that should # not be publicly accessible (like disabled add-ons). GUARDED_ADDONS_PATH = NETAPP_STORAGE + '/guarded-addons' # Used for storing watermarked addons for the app. WATERMARKED_ADDONS_PATH = NETAPP_STORAGE + '/watermarked-addons' # Absolute path to a writable directory shared by all servers. No trailing # slash. # Example: /data/uploads UPLOADS_PATH = NETAPP_STORAGE + '/uploads' # File path for add-on files that get rsynced to mirrors. # /mnt/netapp_amo/addons.mozilla.org-remora/public-staging MIRROR_STAGE_PATH = NETAPP_STORAGE + '/public-staging' # URL prefix for admin media -- CSS, JavaScript and images. Make sure to use a # trailing slash. # Examples: "http://foo.com/media/", "/media/". ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/admin-media/' # paths that don't require an app prefix SUPPORTED_NONAPPS = ('admin', 'apps', 'blocklist', 'developers', 'editors', 'img', 'jsi18n', 'localizers', 'media', 'robots.txt', 'statistics', 'services') DEFAULT_APP = 'firefox' # paths that don't require a locale prefix SUPPORTED_NONLOCALES = ('img', 'media', 'robots.txt', 'services', 'downloads', 'blocklist') # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. SECRET_KEY = 'r#%9w^o_80)7f%!_ir5zx$tu3mupw9u%&s!)-_q%gy7i+fhx#)' # Templates # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( #'jingo.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.core.context_processors.debug', 'django.core.context_processors.media', 'django.core.context_processors.request', 'session_csrf.context_processor', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 'amo.context_processors.app', 'amo.context_processors.i18n', 'amo.context_processors.global_settings', 'amo.context_processors.static_url', 'webapps.context_processors.is_webapps', 'jingo_minify.helpers.build_ids', ) TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( path('templates'), ) def JINJA_CONFIG(): import jinja2 from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache config = {'extensions': ['tower.template.i18n', 'amo.ext.cache', 'jinja2.ext.do', 'jinja2.ext.with_', 'jinja2.ext.loopcontrols'], 'finalize': lambda x: x if x is not None else ''} if False and not settings.DEBUG: # We're passing the _cache object directly to jinja because # Django can't store binary directly; it enforces unicode on it. # Details: http://jinja.pocoo.org/2/documentation/api#bytecode-cache # and in the errors you get when you try it the other way. bc = jinja2.MemcachedBytecodeCache(cache._cache, "%sj2:" % settings.CACHE_PREFIX) config['cache_size'] = -1 # Never clear the cache config['bytecode_cache'] = bc return config MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( # AMO URL middleware comes first so everyone else sees nice URLs. 'django_statsd.middleware.GraphiteRequestTimingMiddleware', 'django_statsd.middleware.GraphiteMiddleware', 'amo.middleware.LocaleAndAppURLMiddleware', # Mobile detection should happen in Zeus. 'mobility.middleware.DetectMobileMiddleware', 'mobility.middleware.XMobileMiddleware', # Disabled until ready: # 'amo.middleware.LazyPjaxMiddleware', 'amo.middleware.RemoveSlashMiddleware', # Munging REMOTE_ADDR must come before ThreadRequest. 'commonware.middleware.SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor', 'commonware.middleware.FrameOptionsHeader', 'commonware.middleware.StrictTransportMiddleware', 'multidb.middleware.PinningRouterMiddleware', 'csp.middleware.CSPMiddleware', 'amo.middleware.CommonMiddleware', 'amo.middleware.NoVarySessionMiddleware', 'cake.middleware.CakeCookieMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'commonware.log.ThreadRequestMiddleware', 'session_csrf.CsrfMiddleware', 'cake.middleware.CookieCleaningMiddleware', # This should come after authentication middleware 'access.middleware.ACLMiddleware', 'commonware.middleware.ScrubRequestOnException', ) # Auth AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend', 'users.backends.AmoUserBackend', 'cake.backends.SessionBackend', ) AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'users.UserProfile' ROOT_URLCONF = '%s.urls' % ROOT_PACKAGE INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'amo', # amo comes first so it always takes precedence. 'abuse', 'access', 'addons', 'api', 'applications', 'bandwagon', 'blocklist', 'browse', 'compat', 'cronjobs', 'csp', 'devhub', 'discovery', 'editors', 'extras', 'files', 'jingo_minify', 'market', 'localizers', 'pages', 'perf', 'product_details', 'reviews', 'search', 'sharing', 'stats', 'tags', 'tower', # for ./manage.py extract 'translations', 'users', 'versions', 'webapps', 'zadmin', # We need this so the jsi18n view will pick up our locale directory. ROOT_PACKAGE, 'cake', # Third party apps 'djcelery', 'django_extensions', 'django_nose', 'gunicorn', 'piston', 'waffle', # Django contrib apps 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.sessions', # Has to load after auth 'django_browserid', 'django_statsd', 'radagast', ) # These apps will be removed from INSTALLED_APPS in a production environment. DEV_APPS = ( 'django_nose', ) # Tests TEST_RUNNER = 'test_utils.runner.RadicalTestSuiteRunner' NOSE_ARGS = [ '--with-fixture-bundling', ] # If you want to run Selenium tests, you'll need to have a server running. # Then give this a dictionary of settings. Something like: # 'HOST': 'localhost', # 'PORT': 4444, # 'BROWSER': '*firefox', # Alternative: *safari SELENIUM_CONFIG = {} # Tells the extract script what files to look for l10n in and what function # handles the extraction. The Tower library expects this. DOMAIN_METHODS = { 'messages': [ ('apps/**.py', 'tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_python'), ('apps/**/templates/**.html', 'tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_template'), ('templates/**.html', 'tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_template'), ], 'lhtml': [ ('**/templates/**.lhtml', 'tower.management.commands.extract.extract_tower_template'), ], 'javascript': [ # We can't say **.js because that would dive into mochikit and timeplot # and all the other baggage we're carrying. Timeplot, in particular, # crashes the extractor with bad unicode data. ('media/js/*.js', 'javascript'), ('media/js/amo2009/**.js', 'javascript'), ('media/js/impala/**.js', 'javascript'), ('media/js/zamboni/**.js', 'javascript'), ], } # Bundles is a dictionary of two dictionaries, css and js, which list css files # and js files that can be bundled together by the minify app. MINIFY_BUNDLES = { 'css': { # CSS files common to the entire site. 'zamboni/css': ( 'css/legacy/main.css', 'css/legacy/main-mozilla.css', 'css/legacy/jquery-lightbox.css', 'css/legacy/autocomplete.css', 'css/zamboni/zamboni.css', 'css/global/headerfooter.css', 'css/zamboni/tags.css', 'css/zamboni/tabs.css', 'css/impala/formset.less', 'css/impala/suggestions.less', 'css/impala/header.less', 'css/impala/moz-tab.css', 'css/impala/footer.less', 'css/impala/faux-zamboni.less', ), 'zamboni/impala': ( 'css/impala/base.css', 'css/legacy/jquery-lightbox.css', 'css/impala/site.less', 'css/impala/typography.less', 'css/global/headerfooter.css', 'css/impala/forms.less', 'css/impala/header.less', 'css/impala/footer.less', 'css/impala/moz-tab.css', 'css/impala/hovercards.less', 'css/impala/toplist.less', 'css/impala/carousel.less', 'css/impala/reviews.less', 'css/impala/buttons.less', 'css/impala/promos.less', 'css/impala/addon_details.less', 'css/impala/policy.less', 'css/impala/expando.less', 'css/impala/popups.less', 'css/impala/l10n.less', 'css/impala/contributions.less', 'css/impala/lightbox.less', 'css/impala/prose.less', 'css/impala/sharing.less', 'css/impala/abuse.less', 'css/impala/paginator.less', 'css/impala/listing.less', 'css/impala/versions.less', 'css/impala/users.less', 'css/impala/collections.less', 'css/impala/tooltips.less', 'css/impala/search.less', 'css/impala/suggestions.less', 'css/impala/colorpicker.less', 'css/impala/personas.less', 'css/impala/login.less', 'css/impala/dictionaries.less', 'css/impala/apps.less', 'css/impala/formset.less', 'css/impala/tables.less', 'css/impala/compat.less', 'css/impala/localizers.less', ), 'zamboni/stats': ( 'css/impala/stats.less', ), 'zamboni/discovery-pane': ( 'css/zamboni/discovery-pane.css', 'css/impala/promos.less', 'css/legacy/jquery-lightbox.css', ), 'zamboni/devhub': ( 'css/impala/tooltips.less', 'css/zamboni/developers.css', 'css/zamboni/docs.less', 'css/impala/developers.less', 'css/devhub/packager.less', 'css/devhub/listing.less', 'css/devhub/popups.less', 'css/devhub/compat.less', 'css/impala/formset.less', 'css/devhub/forms.less', 'css/devhub/submission.less', ), 'zamboni/devhub_impala': ( 'css/impala/developers.less', 'css/devhub/listing.less', 'css/devhub/popups.less', 'css/devhub/compat.less', 'css/devhub/dashboard.less', 'css/devhub/forms.less', 'css/devhub/submission.less', 'css/devhub/search.less', ), 'zamboni/editors': ( 'css/zamboni/editors.css', ), 'zamboni/files': ( 'css/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shCoreDefault.css', 'css/zamboni/files.css', ), 'zamboni/mobile': ( 'css/zamboni/mobile.css', 'css/mobile/typography.less', 'css/mobile/forms.less', 'css/mobile/header.less', 'css/mobile/search.less', 'css/mobile/listing.less', 'css/mobile/footer.less', ), 'zamboni/admin': ( 'css/zamboni/admin-django.css', 'css/zamboni/admin-mozilla.css', 'css/zamboni/admin_features.css' ), }, 'js': { # JS files common to the entire site (pre-impala). 'common': ( 'js/lib/jquery-1.6.4.js', 'js/lib/underscore.js', 'js/zamboni/browser.js', 'js/amo2009/addons.js', 'js/zamboni/init.js', 'js/impala/capabilities.js', 'js/zamboni/format.js', 'js/lib/jquery.cookie.js', 'js/zamboni/storage.js', 'js/zamboni/apps.js', 'js/zamboni/buttons.js', 'js/zamboni/tabs.js', # jQuery UI 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.core.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.position.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.widget.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.autocomplete.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js', 'js/zamboni/helpers.js', 'js/zamboni/global.js', 'js/amo2009/global.js', 'js/impala/ratingwidget.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jqModal.js', 'js/zamboni/l10n.js', 'js/zamboni/debouncer.js', # Homepage 'js/impala/promos.js', 'js/zamboni/homepage.js', # Add-ons details page 'js/lib/jquery-ui/ui.lightbox.js', 'js/get-satisfaction-v2.js', 'js/zamboni/contributions.js', 'js/zamboni/addon_details.js', 'js/impala/abuse.js', 'js/zamboni/reviews.js', # Personas 'js/lib/jquery.hoverIntent.js', 'js/zamboni/personas_core.js', 'js/zamboni/personas.js', # Collections 'js/zamboni/collections.js', # Performance 'js/zamboni/perf.js', # Users 'js/zamboni/users.js', # Fix-up outgoing links 'js/zamboni/outgoing_links.js', # Hover delay for global header 'js/global/menu.js', # Password length and strength 'js/zamboni/password-strength.js', # Search suggestions 'js/impala/forms.js', 'js/impala/ajaxcache.js', 'js/impala/suggestions.js', ), # Impala: Things to be loaded at the top of the page 'preload': ( 'js/lib/jquery-1.6.4.js', 'js/impala/preloaded.js' ), # Impala: Things to be loaded at the bottom 'impala': ( 'js/lib/underscore.js', 'js/impala/carousel.js', 'js/zamboni/browser.js', 'js/amo2009/addons.js', 'js/zamboni/init.js', 'js/impala/capabilities.js', 'js/zamboni/format.js', 'js/lib/jquery.cookie.js', 'js/zamboni/storage.js', 'js/zamboni/apps.js', 'js/zamboni/buttons.js', 'js/lib/jquery.pjax.js', 'js/impala/footer.js', # BrowserID 'js/zamboni/browserid_support.js', # jQuery UI 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.core.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.position.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.widget.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.autocomplete.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js', 'js/zamboni/truncation.js', 'js/impala/ajaxcache.js', 'js/zamboni/helpers.js', 'js/zamboni/global.js', 'js/impala/global.js', 'js/impala/ratingwidget.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/jqModal.js', 'js/zamboni/l10n.js', 'js/impala/forms.js', # Homepage 'js/impala/promos.js', 'js/impala/homepage.js', # Add-ons details page 'js/lib/jquery-ui/ui.lightbox.js', 'js/get-satisfaction-v2.js', 'js/zamboni/contributions.js', 'js/impala/addon_details.js', 'js/impala/abuse.js', 'js/impala/reviews.js', # Browse listing pages 'js/impala/listing.js', # Personas 'js/lib/jquery.hoverIntent.js', 'js/zamboni/personas_core.js', 'js/zamboni/personas.js', # Persona creation 'js/zamboni/upload.js', 'js/lib/jquery.minicolors.js', 'js/impala/persona_creation.js', # Collections 'js/zamboni/collections.js', 'js/impala/collections.js', # Performance 'js/zamboni/perf.js', # Users 'js/zamboni/users.js', 'js/impala/users.js', # Search 'js/impala/serializers.js', 'js/impala/search.js', 'js/impala/suggestions.js', # Login 'js/impala/login.js', # Fix-up outgoing links 'js/zamboni/outgoing_links.js', 'js/lib/stick.js', ), 'zamboni/discovery': ( 'js/lib/jquery-1.6.4.js', 'js/lib/underscore.js', 'js/zamboni/browser.js', 'js/zamboni/init.js', 'js/impala/capabilities.js', 'js/zamboni/format.js', 'js/impala/carousel.js', # Add-ons details 'js/lib/jquery.cookie.js', 'js/zamboni/storage.js', 'js/zamboni/buttons.js', 'js/lib/jquery-ui/ui.lightbox.js', # Personas 'js/lib/jquery.hoverIntent.js', 'js/zamboni/personas_core.js', 'js/zamboni/personas.js', 'js/zamboni/debouncer.js', 'js/zamboni/truncation.js', 'js/impala/promos.js', 'js/zamboni/discovery_addons.js', 'js/zamboni/discovery_pane.js', ), 'zamboni/discovery-video': ( 'js/lib/popcorn-1.0.js', 'js/zamboni/discovery_video.js', ), 'zamboni/devhub': ( 'js/zamboni/truncation.js', 'js/zamboni/upload.js', 'js/impala/formset.js', 'js/zamboni/devhub.js', 'js/zamboni/validator.js', 'js/zamboni/packager.js', ), 'zamboni/editors': ( 'js/zamboni/editors.js', 'js/lib/highcharts.src.js' ), 'zamboni/files': ( 'js/lib/diff_match_patch_uncompressed.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/xregexp-min.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shCore.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shLegacy.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushAppleScript.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushAS3.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushBash.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushCpp.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushCSharp.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushCss.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushDiff.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushJava.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushJScript.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushPhp.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushPlain.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushPython.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushSass.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushSql.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushVb.js', 'js/lib/syntaxhighlighter/shBrushXml.js', 'js/zamboni/files.js', ), 'zamboni/localizers': ( 'js/zamboni/localizers.js', ), 'zamboni/mobile': ( 'js/lib/jquery-1.6.4.js', 'js/lib/underscore.js', 'js/lib/jqmobile.js', 'js/lib/jquery.cookie.js', 'js/lib/jquery.pjax.js', 'js/impala/pjax.js', 'js/zamboni/apps.js', 'js/zamboni/browser.js', 'js/zamboni/init.js', 'js/impala/capabilities.js', 'js/zamboni/format.js', 'js/zamboni/mobile/buttons.js', 'js/zamboni/truncation.js', 'js/impala/footer.js', 'js/zamboni/personas_core.js', 'js/zamboni/mobile/personas.js', 'js/zamboni/helpers.js', 'js/zamboni/mobile/general.js', 'js/impala/ratingwidget.js', 'js/zamboni/browserid_support.js', ), 'zamboni/stats': ( 'js/lib/jquery-datepicker.js', 'js/lib/highcharts.src.js', 'js/impala/stats/csv_keys.js', 'js/zamboni/stats/helpers.js', # 'js/zamboni/stats/stats_manager.js', # 'js/zamboni/stats/stats_tables.js', # 'js/zamboni/stats/stats.js', 'js/impala/stats/dateutils.js', 'js/impala/stats/manager.js', 'js/impala/stats/controls.js', 'js/impala/stats/overview.js', 'js/impala/stats/topchart.js', 'js/impala/stats/chart.js', 'js/impala/stats/table.js', 'js/impala/stats/stats.js', ), 'zamboni/admin': ( 'js/zamboni/admin.js', 'js/zamboni/admin_features.js', 'js/zamboni/admin_validation.js', ), # This is included when DEBUG is True. Bundle in . 'debug': ( 'js/debug/less_setup.js', 'js/lib/less-1.1.4.js', 'js/debug/less_live.js', ), } } # Caching # Prefix for cache keys (will prevent collisions when running parallel copies) CACHE_PREFIX = 'amo:%s:' % build_id KEY_PREFIX = CACHE_PREFIX FETCH_BY_ID = True # Number of seconds a count() query should be cached. Keep it short because # it's not possible to invalidate these queries. CACHE_COUNT_TIMEOUT = 60 # To enable pylibmc compression (in bytes) PYLIBMC_MIN_COMPRESS_LEN = 0 # disabled # External tools. SPHINX_INDEXER = 'indexer' SPHINX_SEARCHD = 'searchd' SPHINX_CONFIG_PATH = path('configs/sphinx/sphinx.conf') SPHINX_CATALOG_PATH = TMP_PATH + '/data/sphinx' SPHINX_LOG_PATH = TMP_PATH + '/log/searchd' SPHINX_HOST = '' SPHINX_PORT = 3312 SPHINXQL_PORT = 3307 TEST_SPHINX_PORT = 3412 TEST_SPHINXQL_PORT = 3407 TEST_SPHINX_CATALOG_PATH = TMP_PATH + '/test/data/sphinx' TEST_SPHINX_LOG_PATH = TMP_PATH + '/test/log/searchd' SPHINX_TIMEOUT = 1 JAVA_BIN = '/usr/bin/java' # Add-on download settings. MIRROR_DELAY = 30 # Minutes before we serve downloads from mirrors. MIRROR_URL = 'http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/addons' LOCAL_MIRROR_URL = 'https://static.addons.mozilla.net/_files' PRIVATE_MIRROR_URL = '/_privatefiles' # File paths ADDON_ICONS_PATH = UPLOADS_PATH + '/addon_icons' COLLECTIONS_ICON_PATH = UPLOADS_PATH + '/collection_icons' PREVIEWS_PATH = UPLOADS_PATH + '/previews' PERSONAS_PATH = UPLOADS_PATH + '/personas' USERPICS_PATH = UPLOADS_PATH + '/userpics' PACKAGER_PATH = os.path.join(TMP_PATH, 'packager') ADDON_ICONS_DEFAULT_PATH = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'img/addon-icons') PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL_PATH = (PREVIEWS_PATH + '/thumbs/%s/%d.png') PREVIEW_FULL_PATH = (PREVIEWS_PATH + '/full/%s/%d.png') # URL paths # paths for images, e.g. mozcdn.com/amo or '/static' STATIC_URL = SITE_URL ADDON_ICONS_DEFAULT_URL = MEDIA_URL + '/img/addon-icons' ADDON_ICON_BASE_URL = MEDIA_URL + 'img/icons/' ADDON_ICON_URL = ('%s/images/addon_icon/%%d-%%d.png?modified=%%s' % STATIC_URL) PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL_URL = (STATIC_URL + '/img/uploads/previews/thumbs/%s/%d.png?modified=%d') PREVIEW_FULL_URL = (STATIC_URL + '/img/uploads/previews/full/%s/%d.png?modified=%d') USERPICS_URL = STATIC_URL + '/img/uploads/userpics/%s/%s/%s.png?modified=%d' # paths for uploaded extensions COLLECTION_ICON_URL = ('%s/images/collection_icon/%%s.png?modified=%%s' % STATIC_URL) NEW_PERSONAS_IMAGE_URL = (STATIC_URL + '/img/uploads/personas/%(id)d/%(file)s') PERSONAS_IMAGE_URL = ('http://www.getpersonas.com/static/' '%(tens)d/%(units)d/%(id)d/%(file)s') PERSONAS_IMAGE_URL_SSL = ('https://www.getpersonas.com/static/' '%(tens)d/%(units)d/%(id)d/%(file)s') PERSONAS_USER_ROOT = 'http://www.getpersonas.com/gallery/designer/%s' PERSONAS_UPDATE_URL = 'https://www.getpersonas.com/update_check/%d' # Outgoing URL bouncer REDIRECT_URL = 'http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/' REDIRECT_SECRET_KEY = '' # Allow URLs from these servers. Use full domain names. REDIRECT_URL_WHITELIST = ['addons.mozilla.org'] # Default to short expiration; check "remember me" to override SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cached_db' SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 1209600 SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = ".%s" % DOMAIN # bug 608797 MESSAGE_STORAGE = 'django.contrib.messages.storage.cookie.CookieStorage' # These should have app+locale at the start to avoid redirects LOGIN_URL = "/users/login" LOGOUT_URL = "/users/logout" LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/" LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = "/" # When logging in with browser ID, a username is created automatically. # In the case of duplicates, the process is recursive up to this number # of times. MAX_GEN_USERNAME_TRIES = 50 # When True, prompt user to fill in his username / display name if he # registered with browser ID FORCE_PROFILE_COMPLETION = True # Legacy Settings # used by old-style CSRF token CAKE_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 8640 # PayPal Settings PAYPAL_API_VERSION = '78' PAYPAL_APP_ID = '' # URLs for various calls. PAYPAL_API_URL = 'https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp' PAYPAL_CGI_URL = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' PAYPAL_PAY_URL = 'https://svcs.paypal.com/AdaptivePayments/' PAYPAL_FLOW_URL = 'https://paypal.com/webapps/adaptivepayment/flow/pay' PAYPAL_PERMISSIONS_URL = 'https://svcs.paypal.com/Permissions/' PAYPAL_JS_URL = 'https://www.paypalobjects.com/js/external/dg.js' # Permissions for the live or sandbox servers PAYPAL_EMBEDDED_AUTH = {'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'SIGNATURE': ''} # PayPal split for Adaptive Payments. # A tuple of lists of % and destination. PAYPAL_CHAINS = () # If the refund request is under this amount of seconds, it will be instant. PAYPAL_REFUND_INSTANT = 30 * 60 # Contribution limit, one time and monthly MAX_CONTRIBUTION = 1000 # Email settings DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "Mozilla Add-ons " # Email goes to the console by default. s/console/smtp/ for regular delivery EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' # Please use all lowercase for the blacklist. EMAIL_BLACKLIST = ( 'nobody@mozilla.org', ) ## Celery BROKER_HOST = 'localhost' BROKER_PORT = 5672 BROKER_USER = 'zamboni' BROKER_PASSWORD = 'zamboni' BROKER_VHOST = 'zamboni' BROKER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 0.1 CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'amqp' CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT = True CELERY_IMPORTS = ('django_arecibo.tasks', 'delayed_mailer.tasks') # We have separate celeryds for processing devhub & images as fast as possible # Some notes: # - always add routes here instead of @task(queue=) # - when adding a queue, be sure to update deploy.py so that it gets restarted CELERY_ROUTES = { # Devhub. 'devhub.tasks.validator': {'queue': 'devhub'}, 'devhub.tasks.compatibility_check': {'queue': 'devhub'}, 'devhub.tasks.fetch_manifest': {'queue': 'devhub'}, 'devhub.tasks.fetch_icon': {'queue': 'devhub'}, 'devhub.tasks.file_validator': {'queue': 'devhub'}, 'devhub.tasks.packager': {'queue': 'devhub'}, # Images. 'bandwagon.tasks.resize_icon': {'queue': 'images'}, 'users.tasks.resize_photo': {'queue': 'images'}, 'users.tasks.delete_photo': {'queue': 'images'}, 'devhub.tasks.resize_icon': {'queue': 'images'}, 'devhub.tasks.resize_preview': {'queue': 'images'}, # Bulk. 'zadmin.tasks.bulk_validate_file': {'queue': 'bulk'}, 'zadmin.tasks.tally_validation_results': {'queue': 'bulk'}, 'zadmin.tasks.add_validation_jobs': {'queue': 'bulk'}, 'zadmin.tasks.notify_success': {'queue': 'bulk'}, 'zadmin.tasks.notify_failed': {'queue': 'bulk'}, 'devhub.tasks.flag_binary': {'queue': 'bulk'}, 'stats.tasks.index_update_counts': {'queue': 'bulk'}, 'stats.tasks.index_download_counts': {'queue': 'bulk'}, } # When testing, we always want tasks to raise exceptions. Good for sanity. CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS = True # Time in seconds before celery.exceptions.SoftTimeLimitExceeded is raised. # The task can catch that and recover but should exit ASAP. Note that there is # a separate, shorter timeout for validation tasks. CELERYD_TASK_SOFT_TIME_LIMIT = 60 * 2 ## Fixture Magic CUSTOM_DUMPS = { 'addon': { # ./manage.py custom_dump addon id 'primary': 'addons.addon', # This is our reference model. 'dependents': [ # These are items we wish to dump. # Magic turns this into current_version.files.all()[0]. 'current_version.files.all.0', 'current_version.apps.all.0', 'addonuser_set.all.0', ], 'order': ('applications.application', 'translations.translation', 'addons.addontype', 'files.platform', 'addons.addon', 'versions.license', 'versions.version', 'files.file'), 'excludes': { 'addons.addon': ('_current_version',), } } } ## Hera (http://github.com/clouserw/hera) HERA = [{'USERNAME': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'LOCATION': '', }] # Logging LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG HAS_SYSLOG = True # syslog is used if HAS_SYSLOG and NOT DEBUG. SYSLOG_TAG = "http_app_addons" SYSLOG_TAG2 = "http_app_addons2" # See PEP 391 and log_settings.py for formatting help. Each section of # LOGGING will get merged into the corresponding section of # log_settings.py. Handlers and log levels are set up automatically based # on LOG_LEVEL and DEBUG unless you set them here. Messages will not # propagate through a logger unless propagate: True is set. LOGGING_CONFIG = None LOGGING = { 'loggers': { 'amqplib': {'handlers': ['null']}, 'caching.invalidation': {'handlers': ['null']}, 'caching': {'level': logging.WARNING}, 'pyes': {'handlers': ['null']}, 'rdflib': {'handlers': ['null']}, 'suds': {'handlers': ['null']}, 'z.sphinx': {'level': logging.INFO}, 'z.task': {'level': logging.INFO}, 'z.es': {'level': logging.INFO}, 'nose': {'level': logging.WARNING}, }, } CEF_PRODUCT = "amo" # CSP Settings CSP_REPORT_URI = '/services/csp/report' CSP_POLICY_URI = '/services/csp/policy?build=%s' % build_id CSP_REPORT_ONLY = True CSP_ALLOW = ("'self'",) CSP_IMG_SRC = ("'self'", STATIC_URL, "https://www.google.com", # Recaptcha comes from google "https://statse.webtrendslive.com", "https://www.getpersonas.com", "https://s3.amazonaws.com", # getsatisfaction ) CSP_SCRIPT_SRC = ("'self'", STATIC_URL, "https://www.google.com", # Recaptcha "https://browserid.org", "https://www.paypalobjects.com", ) CSP_STYLE_SRC = ("'self'", STATIC_URL,) CSP_OBJECT_SRC = ("'none'",) CSP_MEDIA_SRC = ("'none'",) CSP_FRAME_SRC = ("https://s3.amazonaws.com", # getsatisfaction "https://getsatisfaction.com", # getsatisfaction ) CSP_FONT_SRC = ("'self'", "fonts.mozilla.org", "www.mozilla.org", ) # self is needed for paypal which sends x-frame-options:allow when needed. # x-frame-options:DENY is sent the rest of the time. CSP_FRAME_ANCESTORS = ("'self'",) # Should robots.txt deny everything or disallow a calculated list of URLs we # don't want to be crawled? Default is false, disallow everything. # Also see http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=93710 ENGAGE_ROBOTS = False # Read-only mode setup. READ_ONLY = False # Turn on read-only mode in settings_local.py by putting this line # at the VERY BOTTOM: read_only_mode(globals()) def read_only_mode(env): env['READ_ONLY'] = True # Replace the default (master) db with a slave connection. if not env.get('SLAVE_DATABASES'): raise Exception("We need at least one slave database.") slave = env['SLAVE_DATABASES'][0] env['DATABASES']['default'] = env['DATABASES'][slave] # No sessions without the database, so disable auth. env['AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS'] = ('users.backends.NoAuthForYou',) # Add in the read-only middleware before csrf middleware. extra = 'amo.middleware.ReadOnlyMiddleware' before = 'session_csrf.CsrfMiddleware' m = list(env['MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES']) m.insert(m.index(before), extra) env['MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES'] = tuple(m) # Uploaded file limits MAX_ICON_UPLOAD_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 MAX_PHOTO_UPLOAD_SIZE = MAX_ICON_UPLOAD_SIZE MAX_PERSONA_UPLOAD_SIZE = 300 * 1024 MAX_WEBAPP_UPLOAD_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024 # RECAPTCHA - copy all three statements to settings_local.py RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '' RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '' RECAPTCHA_URL = ('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/challenge?k=%s' % RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY) # Send Django signals asynchronously on a background thread. ASYNC_SIGNALS = True # Performance notes on add-ons PERFORMANCE_NOTES = False # Used to flag slow addons. # If slowness of addon is THRESHOLD percent slower, show a warning. PERF_THRESHOLD = 25 REDIS_BACKENDS = {'master': 'redis://localhost:6379?socket_timeout=0.5'} # Directory of JavaScript test files for django_qunit to run QUNIT_TEST_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'js', 'zamboni', 'tests') # Full path or executable path (relative to $PATH) of the spidermonkey js # binary. It must be a version compatible with amo-validator SPIDERMONKEY = None VALIDATE_ADDONS = True # Number of seconds before celery tasks will abort addon validation: VALIDATOR_TIMEOUT = 90 # When True include full tracebacks in JSON. This is useful for QA on preview. EXPOSE_VALIDATOR_TRACEBACKS = False # Feature flags SEARCH_EXCLUDE_PERSONAS = True UNLINK_SITE_STATS = True # Set to True if we're allowed to use X-SENDFILE. XSENDFILE = True MOBILE_COOKIE = 'mamo' # If the users's Firefox has a version number greater than this we consider it # a beta. MIN_BETA_VERSION = '3.7' DEFAULT_SUGGESTED_CONTRIBUTION = 5 # Path to `ps`. PS_BIN = '/bin/ps' BLOCKLIST_COOKIE = 'BLOCKLIST_v1' # Responsys id used for newsletter subscribing RESPONSYS_ID = '' # The maximum file size that is shown inside the file viewer. FILE_VIEWER_SIZE_LIMIT = 1048576 # The maximum file size that you can have inside a zip file. FILE_UNZIP_SIZE_LIMIT = 104857600 # How long to delay modify updates to cope with alleged NFS slowness. MODIFIED_DELAY = 3 # This is a list of dictionaries that we should generate compat info for. # app: should match amo.FIREFOX.id. # main: the app version we're generating compat info for. # versions: version numbers to show in comparisons. # previous: the major version before :main. COMPAT = ( # Firefox. dict(app=1, main='11.0', versions=('11.0', '11.0a2', '11.0a1'), previous='10.0'), dict(app=1, main='10.0', versions=('10.0', '10.0a2', '10.0a1'), previous='9.0'), dict(app=1, main='9.0', versions=('9.0', '9.0a2', '9.0a1'), previous='8.0'), dict(app=1, main='8.0', versions=('8.0', '8.0a2', '8.0a1'), previous='7.0'), dict(app=1, main='7.0', versions=('7.0', '7.0a2', '7.0a1'), previous='6.0'), dict(app=1, main='6.0', versions=('6.0', '6.0a2', '6.0a1'), previous='5.0'), dict(app=1, main='5.0', versions=('5.0', '5.0a2', '5.0a1'), previous='4.0'), dict(app=1, main='4.0', versions=('4.0', '4.0a1', '3.7a'), previous='3.6'), # Thunderbird. dict(app=18, main='6.0', versions=('6.0', '6.0a2', '6.0a1'), previous='5.0'), # Seamonkey. dict(app=59, main='2.3', versions=('2.3', '2.3b', '2.3a'), previous='2.2'), ) # Latest nightly version of Firefox. NIGHTLY_VERSION = COMPAT[0]['main'] # Default minimum version of Firefox/Thunderbird for Add-on Packager. DEFAULT_MINVER = COMPAT[4]['main'] # URL for reporting arecibo errors too. If not set, won't be sent. ARECIBO_SERVER_URL = "" # Make AMO group posts and wait for 60 seconds when we get lots of errors. ARECIBO_SETTINGS = { 'GROUP_POSTS': True, 'GROUP_WAIT': 60, } # A whitelist of domains that the authentication script will redirect to upon # successfully logging in or out. VALID_LOGIN_REDIRECTS = { 'builder': 'https://builder.addons.mozilla.org', 'builderstage': 'https://builder-addons.allizom.org', 'buildertrunk': 'https://builder-addons-dev.allizom.org', } # Secret key we send to builder so we can trust responses from the builder. BUILDER_SECRET_KEY = 'love will tear us apart' # The builder URL we hit to upgrade jetpacks. BUILDER_UPGRADE_URL = 'https://addons.mozilla.org/services/builder' BUILDER_VERSIONS_URL = ('https://builder.addons.mozilla.org/repackage/' + 'sdk-versions/') ## Elastic Search ES_HOSTS = [''] ES_INDEXES = {'default': 'amo', 'update_counts': 'amo_stats', 'download_counts': 'amo_stats'} ES_TIMEOUT = 5 # Default AMO user id to use for tasks. TASK_USER_ID = 4757633 # If this is False, tasks and other jobs that send non-critical emails should # use a fake email backend. SEND_REAL_EMAIL = False STATSD_HOST = 'localhost' STATSD_PORT = 8125 STATSD_PREFIX = 'amo' # The django statsd client to use, see django-statsd for more. STATSD_CLIENT = 'django_statsd.clients.normal' GRAPHITE_HOST = 'localhost' GRAPHITE_PORT = 2003 GRAPHITE_PREFIX = 'amo' GRAPHITE_TIMEOUT = 1 # URL to the service that triggers addon performance tests. See devhub.perf. PERF_TEST_URL = 'http://areweperftestingyet.com/trigger.cgi' PERF_TEST_TIMEOUT = 5 # seconds # IP addresses of servers we use as proxies. KNOWN_PROXIES = [] # Blog URL DEVELOPER_BLOG_URL = 'http://blog.mozilla.com/addons/feed/' LOGIN_RATELIMIT_USER = 5 LOGIN_RATELIMIT_ALL_USERS = '15/m' # If this is true all new webapps go into an approval queue. If it's false then # they go public immediately. WEBAPPS_RESTRICTED = True # The verification URL, the addon id will be appended to this. This will # have to be altered to the right domain for each server, eg: # https://receiptcheck.addons.mozilla.org/verify/ WEBAPPS_RECEIPT_URL = '%s/verify/' % SITE_URL # The key we'll use to sign webapp receipts. WEBAPPS_RECEIPT_KEY = '' # If True, we'll only accept receipts containing store data. This should # be removed after apps-preview is completed. See # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=705814 WEBAPPS_RECEIPT_REQUIRE_STOREDATA = False # If True, only allow one webapp per domain. WEBAPPS_UNIQUE_BY_DOMAIN = True # How long a watermarked addon should be re-used for, after this # time it will be regenerated. WATERMARK_REUSE_SECONDS = 1800 # How long a watermarked addon should wait before being deleted # by a cron. Setting this far apart from the reuse flag so that we # shouldn't have an overlap. WATERMARK_CLEANUP_SECONDS = 3600 # Used in providing a hash for the download of the addon. WATERMARK_SECRET_KEY = '' CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW = 'amo.views.csrf_failure' # CSS selector for what part of the response to return in an X-PJAX request PJAX_SELECTOR = '#page' # Testing responsiveness without rate limits. CELERY_DISABLE_RATE_LIMITS = True # Temporary variables for the app-preview server, set this to True # if you want to experience app-preview.mozilla.org. APP_PREVIEW = False # Specific view modules and methods that we don't want to force login on. NO_LOGIN_REQUIRED_MODULES = ( 'csp.views.policy', 'csp.views.report', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset', 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_done' ) # Sets an upper limit on the number of users. If 0, it's ignored. If the # number of users meets or exceeds this, they can't register. REGISTER_USER_LIMIT = 0 # Set this token to a string value to enable users to override the # registration limit. For example, with a token of 'mozillians' anyone can # bypass the limit by adding ?ro=mozillians to the URL. REGISTER_OVERRIDE_TOKEN = None NO_ADDONS_MODULES = ( 'addons.views', 'devhub.views.dashboard', # The apps dashboard is a different view. 'devhub.views.submit', # Addon submit not ok, app submit a-ok. 'browse.views.personas', 'browse.views.extensions', 'browse.views.language_tools', 'browse.views.themes', ) # Cron jobs that aren't critical will check this flag and not run if this # is True. IGNORE_NON_CRITICAL_CRONS = False # How long to delay sending traceback emails for, see django-delayed-mailer. DELAYED_MAILER_WAIT = 60